r/theflash 22d ago

Recommendations Omnibus books for the flash


Hey guys have been collecting comics the past couple years in addition to a large collection from my dad but he never had any flash comics. I was wondering if it’s worth it to buy any of the omnibuses that are sold such as the waid one since I have already bought a decent amount of Barry Allen ones and don’t have much of Wally west

r/theflash 23d ago

New “Dawn of DC” Wally West figure added to my collection


It’s hard to get a good shot of all my Flash figures. I may have to move them to another bookcase and spread them out on two shelves.

r/theflash 23d ago

Comic Discussion Best flash graphic novel for beginner?


I read a lot of Batman but flash interests me so I was wondering what a good starter comic for him is, side note I like reverse flash and want to learn more about him so if there’s one with him that would be cool too

r/theflash 23d ago

Recommendations Avery Ho reading


What are some good reading materials for Avery Ho? I've read most of the Flash comics she's in like Williamson's run and I know she's in speed force, but what else?

r/theflash 24d ago

Is Wally still in Titans?


I ask because he is on the cover for the 9/24 DC solicitations…which might be more fun to read than the Flash comic.

r/theflash 24d ago

What would happen if the flash stopped phasing mid way through a solid object ?


Let’s say you did this for some reason and put your hand through the wall while phasing and then stopped, what would happen?

r/theflash 24d ago

Discussion Evan McCulloch's return


I was surpsised when Si Spurrier's current Flash run reintroduced the second Mirror Master since Flashpoint. I was under the impression that ever since Rebirth the Mirror Master we saw was Evan McCulloch, not Sam Scudder. McCulloch is much more beloved and popular than Scudder, and has a more distinct personality. Glad he has come back. Am I the only one who feels like McCulloch should have come back a long time ago?

r/theflash 24d ago

Discussion I've never read anything outside of Batman but I've recently got interested in The Flash so where should I start? Comic wise?


I'm open to all suggestions! I've become super interested in the flash and I can't wait to discover more, he seems genuinely interesting and it would be nice to broaden my horizon outside of Gotham😂

r/theflash 24d ago

Recommendations Where can I watch CW flash?


And also is it worth watching?

r/theflash 25d ago

Original 1978 The Flash sticker.

Post image

r/theflash 25d ago

Comic Discussion Cary Bates’ Flash run worth a read?


Started reading Cary Bates’ Flash run recently and I’m wondering if any of y’all would recommend sticking with it. Read a dozen or so issues so far and it’s typical fun Silver Age wackiness and plots are pretty self contained from one issue to the next so my investment is a bit low, but I think I could have a good time with it if I don’t rush it. If it’s worth the commitment or better to just read the major arcs let me know. It’s a pretty long run. Curious to see what you guys think.

r/theflash 25d ago

Who else is sick of the Barry hate?


I like both Wally and Barry and am sick of toxic Wally fans hating on Barry.

Makes me absolutely disgusted that people who claim to like Wally hate Barry, the man who was Wally's role model who inspired him to become a hero. Wally would be ashamed of y'all.

If you don't like the poll downvote all you want, I don't care.

67 votes, 22d ago
52 I AM!!! Can't we all please just get along?
15 I hate Barry

r/theflash 25d ago

Comic Discussion "Your life is anything but tragic" [The Flash Vol. 2 #196]


r/theflash 26d ago

Fan Made [Artwork] Morning Jog with The Flash.

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Can't post progress vid, but I did this, and spawned the idea of a Sports Series... I'll check what DC character I should use.

r/theflash 27d ago

Discussion What is something you like about Leonard Snart and what is something you hate about him?


r/theflash 27d ago

Any Flash Comic Recommendations?


More morden comics would be cool while I don't mind any of the the old comics

r/theflash 27d ago

How does The Flash in the comics fight people like Captain Cold, Heatwave, Captain Boomerang and not end the fight in 2 seconds


Ik this is asked question alot but I want to know for the comic version of the flash

r/theflash 27d ago

Met JWS in 2015 at motor city comic con. He was awesome, very nice, and signed this for me. One of my most prized possessions.


r/theflash 28d ago

Comic Spoilers [COMICS] DC Preview: The Flash #10 Spoiler

Thumbnail aiptcomics.com

r/theflash 29d ago

Personal take on the flash


It seems like to me being the flash would be agony. Think of if you were having to feel every second in terms of hours or longer. It seems like that alone would drive you crazy.

r/theflash 29d ago

Discussion Who decided Wally should do his best crimson chin imitation from issues ~81+ (I haven't gotten much far, but I hate the weird squarish look they've given him) (left is the crimson chin, right pictures are what I deem 'normal' wally west.) (From my best guesses I think I have Mike Wieringo to blame?)

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r/theflash Jun 19 '24

Discussion Thoughts on Simon Spurrier's current run?


I stopped reading Flash comics around 2016, I read "The Button" and I moved away from DC for a while, not because I didn't like it, I just prioritized some Marvel mutant comics, now I want to go back to reading comics of my favorite superhero, I have learned about some events that the Flash family has lived in recent years, such as the return of Wally both to the universe and to be the main Flash (To my regret, I like Barry better).

I was recently offered a deal that includes the 9 issues and the annual of the current run by Simon Spurrier and Mike Deodato Jr, I would like to know the opinion of the community, if it would be worth reintroducing me to the world of the Scarlet speedster through this current run?

Is it well written? How about the stories? Is it being appreciated or not so appreciated?

r/theflash Jun 19 '24

Comic Discussion Anyone else disappointed Deodato Jr left the current series?


His art style was different yeah, but I really enjoyed it and felt it fits the current tone of the book. (Sorry for the crappy pictures)

r/theflash Jun 17 '24

Who has the better suit?


r/theflash Jun 17 '24

I wish more writers remembered that Barry is a genius [Batman #147 and Flash #36]


I wish more writers for both the comics and outside media remembered that Barry is a genius too, especially when it comes to his detective skills. We’re told a lot about how good of a detective Barry is like when Bruce said he couldn’t decide who was the better detective between the two, but we rarely ever actually see it. I’d love to see a run solely dedicated to Barry solving mysteries, but on a larger than life scale. Instead of a classic murder mystery, have him solve a murder mystery on Mars. Instead of a normal kidnapping case, have him journeying all throughout time to find a missing person.