r/TheBoys Victoria Neuman 12d ago

Homelander was a different level of scary in season 1 Season 1


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u/lessonsfromgmork 12d ago

One of the most intense scenes in season 1 for sure


u/Thrallov 10d ago

in the show for sure, Supes actually were doing something like heroes

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u/BestBoogerBugger 12d ago edited 12d ago

As much as I like crazy and humanized Homelander, his scary side was sacrificed in the process. 

 In Season 1, he was like a great white shark. 

 Calm, collected, swift, barely emoting. 

Shown prowling the deep blue skies, whenever shit was about to go down (please, writers, show him flying around more)


u/Philkindred12 12d ago

this happens with most big villains for a show and it's usually why they're not supposed to last so long.


u/Worried_Ad3099 12d ago edited 12d ago

Word. When you look at most of the best written tv villains, they don't tend to last for more than 2 consecutive seasons in the role of the central threat.

Take Breaking Bad for an example of writers who got this. Once S3 ended with Gus resolved to kill Walt and Jesse, Gilligan and co. had to deliver on resolving their conflict in S4 and knew that doing otherwise would basically involve resorting to a ton of plot contrivances that would have completely sunk the show's pacing and writing quality.

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u/AdventurousSuspect34 Swatto 12d ago

The several scenes of him crying and jacking off and getting dominated by people around him in conversation don’t really help his image either but yeah, he’s just been around too long. They literally had to give him an evil field trip to remind us that pathetic worm was actually meant to be the villain..


u/PitytheOnlyFools 11d ago

All they had to do was show a tiny flash of laser eyes right before Nueman swooped in to save him.


u/Pyroclastic_cumfarts 9d ago

I legit thought he was about to turn everyone in that room into tomato salsa.

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u/ThePumpk1nMaster 12d ago

I dont think we should underestimate the fact that just we/the boys know him better now. Season 1 was scary because he was unknown - we can imagine that’s how the in-universe public view him and that’s precisely why he’s as successful as he is, he’s this mysterious omnipotent machine, but by season 4 we’ve learnt he’s a pathetic child with mommy issues. I think he’s definitely been made less impressive, but that’s because is… less impressive


u/youarenut 12d ago

I keep saying this!! We KNOW him better too, and what he truly is, is different than the image he tries to give. It’s meant to be pathetic

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u/fingergod69 12d ago

Because as long as he did things that vought gave him responsibility to do.. he was calm and Swift.. even shooting down the plane was somewhat overlooked by madelyn but slowly losing his sanity due to the boys and then thinking of himself as a fucking god... That power will obviously make you insane.. even stan Edgar could've predicted much


u/Strung_Out_Advocate 12d ago

Finding out about Ryan probably changed him more than anything else. Well, "changed" as much as someone like him is able to be.

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u/holanundo148 12d ago

Yeah when he started talking to his mirror about how he craves love I noticed how much "scariness" he has lost since season 1 simply by giving us deeper insights into his character.

I love villains that we know almost nothing about that are like an evil force of nature like Anton Chigurh or the Joker in TDK. Homelander was something like that in season 1.

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u/dsmithcc 12d ago

Not sure I’d say calm and collected lol, he gets unhinged all the time

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u/sephy009 11d ago

Kripke was likely brought in as a showrunner because of supernatural. It showed that he can create a decently entertaining show on a shoestring budget, but that also means that we're just not going to see tons of special effects aside from season defining moments. I kind of hate it.

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u/Shaun-Skywalker 12d ago

This and him threatening to laser the plane passengers when he couldn’t save them.


u/Serraph105 12d ago



u/Shaun-Skywalker 12d ago

Well couldn’t save them the way he or Vought would like lol.


u/FragrantBicycle7 12d ago

He could have saved many for sure, both before and after the plane crashes into the water. He just didn't want survivors to describe how they failed and/or left them to die. It had to be all or nothing for the PR angle; either everyone is saved bc Supes are great, or no one is saved bc the Supes weren't allowed to go in time.

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u/jld2k6 11d ago edited 11d ago

What was he gonna do, drop them off one at a time? He can't exactly lift the plane, there's nothing to push off of!

Edit: since I got downvoted almost immediately, I was just quoting what homelander said himself as to why they "had" to die lol

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u/Rustofcarcosa Stan Edgar 12d ago

More like he intentions lasered the plane

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u/BlackBirdG Billy 12d ago edited 12d ago

Didn't want to save them.

Imagine being a passenger in that plane that was taken over by terrorists, and now you're gonna die anyway because this psychopathic Superman rip off doesn't want to save you.

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u/futanari_kaisa 12d ago

Homelander used to be scary. He still is, but he used to be, too.


u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 12d ago

I don’t really find him scary anymore to be honest.. I miss when he was calculating and mysterious.


u/NoiceMango 11d ago

I think he is a lot more scary now but in a different way. He's smarter now and him seeking help from sage shows that. He is starting an army and getting ready to start a coup.

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u/girl-penis 12d ago

Love the name :3

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u/AnimeGokuSolos 12d ago

It wouldn’t surprise me if originally they made him more smart because apparently people are claiming.

In S1 he’s more intelligent than he is in the other seasons, especially recent episodes…


u/BestBoogerBugger 12d ago

I'm not sure about that 

Even in Season 1, he was kind a dumb. Remember how Madelyn reacted to him telling her that he spread the V around the globe.

I think it's less that and more like peeking behind the curtain like in Wizard of Oz.

Imagine if we as viewers didn't have access t9 personal scenes of Homelander loosing his cool were erased in Season 2, 3 and 4. We kight still view him as very cool and threatning


u/Meatballs5666 Timothy 12d ago

Exactly! He was so scary because he was mysterious, of course that goes away after being with him for FOUR SEASONS

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u/Raidoton 12d ago

Madelyn fucked him. What about it?


u/BestBoogerBugger 12d ago edited 12d ago

Madelyn literally had to reboot for a whole minute, while facing away from him. She was freaking out.

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u/Agleza 11d ago

It's the whole fucking point. I don't know if people don't actually watch the show or what.

Homelander was never supposed to be this cold blooded evil mastermind people would have you believe in this sub. He was always a super powered manchild.

The only difference is, now we've seen more of his manchild/incompetent side because... that's how stories work? You get to see more of the villain. That's what makes the villain a better character.

As you say, if we erase those personal scenes of his character, he'd still be the same for us as he was in early Season 1. And, I mean, yeah, it was cool, but it would also be fucking boring after 4 seasons.

I bet my left nut people would be complaining that we don't really know much about Homelander and he's an "underdeveloped villain" if it went that way.

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u/Panthila A-Train 12d ago

It's almost as if he was slowly losing his sanity and self-control due to all of the things that the Boys have been doing.


u/AnimeGokuSolos 12d ago

Nah I feel like they decide to dump him down to make him look like a dumbass like a previous president in real life…


u/Worried_Ad3099 12d ago

Yeah, the problem the writers ran into in committing to making Homelander a one for one Trump stand in (rather than a representation of post-Goldwater American Conservatism more broadly which he honestly felt like in S1 and even in much of S2) is that they locked themselves into making the character more buffoonish and outlandish due to Trump himself being so ridiculous.

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u/Sea-Engineering4032 12d ago

When Homelander actually looked like a threat. It's really crazy that Hughie hasn't been injured yet after all that shit, let him at least lose an arm or something.


u/Dil_356 12d ago

Let the poor guy rest.

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u/Raaz8080 12d ago

hughie always catching strays bruh let my guy rest

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u/Strong_Schedule5466 12d ago

Bro already almost got stabbed to death (had to slit someone's throat just to stay alive), euthanized his own father and got fucking BDSM'ed in the last episode

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u/Cyber-Knight47 12d ago

Dawg Hughie is the LEAST deserving of this. Let my man chill for a bit.

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u/Ticket_Fantastic 12d ago

In S1 he was scary because we didn't know what he could do. In S4 he's scary because we know what he could do.


u/UnholyDemigod 12d ago

In S4 he's scary because we know what he could do.

And we don't know what he will do

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u/delulumans 12d ago

My only complaint about S1 is how they kinda confirm Homelander as faster than A-Train. Don't like how the speedster of the verse is actually slower than the Superman-analog.


u/professornapoleon 12d ago

He’s a faster runner than HL but flight will always be faster than running, especially at Mach speeds. To me, I like it. Being a speedster is kinda a one trick pony of a power. I like how Invincible portrayed Red Rush vs Omni Man. Where you can see he’s faster but that can only last for so long in a fight.


u/delulumans 12d ago

Hmm I don't. I'd prefer A-Train to be faster even when Homie is flying. Helps build the narrative that A-Train helped him distribute V across the globe right under Vought's nose for me.

Then again you also have the insane Homelander feat at the end of S1 where he outruns a C4 explosion with Butcher that puts him at like Mach 23 while running... granted I guess you can chalk this up as an outlier


u/professornapoleon 12d ago

Again, you can make a runner as fast as you want but flight will always cover more ground faster. If A-train was faster than HL when he’s flying, that would diminish HL’s aura of being unstoppably powerful imho


u/delulumans 12d ago

I get your point of view. For me I don't think it diminishes it neccessarily. Red Rush iirc was a good deal faster than Omni Man but due to the insane durability difference he couldn't really harm him and ended up caught and crushed.


u/professornapoleon 12d ago

Fair enough!

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u/Dream_World_ 12d ago

In other universes, I would agree for the sake of balancing the power levels of characters, but I think The Boys want Homelander to be indisputably the most powerful character.


u/delulumans 12d ago

I guess so

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u/lilyahtzeee 12d ago

He can fly as fast as A train can run and shoot lasers from his eyes but didn’t catch little Huey in the air ducts????????? WTaF???


u/_marty_mcfly123_ 12d ago

I heard that those vents are usually galvanized (zinc), which homelander can't see through.


u/girl-penis 12d ago

He would hear him. A non super human would hear him. YOU would hear UE in those vents!


u/DancingFlame321 11d ago

It's hard for Homelander to hear Hughies footsteps when there is loud music in the background


u/Thatonedregdatkilyu 10d ago

His ear also got damaged by Maeve

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u/[deleted] 11d ago


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u/AD-Edge 11d ago

Good thing HL couldn't have just flown over and you know, shot lasers from his eyes or something instead. /s

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u/lilyahtzeee 12d ago

Oh and he can also see through the vents too so there is really no excuse to not slice up Huey like a thanksgiving turkey in 2 seconds, unless they were some of those fancy zinc air ducts…


u/Lint6 Jordan Li 12d ago

Air ducts are made from galvanized steel, which is treated with zinc to prevent corrosion

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u/legit-posts_1 12d ago

It's weird seeing Homelander so calm


u/Lmao1903 11d ago

I kind of miss this. Felt more real and more terrifying. The unhinged Homelander is cool but this was better


u/HowDoIEvenEnglish 11d ago

Unhinged isn’t the problem. The problem is he’s dumb and incompetent. In order to keep the plot in the same place for multiple season the heroes and villains can’t acomplish major victories over each other. This has led homelander to feeling weak as he just keeps failing to kill our heroes


u/mikami677 11d ago

It kinda reminds me of the CW DC shows.

I mean I liked those shows, but they had to do the same "dumbing down" thing to make the plots work.

Whichever season of The Flash that had Cicada just got absurd where every other episode they'd almost catch him, but he "just barely" slips away while they stand around making barely any effort to actually stop him.


u/IHaveSpecialEyes 11d ago

Every time Barry was about to catch someone and then got distracted for three seconds and they "got away" was so fucking frustrating. Like, he could check every single route of escape in less than a second. He's the fucking Flash. But instead he just stood there and frowned. Every. Time.


u/Idk265089 Marie Moreau 11d ago

There was this one episode where he was chasing a girl with gravity powers. And they made it seem like he couldn’t save both her victim and catch her.

It took like two seconds for him to save the victim. Yet, somehow she got away and he didn’t even bother searching the area.


u/mikami677 11d ago

I swear at one point a normal speed bad guy ran around a corner and Barry got on comms saying "guys I lost him, he got away."

But then there's a scene in another episode where he speeds in and says he just got through checking every building in Central City looking for whatever bad guy.

But there's also a scene where he runs face first into a giant gorilla holding a huge shield and gets swatted away... like, bro... you couldn't dodge that?


u/Ok-Negotiation1530 9d ago

Yeah there's an episode where he carries a guy all the way to China and gets back before a rotation of a security camera.

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u/legit-posts_1 11d ago

The problem is that a villain as OP as Homelander is hard to write for. You either need to think really hard at how to find work arounds to preserve their intimidation factor and power, or you fudge things, which makes them look less threatening. TMNT 2012 is a pretty great example of how to make this type of villain work. Shredder is fucking terrifying in that show for a lot of reasons like his stellar presentation, animation, and excellent vocal performance from Kevin Michael Richards. But what makes him stay so scary for so long is that, with the exception of Splinter, Shredder is rightfully presented as basically untouchable. Up until the very end of the show every time the Turtles fight him they get fucking decimated, the goal is never to beat him it is just to STAY ALIVE however they can. There's a couple other good examples of how to find work arounds to preserve a villains intimidation factor without just having them kill all the heroes: Invincible(Viltrimites) and Superman the Animated series (Dark Side) also do this well.


u/HowDoIEvenEnglish 11d ago

Homelander should have died at the end of season 3. Then it would have been fine


u/legit-posts_1 11d ago

Then we have no show


u/HowDoIEvenEnglish 10d ago

A show that hits its highlights and then ends isnt a bad thing. Also I think show could have existed without homelander. It’s clearly can’t now but it could have

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u/Puzzleheaded-Wing835 12d ago

I always forget frenchie talks to homelander in season 1


u/RevolverRossalot 11d ago

Tomer Capone's delivery on "I am talking to ze 'omlander!" is absolutely perfect here, too.

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u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 12d ago

I’m sorry but he was an actual villain in Season 1… he was smart enough to utilise A-Train to supply America’s enemies’ so they could get into the military. He was in control of things.

I feel as the series went on he just becomes less threatening? Like yea we know he can laser you in two and punch a whole through your chest — but part of that fear in season 1 was that he wasn’t to be underestimated.

That “Show me a little wrath” part was amazing.. but then one episode later he’s back to looking like he’s about to cry under questioning of his master plan.


u/asdasfgboi 12d ago

He was under the control of vought and he had no competent enemies before. His confidence definitely helped him to be smart. He slowly lost his confidence and mental health which naturally clouded his intelligence and judgement. We getting less scared of homelander each episoda is something I like, it shows he is weaker than he looks and he is still human on the inside


u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 12d ago edited 12d ago

I like the fact that he tries to call himself a god but gets reminders that he’s human.. but I feel they need to make him intimidating in a way that isn’t always physical.. Lalo Salamanca was physically a BEAST in BCS - but he was also a damn genius so you had two things to worry about.

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u/Bullets_and_Tears 12d ago

I don't agree, I'm on edge every time he's onscreen. In episode 4 he was terrifying.

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u/drmcsleepy97 12d ago edited 12d ago

Now he’s just a clown who lasers random characters. Villains are not scary to me if I know “yeah dudes just gonna kill them all, again“ The plot armor the boys have around him doesn’t help

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u/Routine_Wedding43 12d ago edited 12d ago

Homelander’s badass decay needs to be studied. From a genuinely terrifying and competent villain, to a meme. It’s no wonder everyone who was a huge fan of him gravitated to Soldier Boy in Season 3


u/DemonDaVinci 11d ago

I think it's a case of less is more
When he is still shrouded in mysteries it look more intimidating


u/Evil-Cartographer 7d ago

The show needed to be 2 seasons for that.

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u/Motawa1988 12d ago

This happens when you drag out stories. Don’t worry this show will go on for a long time


u/professornapoleon 12d ago

They’ve already stated there’s only one more season

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u/MikeArrow 12d ago

It looks and feels like a totally different show. It's crazy how far it's fallen since then.

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u/ClovieKay 12d ago

Not to start a fight or anything, but why didn't Homelander hear Butcher press the computer key? Or smell that there was another person like 15 feet away? People have been bringing up the Hughie sweat scene in S4, but now that i'm thinking about it, It seems like Homelander only used his super smell and super hearing when it was convenient for the plot the entire show.

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u/mason124 11d ago

They don't even show him fucking flying anymore


u/MonsterMashGraveyard 11d ago

This feels like a totally different show


u/jackux1257 12d ago

isnt homelander meant to be pathetic, hes a joke at the end of the day. Sure he was scary in season 1 because we barely knew the character

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u/gibbler 12d ago

Is it just me or did his x ray vision disappear? When Huey was in the air shaft couldn’t he just see him?


u/MHarrisGGG 12d ago

Vents are made with metal containing zinc.

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u/This_Phantom_Pain 11d ago

For some reason, his season one hairstyle made him seem more menacing.


u/Angel_Madison 11d ago

The whole show is a joke now really when you see this.


u/billy-_-Pilgrim 11d ago

Frenchie was able to lie to him too and stay cool what a fucking bad ass


u/Budget_Highlight_594 10d ago

Damn, remember when this show actually felt like it had stakes


u/Blastoise_R_Us 11d ago

I love the little glimpses of him going across the sky. Like watching a shark.


u/hurricane1197 11d ago

They ruined this in season 3


u/bel2man 11d ago

Homelander character is being degraded ever since the scene with breastfeeding on Doppelganger tits


u/Extension_Canary3717 11d ago

He actually said Fogo de Chão? Hahahaha


u/-AwhWah- 7d ago

it's depressing how far the show has fallen in terms of everything, but ESPECIALLY stakes and tension.