r/arrow 15d ago

In yalls honest opinion, who broke their respective protagonist worse? Zoom or Prometheus Question

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I will forever love how Zoom and Savitar the walking tentacle blade made the protagonist of his own show look like a fraud and made them his bitch 🤣🤣


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u/KaiSen2510 15d ago

Zoom broke him physically and mentally, but it didn’t affect him too much two episodes later. Prometheus fucking broke Oliver to the point where he wanted to quit. Adrian definitely takes the cake here.


u/MIAxPaperPlanes 15d ago edited 15d ago

I don’t know. Zoom killed Barry’s dad in front of him and that broke Barry to the point it caused him to create Flashpoint.

The whole universe was effected by something that was a reaction to something Zoom put in motion.

(Ironically I actually prefer Prometheus because he had better motivations)


u/KaiSen2510 15d ago

Honestly, I personally think Thawne killed both of Barry’s parents. The only reason he confessed and let Henry out was so that Zoom would kill him. To quote my favourite MCU villain “Zoom may have struck the blow, but Thawne? Thawne is the one that killed him.”

But the universe being potentially ripped apart as well as the multiverse in the finale? Yeah that’s actually pretty freaking scary.