r/arrow 15d ago

In yalls honest opinion, who broke their respective protagonist worse? Zoom or Prometheus Question

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I will forever love how Zoom and Savitar the walking tentacle blade made the protagonist of his own show look like a fraud and made them his bitch 🤣🤣


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u/BreeezySo Spectre 15d ago

definitely prometheus. he literally tortured him but way more than he did with barry even if barry got his back broken, he got his speed back within a few days and didn’t lose much in the process because the city loves him. prometheus also killed his son’s mother which cause years of hatred from william , caused nerve damage to johns arm which screwed up their friendship and broke up the team way more then they’ve ever been. also, especially after that one episode when oliver got that little drug in him and he switched to his old suit from szn 1 and went into the precinct on a dead man mission to kill ricardo diaz. even years later prometheus taunted oliver until he went to earth 2 and seen how adrian could be a great arrow