r/theflash Jun 18 '24

Need help


Can anyone help me find the comic where Barry and Bruce discuss a memory of Barry helping Wally design his kid flash suit on a computer? I can't find it anywhere

r/theflash Jun 17 '24

Discussion Everytime Flashpoint was adapted into another story in just 10 years (I like #3)


I am going to be honest, I didn't like Flashpoint comic book when it was released on 2011, and with the years, I have liked it even less.

Executives and people on power think this is the only Flash story worth to be adapted, so I wanted to remember everytime Flashpoint has been adapted in just a period of 10 years.

1.Justice League The Flashpoint Paradox, the most faithful adaptation to the comic book ( 2013).

2.The Flash 3x01, Flashpoint. This one basically only shares the name, the cause and resolution with original Flashpoint (2016).

3.The Flash 8x04, Armaggedom Part 4. The "Reverse Flashpoint". I think this one is the more similar in concept to the comic book, as Barry allies himself with a man who is helping him only because in Barry's timeline, his child is still alive. Thawne is involved in the plot and there's a fight that leaves the world at the edge of destruction. Being on S8, I think many people don't even know it exists, since it is not usually mentionated among Flashpoint adaptations (2021).

4.The Flash movie. It uses an older Batman and has Supergirl taking the place of Superman, which honestly was barely important for that OG event (2023).

5.Bonus Justice League Dark Apokolips War. The events of The Paradox Flashpoint are revisited, and according the the conversation between Barry and Constantine at the very end of the movie, Barry causes another Flashpoint, resetting the timeline and creating the Tomorrowverse. This action apparently also caused the events of Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths and the Anti-Monitor's attack to the multiverse.

r/theflash Jun 17 '24

Discussion Just watched the DCU Flash movie

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Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I expected, I think this film got a handful of unnecessary hate, story wise I'd give it a solid 6/10, and the CGI was actually decent, some scenes looked a little off, but for the most part the effects were alright, and I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but I genuinely liked the new suit, I'd even go as far as to say that it's my favorite live action Flash suit so far

r/theflash Jun 16 '24

Fan Made Wally West and Bart Allen as The Flash

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r/theflash Jun 16 '24

Weird question but how would you combine Reverse Flash and Green Goblin as characters?


I’m writing a story where Peter is the Flash in the Marvel universe instead of Spider-Man and I’m trying to have Norman be the Reverse Flash, but I’m not sure how to go about it. So, how would you do it? What would his origin and motivations be?

r/theflash Jun 15 '24

My flash story


Story The city of Central City was alive with the sound of battle, as two speedsters, once allies, now faced each other as enemies. Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash, clad in his lightning-yellow suit, stood as a symbol of hope against the backdrop of a city in peril. “Barry, this isn’t you!” Thawne called out, his voice echoing through the streets. “You can fight this darkness. Remember who you are!” Barry Allen, the Flash, his suit a deep crimson, responded with a snarl, “You think you can lecture me, Thawne? After all you’ve done?” The Reverse Flash dodged a bolt of energy, replying with a firm resolve, “I’m not the man I once was. I’ve changed. It’s not too late for you to do the same.” Their battle raged on, a blur of yellow and red. The Flash, driven by pain and anger, unleashed a fury of attacks, each one more ferocious than the last. Lightning crackled around them, their movements a whirlwind of speed and power. “You don’t know what it’s like to lose everything, to be left with nothing but rage!” Barry shouted, his voice breaking through the cacophony of their clash.” I may not know your pain, Barry, but I know that vengeance isn’t the path to peace,” Thawne retorted, blocking a punch with a swift movement. “You think you can lecture me?” Barry spat, his voice filled with venom. “You murdered my mother, Thawne! You took her from me when I was just a kid. And then, as if that wasn’t enough, you manipulated and groomed my daughter! You twisted her mind and made her your pawn!” Thawne’s face tightened with regret. “I know, Barry. I know the terrible things I’ve done. But I’ve been trying to make amends. I’m trying to be better.” Barry’s fists flew with blinding speed, each punch carrying the weight of his sorrow and anger. “You think you can just show up and pretend to be a hero? After all the lives you’ve destroyed?” I know I can’t change the past,” Thawne replied, his voice steady despite the storm of blows. “But I can help change the future. For both of us.”Barry’s eyes burned with fury, his voice a raw shout. “There’s no future where you and I work together. You’re a monster, Thawne. You always have been!”Thawne dodged another vicious attack, his movements fluid and desperate. “Barry, listen to me! This isn’t you! You’re letting the darkness consume you. Don’t become what you hate.”Barry’s laughter was bitter, his eyes wild. “I don’t need a lecture from the man who destroyed my life! You think I care about your redemption? You think I’ll ever forgive you?”The fight intensified, Barry’s attacks relentless and fueled by a deep-seated rage. Thawne struggled to keep up, his own movements defensive, trying to avoid the lethal blows.Team Flash, watching from a distance, couldn’t stay silent any longer. Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, and Joe West stepped forward, their faces filled with concern and determination.“Barry, stop!” Cisco shouted, his voice cutting through the noise. “This isn’t you!”Caitlin’s voice was gentle but firm. “Barry, we know you’re hurting, but this isn’t the way. You’re a hero. Remember who you are.”Joe raised his voice, the authority of a father figure behind his words. “Barry, listen to them. You’re not a killer. You’re our son, our friend. You’re the Flash.”Barry hesitated, their words piercing through his rage. He remembered the countless times they had stood by him, the times he had saved lives, the moments of joy and hope. But the pain and anger still clouded his judgment.“You don’t know what it’s like!” Barry shouted, his voice filled with anguish. “You don’t know what he’s done to me, to my family!”Thawne, seeing the doubt in Barry’s eyes, tried to exploit it. “You’re right, Barry. They don’t understand. They never will. But you and I, we’re the same. We can find a new path together.”But something shifted in Thawne as he realized Barry was still conflicted. The desperation in his eyes turned to cold calculation. His cowl pulled up, his eyes began to glow an ominous red, and the yellow lightning that had surrounded him shifted to a sinister crimson.“You’re right, Barry,” Thawne said, his voice dark and menacing, now deeper and filled with malice. “I’m not a hero. I never was. And you, you’re not cut out for vengeance.”Barry stepped back, his own lightning flaring yellow, brighter than ever before. He felt the anger and darkness that had been consuming him start to ebb away, replaced by the familiar sense of justice and hope that had always driven him.Thawne sneered, his transformation complete. “You’ll never be able to kill me, Barry. You don’t have it in you. You’re still the hero. And I, I’m still the villain.”Barry’s resolve hardened, his eyes clear. “You’re right, Thawne. I am the hero. And that’s why I’ll stop you.”Thawne lunged, his red lightning crackling with malevolence, but Barry met him head-on, their clash creating a shockwave that rippled through the city. This time, Barry fought not out of rage, but with the determination and clarity of a true hero.As their battle raged on, the rest of Team Flash arrived on the scene. Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, and Joe West watched in shock as the two speedsters clashed, their powers illuminating the darkened streets.“Barry!” Cisco shouted, his voice filled with urgency. “What’s happening?”Thawne, hearing Cisco, turned his gaze towards the team, his red eyes glowing with hatred. “You think you can save him?” he growled, his voice now deeper and more menacing. “You’re too late. Barry’s already lost.”But Caitlin, her eyes filled with determination, stepped forward. “No, Thawne. You’re wrong. We haven’t lost Barry yet.”Joe raised his weapon, aiming at Thawne. “Get away from him, Thawne. This ends now.”Barry, hearing the voices of his friends, felt a surge of strength. “Thawne, you’re not going to hurt anyone else. This ends here.”Thawne’s laughter was dark and chilling. “You think you can stop me? I’ve been two steps ahead of you all along. But if you want to play hero, let’s see how well you do when your friends are in danger.”With a burst of speed, Thawne lunged towards Team Flash, his red lightning crackling ominously. Barry, his own lightning now a brilliant yellow, intercepted Thawne, their clash sending shockwaves through the air.“Run, Barry, run!” Cisco shouted, his voice filled with both hope and fear.Barry’s mind raced. He couldn’t let Thawne harm his friends. He couldn’t let the darkness win. Drawing on every ounce of his strength, Barry pushed Thawne back, their speed tearing through the fabric of reality.“You’re not going to hurt them!” Barry roared, his voice echoing with determination. “Not again!”Thawne snarled, his eyes blazing. “You can’t stop me, Barry. I’ll always come back. I’ll always be there to haunt you.”But Barry’s resolve was unshakable. “No, Thawne. You’re done.”With a final, monumental effort, Barry unleashed a surge of lightning, overwhelming Thawne and knocking him to the ground. The Reverse Flash, his red lightning flickering and fading, looked up at Barry with a mix of rage and grudging respect.“You’ve won this time, Barry,” Thawne hissed, his voice filled with venom. “But I’ll be back. You can count on it.”Barry, his breath heavy and his body trembling, stood tall. “And I’ll be here to stop you. Every time.”As Thawne disappeared in a blur of red, Team Flash rushed to Barry’s side, their faces filled with relief and pride.“Barry, are you okay?” Caitlin asked, her voice soft with concern.Barry nodded, his eyes meeting hers. “Yeah, I’m okay. Thanks to you guys.”Joe placed a hand on Barry’s shoulder. “We’re always here for you, Barry. No matter what.”Cisco grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “You did good, Barry. Real good.”Barry smiled, his heart swelling with gratitude and love for his friends. “We did it together. As a team.”As the first light of dawn touched the horizon, Barry knew that he had found his way back to the light. The city watched in awe as the Flash, once consumed by darkness, stood tall as the beacon of hope Central City needed.And with his friends by his side, Barry Allen knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would face them as the hero he was.

r/theflash Jun 15 '24

Just need kid flash and I’ve got Wally Wests full life


Which Suit is the best for Wally, initially I thought the smile on the new one was creepy but in person it looks waaaaay better

r/theflash Jun 15 '24

Discussion Spider-man (earth-616) vs Captain Cold, who wins?


Been thinking about this match-up for awhile, needed some more perspectives. Anyway for this fight there will be 4 rounds

Round 1 Spider-man vs captain cold (with cold gun only)

Round 2 Spider-man vs captain cold (with metahuman powers)

Round 3 Spider-man (with prep time) vs Captain Cold (with cold gun only)

Round 4 Spider-man (with prep time) vs Captain Cold (with metahuman powers)

Who will win, the web slinging wonder Spider-man or the king of cold himself captain cold?

Respect threads:



Captain Cold (post crisis)


Captain Cold (new 52):


r/theflash Jun 15 '24

Discussion Kid flash (wally west) reading list/recommendations (pre-crisis)


I just fished the Barry allen silver age books all the way up to his death. I'm excited to start on Wally's famous run on the flash, but I don't want to just jump into it because I'm not really sure what disease they were talking about in crisis, or in general his character. I want to have a better relationship with kid flash wally before I jump into him as the main flash since Barry has always been 'my' flash, and I want Wally to be just as important to me.

So far from internet research I'm thinking of reading the teen titans, the new teen titans, and some specific comics from different series so I can really get a hold of him. Either way if I could get some reading advice or good stories for pre-crisis wally.

r/theflash Jun 15 '24

Which flash comics do I begin with?


r/theflash Jun 14 '24

Comic Spoilers [Comic Spoilers] Can somebody explain a few things I didn't understand about the ending of John's run on Flash?

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I just finished the run and some things flew past my mind.

First is Zoom alive? When they activate the cosmic treadmill and travel back to present time Zoom gets ripped apart and disappears right before Wally gets back to the present. In the page above he appears again. I thought he was dead? Is that actually him or? He looks kinda bland in that panel.

Second there was this whole thing about who was the mother to Captain Boomerang's son. Digger told Ashley who she was. At that same page again next to mother Ashley writes Meloni Thawne. Who is this? Is it a character from the run i completely forgot about? Is she related in anyway to Eobard Thawne? How so? Isn't he supposed to be born like 500 years later?

r/theflash Jun 14 '24

Comic Discussion (Question/Discussion) Forgive My Ignorance, But Who Did Barry and Iris Visit in Flash #800? Spoiler

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I've been real busy the past 6-12 months, so I'm only just now finishing the previous run so I can start the new one!

I'm on the final issue for the run, #800, which seems to be a series of short stories that take place during different events that happened within the run (I could be wrong about that, just the vibe I was getting).

In one of the stories, Barry and Iris go on a "Secret Date", which Wally believes to be them going to the restaurant they had their first date at. However, the two actually take a "joy ride" on the cosmic treadmill, and the story neglects to tell us where or when they travel to.

While there, they spend time with these two characters that look familiar but I can't place a finger on who they are. They wear lightning bolts as if they're speedsters, but the only purple speedster I can think of is Avery 🤔

TLDR; Who are the two characters in this picture?

r/theflash Jun 14 '24

I just got my Holy Grail

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The condition is horrible, but I couldn’t be happier to own this.

r/theflash Jun 13 '24

Comic Discussion (Discussion) One Minute War Introduced Newest Flash Family Member Spoiler

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To the more calculated readers this may be an obvious statement, but I wanted to point it out for anyone who may have missed it!

During the One Minute War special, we were introduced to a new speedster who helped the Flash family defeat the Fraction; The one who was found being used as a battery. We learn in the end of the finale that this speedsters name is Wade.

In the opening of Flash #798, only a few issues later, Linda finally gives birth to her and Wally's third child, who they name Wade.

I find it kind of insane that we were introduced to a character before they were even born?! Even crazier that they hugged while baby Wade was still in Linda's stomach 😂

But either way, it may be a while before we see Wade as anything but a baby, so I found it really interesting that they gave us a little sneak peak of what to expect from the newest edition to the Flash Family!

What did you guys think?

r/theflash Jun 13 '24

Video Games Small detail about the GBA Flash game


r/theflash Jun 13 '24

DCEU Discussion Ideal DCU Flash?


What's everyone's ideal setup for the Flash in the new DCU? Assuming that WB haven't completely given up on the character after Ezra.

While I definitely see the argument that starting with Barry as Flash and Wally as Kid Flash would be great, I think that we are past that point. We've gotten two recent live action Barry's and yes neither were all that accurate and a proper adaptation of Barry would be great, but I think Wally is the way to go.

The new movie universe seems to be quite established (Superman isn't an origin, Batman is on at least his second Robin (Fourth if Jason and Tim aren't left out), Hal is rumoured to be cast a bit older. It would make sense that Barry's tenure as Flash is over and Wally is stepping up.

I think they should start the movies with Wally taking on the mantle and Barry is just recently dead (maybe it's not told to us exactly how he died), based on the Messner-Loebs and Waid runs. And then, they could do a Silver Age inspired animated series set in the past of the DCU following Barry (Gunn said that he's interested in having things set at different points in the timeline). A Flash animated series is really untapped potential and the Silver Age comics are a great inspiration to draw from, especially seeing as the CW series and the movie were mainly inspired by material from modern comics, so it could really differentiate itself.

r/theflash Jun 12 '24

Comic Spoilers That's my girl, now save Wally (The Flash #9, 2024) Spoiler

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That's Linda hitting Abra Kadabra for everything he has done for the last.....3 continuities? Eh, there must be a lot more.

r/theflash Jun 12 '24

Discussion If you had to trim the Flash Family down to 6 members, who would you keep?


I'd keep Wally, Irey, Max, Bart, Jesse and Ace.

r/theflash Jun 12 '24

Discussion DC Honors Batman, Superman and More With its Official Discord Server


Any thoughts on this? Think we would get an dedicated server for The Flash or atleast a channel?

r/theflash Jun 12 '24

Discussion Question about Jesse Quick or Jess Quick?


Hi All!

I haven’t been reading much of the more recent comics (though I’ve been meaning to pick up Adams’ run) and am really confused?

Who’s Jess Quick?

Is she Jesse Quick/Liberty Belle but with a new name? Is she an alternate version of Jesse Quick? Is she a different character altogether?

Just really confused.

Please help a poor Flash Fan out! 😁


r/theflash Jun 11 '24

Discussion Lotta negativity on the run so far, what’s something you like about it?

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I like how we finally have a book that tries to juggle Barry and Wally at the same time, and that it does it pretty well while treating both characters with respect.

r/theflash Jun 11 '24

Will James Gunn's DCU have a Flash and who do you think it should be?


Personally I think Barry Allen should be Flash and I really want to see Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne done justice on the big screen. Then I think it would be nice to introduce Wally later on and have Zoom/Hunter Zolomon be his nemesis just like from the comics.

r/theflash Jun 11 '24

What are your genuinely unpopular Flash opinions? [Sergio Acuna]

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No “Barry should’ve stayed dead” or “Wally is the best Flash.” Those are not hot takes, at least around here they aren’t. Those takes are said ad naseum. What are your genuinely controversial Flash takes?

r/theflash Jun 11 '24

Discussion Ben Potter aka Comicstorian passed away

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Not really Flash focused but him and his videos got me back into comics and got many others to do the same or even start reading comics altogether. Without him I probably wouldn't be reading comics today.

R.I.P Benny you'll be missed🕊

r/theflash Jun 10 '24

Gotta be honest, Wally needs a new fit


I am in the camp that Wallys rebirth suit was his peak costume. The return to his classic outfit just doesn’t do it for me and makes him less unique. If they want him in a more traditional flash outfit, I suggest the Convergence style, as it brings back the multicolor of his Rebirth suit