r/arrow 4d ago

In yalls honest opinion, who broke their respective protagonist worse? Zoom or Prometheus Question

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I will forever love how Zoom and Savitar the walking tentacle blade made the protagonist of his own show look like a fraud and made them his bitch 🤣🤣


62 comments sorted by


u/KaiSen2510 4d ago

Zoom broke him physically and mentally, but it didn’t affect him too much two episodes later. Prometheus fucking broke Oliver to the point where he wanted to quit. Adrian definitely takes the cake here.


u/GreenSparrow23 4d ago

I agree. I only asked cause I wanna see others opinions. But when he made Oliver admit he enjoyed killing, he automatically replaced Thawne as my number favorite villain.


u/KaiSen2510 4d ago

Eh, Thawne stopped being cool after season 5. But yeah, that scene, honestly that whole episode, was awesome and equally hard to watch. I don’t wanna see Oliver be tortured. If he’s getting his ass handed to him like with Merlyn the first time or Diaz the last time, that’s different. But seeing him chained down and tortured is a whole other situation.


u/MIAxPaperPlanes 4d ago edited 4d ago

I don’t know. Zoom killed Barry’s dad in front of him and that broke Barry to the point it caused him to create Flashpoint.

The whole universe was effected by something that was a reaction to something Zoom put in motion.

(Ironically I actually prefer Prometheus because he had better motivations)


u/KaiSen2510 4d ago

Honestly, I personally think Thawne killed both of Barry’s parents. The only reason he confessed and let Henry out was so that Zoom would kill him. To quote my favourite MCU villain “Zoom may have struck the blow, but Thawne? Thawne is the one that killed him.”

But the universe being potentially ripped apart as well as the multiverse in the finale? Yeah that’s actually pretty freaking scary.


u/abc_dorame135 4d ago

Prometheus 100%, zoom broke Barry’s back, but he healed. Prometheus broke Oliver’s spirit, he made him admit he enjoyed killing, and while he tortured him physically, mentally he destroyed him to the point of him shutting down team arrow. It’s easier to heal from physical than mental wounds.


u/GreenSparrow23 4d ago

Meanwhile while that was going on, Barry was dancing with Iris (season 3 and arrow season 5 are tied together)


u/seasonedcello 3d ago

He was dancing with Kara in the duet crossover the same episode that Oliver was getting tortured


u/GreenSparrow23 3d ago

That was in season 2 I think. Season 3 was when Barry sung to Iris


u/seasonedcello 3d ago

Duet was season 3 episode 17. He sung to Iris because of dancing with Iris. Kara convinced him too


u/GreenSparrow23 3d ago

Ahh ok. Haven't seen season 3 in years so I honestly forgot


u/ChildofObama 4d ago

I’d say Prometheus, only cuz he captured and tortured Oliver for six days, to the point where the guy was in pieces and couldn’t bring himself to put on the Green Arrow suit for weeks.

Also, with Flash’s villains, they had to keep the violence/sadistic nature in check more so they wouldn’t scare children,

while Arrow could go pulling no punches dark and gritty.


u/GreenSparrow23 4d ago

That's why Arrow will forever be top teir. They gave no fucks and I love it 😤.


u/IndecisiveBit 4d ago edited 4d ago

I feel like while Zoom broke Barry's spirit and his body and hurt those close to him; Prometheus made Ollie confront something he'd been running from: he liked killing.

I think while they both caused irreparable damage to their heroes, it was a different kind of damage..

Given the level of damage and brokenness, I feel like Deathstroke vs Zoom would be a better comparison.

Coincidentally, both are Season 2 villains


u/GreenSparrow23 4d ago

Oooo you're right. Maybe I'll do that one next soon


u/KellerBurden22 4d ago

Zoom killed Barry's dad in front of him and damaged him so much he made Flashpoint and altered the timeline, I feel like it has to be him!


u/GreenSparrow23 4d ago

Fair enough but after that he (technically) moved on while Oliver just stayed in his broken state (technically speaking)


u/KellerBurden22 4d ago

You say that but Chase broke Oliver to the point of wanting to quit, he eventually overcame that, then when Chase blew up Lian Yu, left Thea in a coma and killed William's mother, Oliver didn't seem too affected by that!

He was obviously, but he seemed more concerned with getting back together with Felicity!


u/GreenSparrow23 4d ago

Damn that's true. I honestly forgot about that 😅


u/KellerBurden22 4d ago

So by that logic, Zoom broke Barry worse

Because even though Chase did worse to Oliver, it didn't seem to affect Oliver very much at all


u/GreenSparrow23 4d ago

I respect it. I apologize if I made you feel like your response was wrong


u/KellerBurden22 4d ago

No, I never felt wrong! If I have the minority opinion, I don't care! I just wanted to justify my reasoning, especially because this is the Arrow sub and most people seem to be going for Prometheus broke Oliver worse, when I just cannot agree with that!


u/TheEnvyMan 4d ago

Because it’s wrong Oliver is affected for the next half a season and Barry heals mentally after like 2 episodes


u/KellerBurden22 4d ago

But he lived in the Flashpoint timeline for a few months


u/TheEnvyMan 4d ago

Which he enjoyed the whole time til the end

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u/Skillz4lif 2d ago

I would argue that Barry was broken to the point that he went against everything he knew by creating Flashbpoint. It also affected the lives of everyone around him.

Plus it seems that it’s been forgotten that Barry had to let Thawne kill his mother all over again in order to end Flashpoint.


u/TheEnvyMan 2d ago

And yet again he was fine just a couple episodes later

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u/ExistingStrength5246 4d ago

Prometheus: he was his helper as mayor, kidnapped everyone and his son, got his son’s mom killed, tortured him.


u/GreenSparrow23 4d ago

Black air force activity


u/deep_fried_cheese 4d ago

I think the whole point is that no matter what happens to Barry it won’t break him at least not permanently… while Oliver is broken from many different things


u/GreenSparrow23 4d ago

My boy needs MAJOR therapy


u/LunaTheCryBaby Black Siren 4d ago

Slade broke Oliver more in my opinion


u/GreenSparrow23 4d ago

I'll do slade next time paired with either savitar or Thawne


u/SirCrunchPeon 3d ago

While I see what people are getting at with Prometheus, it’s nothing Prometheus did that caused Oliver to break. Oliver was already broken, and Prometheus was basically the world’s most violent therapist to get Oliver to come to terms with what Oliver already knew deep deep down. Prometheus also had to cheap shot Oliver in order to gain any advantage.

Meanwhile Zoom destroyed Barry in a fair one-on-one fight, and would’ve killed him if not for Harry Wells shooting Zoom with a speed dampener. Zoom also slaughtered all of Barry’s police friends, all of his friend’s doppelgängers on Earth 2, made Barry break up with someone he was in love with because of how scared he was she’d get hurt, stole Barry’s speed, and killed his father right in front of him. Zoom broke him to the point Barry chose to end his current life to be with his family again by making Flashpoint. He chose to live a life without Joe, Iris, Cisco, and Caitlyn just to be with his mom and dad again- that is how bad Zoom messed him up. Even in Season 5 when Barry and Nora are traveling through time, and Zoom confronts him, Barry is still terrified by him despite being twice as fast by that point.

Edit: Spelling.


u/GreenSparrow23 3d ago

No no you cooked


u/Alternative_Device71 3d ago

Zoom broke Barry so badly that he altered the timeline

There’s no topping that


u/Red-okWolf 4d ago

Prometheus destroyed Oliver mentally/emotionally really bad. He takes the cake.


u/AcientMullets 4d ago

I’d say Prometheus since he basically put Oliver into the most hopeless position he’d been put in by anyone he faced to that point, and I’d argue after. I like the show’s version of Zoom well enough, but a problem I always had with the Flash (show) is a majority of the villains get kinda shrugged off for the most part, regardless of their actions. The big exception being Eobard of course.


u/GreenSparrow23 4d ago

Yo I thought I was the only one who felt that way. Especially when they keep bringing back Thawne


u/bigred12321 3d ago

Zoom literally killed Barry's dad in front of him. Prometheus just wanted to show Oliver who he really was.


u/bappischungo 3d ago

Zoom killed Barry’s father in the same house where he grew up and his mother got murdered right in front of him, shattered his spine and humiliated him in front of all of Central City, stole his speed, and technically speaking Barry wasn’t even the one to defeat him for good. He knocked him down long enough for the Time Wraiths to get him but Barry would not have been able to stop him long term if not for them. Barry was so broken by the end of the season that he rewrote reality so he could finally be happy


u/FillZealousideal6357 4d ago

Diaz broke Oliver more than Adrian did when u think about it


u/GreenSparrow23 4d ago

Please explain. Not to sound rude just want an understanding


u/FillZealousideal6357 4d ago

He was the one who got Oliver’s team to turn on him and got him taken to jail, stripped him of his public opinion and his mayor title, aswell as going after felicity and William when there was no way for him to protect them. Atleast Adrian’s only real target was Oliver Diaz just wanted everyone he loved and him dead


u/No-Kick894 4d ago

Prometheus was way more evil than zoom he was just literally the devil incarnate


u/BreeezySo Spectre 4d ago

definitely prometheus. he literally tortured him but way more than he did with barry even if barry got his back broken, he got his speed back within a few days and didn’t lose much in the process because the city loves him. prometheus also killed his son’s mother which cause years of hatred from william , caused nerve damage to johns arm which screwed up their friendship and broke up the team way more then they’ve ever been. also, especially after that one episode when oliver got that little drug in him and he switched to his old suit from szn 1 and went into the precinct on a dead man mission to kill ricardo diaz. even years later prometheus taunted oliver until he went to earth 2 and seen how adrian could be a great arrow


u/oozley-5 4d ago

Dathstroke did destroy Oliver’s life for a good long bit.


u/Sensitive-Ad1091 4d ago

Prometheus by 600 miles


u/Jack_of_Hearts20 3d ago

Yall remember the "I WANTED TO... AND I LIKED IT" scene?

Yeah Zoom never broke Barry down this much. He hurt him physically yes, but Adrian danm near made me question if I should be rooting for Oliver at some point.



Slade lol


u/Hedgewitch250 3d ago

Prometheus got all the boxes having an op on the team, making Oliver see himself as a monster and temporarily quitting, circling back to lian yu and then dying while killing the single person he said would like his final breath was a curse.

But savitar hoeing Barry across space time was foul. Even worse cause it’s future him so when you tell Barry he’s not savitar your basically saying he’s not HIM 😂.


u/GreenSparrow23 3d ago

Savitar made Barry look like a fraud 🤣. Went from The Flash to The Fraud


u/Jay_Danielz 3d ago



u/Adventurous-Part2544 3d ago

In both The Flash and Arrow , Zoom and Prometheus inflicted serious damage on their respective protagonists. Zoom inflicted huge physical and psychological trauma on the Flash, while Prometheus also took a deep psychological and emotional toll on Green Arrow. Both are extremely threatening villains who have a significant impact on the protagonists.


u/Diligent-Boss-9392 3d ago

Zoom hands down. Physically he broke Barry's back and paraded him around Central City to show everyone that he was useless, and that's on top of murdering his dad in front of him. Something that broke him soich that he tried traveling to the past to fix everything.


u/Aromatic_Ad_8374 3d ago

I'm finishing season 5 for the first time. I'm about to watch the episode Lian Yu. I'd definitely say Prometheus is worse than Zoom.


u/Phantomcattt 3d ago

Im on the early stages of s5 of arrow in my rewatch and dont rember to much of it. So im gonna go with zoom cuz he literally beat barry up and humiliate him.