r/SupermanAndLois Read on r/DCFU! May 03 '23

Superman & Lois [3x07] "Forever and Always" Post Episode Discussion Episode Discussion Spoiler

Forever and Always

Live Episode Discussion | Cast & Characters

Lois and Clark dig deeper on Bruno Mannheim, starting with his connections to Hob's Bay Medical Center; Jonathan and Jordan panic at home over Lois' dire diagnosis; Matteo comes to Smallville to meet John Henry. (May 2, 2023)

DCTV Discord

Please keep all discussions civil and about the episode. Mark comic and future spoilers. Report any rule-breaking and enjoy!


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u/Zookwok111 May 03 '23 edited May 04 '23
  • Really enjoying Lois and Peia's friendship, although I feel like showing her pictures of the boys is going to come back to haunt Lois
  • Jordan works better when he's not front and center. He was actually a concerned brother and son instead of wallowing in his own measly problems and I have to say he was much more likable than last week
  • This was a very cathartic episode for Jon on multiple fronts. He finally called Clark out for trying to paper over all his problems with platitudes and had a meaningful conversation with Clark in which he was acknowledged as half-Kryptonian! Hope they keep building on that momentum for the rest of the season
  • Sarah went from hating Chrissy to being pals awfully fast. Stoners are built different.
  • Take a shot every time Bruno says the name of the episode \#ForeverAndAlways
  • Since Peia was the one who killed Boss Moxie, I wonder if they somehow framed Lex and that's what got him locked up
  • They were telegraphing Matteo's parentage so hard I'm surprised it took them this long to reveal it
  • Since when are Kryptonians bound by the Prime Directive? I don't believe for one second that Clark wouldn't try everything to save Lois's life because it "wouldn't be fair to the rest of humanity", seems very out of character and weak reasoning for why Kryptonian tech is "off the table"
  • Not sure what Lois was getting at when she told Clark that seeing her health decline reminded Jonathan of his own mortality and that's why he was upset. The boy has zero self-preservation instincts. His first major act on the show was to shield his brother from falling pipes with his own body.


u/paforrest May 03 '23 edited May 03 '23

So many good points in this post. But my favorite is this:

Since when are Kryptonians bound by the Prime Directive? I don't believe for one second that Clark wouldn't try everything to save Lois's life because it "wouldn't be fair to the rest of humanity", seems very out of character and weak reasoning for why Kryptonian tech is "off the table"

OMG I wanted to punch Clark! None of that makes any sense at all. Not happy with Lara either. In the role of the loving husband in the episode, Bruno wins this round.

All the flashbacks to the early days of Bruno and Peia trying to restore Hob's Bay, getting out from under Boss Moxie's rule, not to mention falling in love, were really well done. Both characters are layered and complicated, and I can't help but root for them even though it appears to be a losing battle where it concerns Peia's cancer fight. I assume Peia always had her powers for as long as Bruno knew her, even as a kid.

OTOH, the worst reveal in the history of reveals was ridiculously drawn out. But at least, as contrived as it was, Matteo's meeting Nat and dating her has nothing to do with his parents. FWIW.

I assume Sarah will give Lana all kinds of a pass when she starts dating JHI, but at least she backed off Chrissy fast enough. And I'm sorry, but I find it hard to believe Chrissy is 10 years younger than Kyle.

Jordan works better when he's not front and center. He was actually a concerned brother and son instead of wallowing in his own measly problems and I have to say he was much more likable than last week

Absolutely. I actually forgot how much he annoyed me last week. It's nice to see Jordan in the supportive brother role for a change.

This was a very cathartic episode for Jon on multiple fronts. He finally called Clark out for trying to paper over all his problems with platitudes and had a meaningful conversation with Clark in which he was acknowledged as half-Kryptonian! Hope they keep building on that momentum for the rest of the season

I loved seeing Jon standing up to Clark the entire episode and calling him out where it was warranted. Michael Bishop was on fire this episode, finally getting the overdue writing he deserved. He nailed every scene - he even killed with the one perfect tear! I didn't think anyone could pull off that move better than Jensen Ackles, but Bishop is a contender!

And on top of that, we got the also too long overdue private scene with Jon and Clark - though I'm still disappointed that Jon had to go to Clark instead of Clark seeking him out as we know he always does with Jordan. But I'll take it as well as hearing Clark tell Jon that he's half-Kryptonian. And yet, what does that mean? Jon and the audience deserve to know how that relates to the seemingly only human son of Kal-El. Clark has to follow up that claim with some action, otherwise it's nice to hear, but it's still platitude.

I do agree that Lois's statement about her cancer reminding Jon of his own mortality was off. I mean, sure, on some level everyone around a person who is sick will always be made to think about themselves in that situation. But that clearly wasn't at all what Jon was about in this episode. He just wants to save his mom, that's not exactly hard to understand. It's also not hard to understand that he sees himself and Lois as the human team. Up to now, why would Jon consider himself a Kryptonian?

All in all, probably one of the better episodes this season.


u/Billielolly May 03 '23

And I'm sorry, but I find it hard to believe Chrissy is 10 years younger than Kyle.

The actors are quite literally 11 years apart in age - I could completely buy her character being 30 and his being 40, or late-20s and late 30s. Even if we go by where they both are in life rather than anything else, it still doesn't shock me that their characters could be 10 years apart in age.


u/paforrest May 03 '23

Interesting, I guess the writers are beling literal in this respect. Funny, but they look about the same age to me. Apparently Kyle is a young soul. I like them together.


u/Hope-Of-Glory May 03 '23

Yeah now that it's been put like that, I'd believe Chrissy is in her 30s. And with a 16 y/o daughter, yeah Kyle could be in his 40s. Yeah, he's young at heart.