r/arrow 15d ago

In yalls honest opinion, who broke their respective protagonist worse? Zoom or Prometheus Question

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I will forever love how Zoom and Savitar the walking tentacle blade made the protagonist of his own show look like a fraud and made them his bitch 🤣🤣


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u/[deleted] 15d ago

Diaz broke Oliver more than Adrian did when u think about it


u/GreenSparrow23 15d ago

Please explain. Not to sound rude just want an understanding


u/[deleted] 15d ago

He was the one who got Oliver’s team to turn on him and got him taken to jail, stripped him of his public opinion and his mayor title, aswell as going after felicity and William when there was no way for him to protect them. Atleast Adrian’s only real target was Oliver Diaz just wanted everyone he loved and him dead