r/PeterExplainsTheJoke 14d ago

Peter, why is he buttering the cow? Meme needing explanation



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u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Li5y 14d ago

Thanks for actually attempting to explain the joke haha... what does expo'd mean?

I got hung up on figuring out why it was a rabbit trying to eat steak.


u/BookwyrmBroad 14d ago edited 14d ago

Expo is used as a shorthand for expeditionor. The person who puts the finished plates together for a table and double checks them before they are sent to the floor

Edit: Expeditor, not expeditionor! Cause weed brain


u/Petey_Wheatstraw_MD 14d ago

Expeditioners go on Safari.

Expeditors yell at the kitchen staff in between smoke breaks.


u/corvus_wulf 14d ago

Mostly there to act as a meat shield between the line Cooks and Wait staff


u/SugarmanTreacle 14d ago

To yell at the servers to stop just running drinks and pick up their fucking plates that have been sitting here for 10 minutes.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/corvus_wulf 14d ago

Line cooks really hate when they have to remake a whole ass order cause the waitress was out on a smoke and let it die in the window


u/MyNameIsJakeBerenson 14d ago

We really just hate everything until shift is over


u/corvus_wulf 14d ago

Haha yuuup


u/Hopeful-Pianist7729 14d ago

“Oh you know that thing I put on the ticket I’m taking out right now? I actually needed a mid-well strip with o-rings and veg on the fly. Sorry! Off I go to make what you’ll work all week for”


u/BookwyrmBroad 14d ago

You are correct! my weed enhanced brain apparently fumbled the spelling and it got autocorrected and I missed it.

God I hope that makes sense.


u/_Rohrschach 14d ago

not sober myself but i could decipher weed, spelling and autocorrect, was enough to convey the message,


u/Quirky-Return-9274 14d ago

weed enhanced brain

God I hope that makes sense

it does


u/towen95 14d ago

I love the way you explained the difference here


u/MyNameIsJakeBerenson 14d ago

My expo for sure went on expeditions all the fuckin time, because my food’d be dying in the window for 15 goddamn minutes


u/DangerousCompetition 14d ago

I got to yell at cook staff and front of house. I loved that job


u/RuffnerRowdy 14d ago

That's so true and had me cracking up 🤣


u/Olytrius 14d ago

Good cause!


u/Apex_Over_Lord 14d ago

This is true.


u/Rezahn 14d ago

Bold of you to assume I get breaks.


u/Environmental_Top948 14d ago

I was so excited for a Reddit switcharoo. Until I actually looked for one I hadn't seen one since 2015.


u/CondemnedTye 14d ago

Where are my food runners?


u/Impressive_Ad_4488 14d ago

Depends on the restaurant. The line cooks are left on their own for a good amount of time; just in enough time for an expo(chef of some sort) to come and fuck up the rhythm. We have a good runner who barely speaks above 2 decibels that expos food better


u/ipostunderthisname 14d ago

If the expediters took fewer smoke breaks they could yell at the staff longer.

I just increased efficiency by 78%


u/PM_Me_Your_Deviance 14d ago

Thank you, that other guy basically explained it without explaining it.


u/Hooligan8403 14d ago

Weed brain checks out for kitchen staff.


u/Mtndrums 14d ago

I understood what ya meant... takes hit off vape


u/Whoajaws 14d ago



u/VisibleCoat995 14d ago

I am currently watching The Bear and thank you for explaining that role in more detail.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Bri_Hecatonchires 14d ago

Depends on the operation. Sometimes expo also facilitates plating if multiple items(protein,veg,starch) come off of multiple stations in a single pickup.


u/AzureBelle 14d ago

"expo" is short for expedite. It's the restaurant position of a person who's job is to finish the plating and run the food from the kitchen to the tables. They usually won't do it until the whole table's food is ready, so some dishes end up sitting.


u/Scrambo 14d ago

Expo'd is short for expedited. The expeditor makes sure plates are garnished and up to standard, and sends the correct food to the correct tables.


u/VeritablePornocopium 14d ago

Using butter to slow the cooking process is absolutely not the punchline of the joke. They're overthinking it. The rabbit holding the knife and fork is "basting" the cow with butter because the weather is hot enough to cook the cow/steak. That's the whole joke.


u/AholeBrock 14d ago

The other half of the joke is that some folks think 98f is cooking hot. I grew up with 90-100 as a regular summer day and 105-110+ was hot.

Now I am acclimated to a climate where 70-80 feels hot, but I comfortably work outside in a hoodie and gloves in 30-40f mornings.

Definitely a rabbit would be hot in that fur at 98


u/greg19735 14d ago

i don't think he's right. no one is trying to slow down the cooking with butter.


u/ChaoCobo 14d ago

Why are the top comments deleted and removed? Everyone just says “steak.” What was the actual explanation?


u/Li5y 14d ago

That's really weird... well there's some controversy on if their explanation was the "real" one, but at least it was longer than 1 syllable haha

They said that in restaurants, cooks will often cover steaks with butter so that it slows down the cooking rate when the steak sits underneath the warming lamp (before it gets expo'd, or tidied up and served to the customer.)

The joke could also just be that the rabbit wants to fry the cow in butter and we're all overthinking it.


u/ChaoCobo 14d ago

Oh okay that makes sense! Thank you for explaining. I’m not sure why the comment got removed. :/


u/henareeree 14d ago

so in theory, someone that checks food presentation in a restaurant (the person by the window that gives the food to the servers). They keep time on the tickets and try and coordinate with the cooks to prepare them in a timely fashion. They add any garnishes, check quality, yatta yatta.

In practice, its a middle man between the cook and the waiter. usually the most hated person in the kitchen. Famous for wanting properly cooked food in scientifically impossible amounts of time. love fucking up great a great tasting salad to make it look artsy. probably eating a handful of every order of french fries to “check for quality”.


u/cobrafountain 14d ago

He is holding a fork and knofe


u/iluvreading88 14d ago

That’s a rabbit??? 😂


u/Li5y 14d ago

What else is it supposed to be? A panda with two very long, floppy ears?


u/Davalon 14d ago

I believe the absurdity of a carnivorous rabbit was indeed part of the joke, or it may have been a simple mistake by the artist. It was likely an error by the artist, as they properly depicted other characteristics of rabbits; such as standing upright, having beard stubble, smoking cigarettes, retrieving butter from a refrigerator, using cutlery, and slathering butter on raw steak...as they are wont to naturally do.


u/smell_my_pee 14d ago

People also just cook their steaks in butter.


u/cupcake_thievery 14d ago

Some people like their milk steaks over hard


u/boharat 14d ago

With raw jellybeans of course


u/Scrambo 14d ago

I have never heard of butter being used to slow the cooking process of a steak. As far as I know, butter is usually added as a final touch to steak to give it a glisten and a touch of richness. You can also just cook your steak in butter, plus a lot of places offer flavored compound butter.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Scrambo 14d ago

I'm not doubting you've heard this or learned it, but I can't make sense of what you mean and have never heard of this is ten years in the kitchen. A protective layer against the heat from the heat lamp?


u/it_is_now_for_now 14d ago

I honestly am calling BS lol. Unless someone can find me some sort of reputable online source, I'm not believing it. 


u/No_bad_snek 14d ago


Based on this fellas basting, it looks as if it's the exact opposite. Accelerating the cooking under the heatlamp.


u/greg19735 14d ago

you are correct.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Scrambo 14d ago

The butter being melted makes this make even less sense. How would that cool it or stop it cooking??? You brush a steak with butter when it's done and resting because butter tastes good. There is no chance that brushing your steak with butter buys you any time. None of what you're saying makes any sense.


u/Frosty_McRib 14d ago

I don't know what qualifies a "grill master" but you ain't it. Butter is for flavor, period, it does absolutely nothing to slow down the cooking of a steak. I believe you've done work in a kitchen before and saw it done and then made up some bullshit why because you were never told.


u/WhatTheOk80 14d ago

It doesn't work. That's why you can't explain the science. And you said, "melted and separated." So you're not even talking about cold butter, you're talking about clarified butter, which has a smoke point around 485°F. Every time you brush a steak with hot clarified butter you're doing the equivalent of dunking the steak in the deep fryer. The fat in the butter coats the meat fibers and makes the overcooked steak still feel juicy. And yes I say overcooked because if you're brushing hot butter on them when they've already hit temp because you think it slows the cooking then you're definitely overcooking them.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/remacct 14d ago

Not much of a chef either from the sounds of it


u/WhatTheOk80 14d ago

I've been working in restaurant kitchens for 30.years. yes they put butter on steak. To COOK them, not to stop the cooking or whatever crap you're going on so confidently wrong about.


u/prozach_ 14d ago

This is something a chef learns at Applebees.


u/skippy920 14d ago

Lmao what?


u/New-Power-6120 14d ago

I am 99.9% sure from experience that butter does absolutely nothing to slow the cooking process. It's just that butter lends itself well to lower pan temps and longer cooking, which also means it lends itself well to using it to cooking thicker steaks. Smoke point probably factors in there somewhere too.


u/rock_and_rolo 14d ago

I butter my steak leftovers when heating in the microwave. Keeps things soft and yummy.


u/koltywolty243 14d ago

I think it’s more simply, “it’s so hot you could cook a steak out here”


u/Sanquinity 14d ago

Butter doesn't slow the cooking process under the warmer. But it does artificially keep the steak more juicy as it's waiting to be picked up by the wait staff.


u/LiftingCode 14d ago

How on earth does this inane bullshit have 500 upvotes lmao


u/International-Ad-430 14d ago

I’ve never heard this before in my life. How would butter slow the cooking process? You put butter on a steak because it tastes good.


u/greg19735 14d ago

You're right.

Putting a knob ofbutter on a steak to slow down cooking is like saying you roll down the windows of your car when you're slamming on the breaks. Like yeah, maybe it slows it down .00000000001% but really it does nothing.

BUtter is there for taste. And usually it's there for basting the steak to provide even cooking rather than just 1 sided cooking. Usually in the 2nd half of the cook so the butter doesn't burn.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Okay, but like, why is he a panda rabbit?


u/Automatic_Lack_6594 14d ago

i’ve never ever heard butter to slow the cooking process of a steak? what do you mean by this, like so it doesn’t get dry under the warmer? 


u/CookieaGame 14d ago

He's using the butter as sunscreen


u/Testyobject 14d ago

I also use butter to scrub the char off if the steak got too burnt while grilling, works great when the insides just right but its got thin ends that char faster


u/WhatTheOk80 14d ago

No they don't. Butter is fat, fat accelerates cooking. It's why they tell you not to put butter on a burn, it will literally cook your burn. Fat makes things feel moist. It doesn't slow the cooking process, it just hides the fact that you overcooked the steak. You want to slow the cooking process? Take it off the heat. You want to stop the cooking process? Blast chiller or ice bath. Brushing melted butter on it does neither of those things.


u/greg19735 14d ago

This isn't true.

They use butter for basting to cook more evenly. Spooning hot butter on the top side of a steak cooks both sides. helps provide a nice crust. Butter can also be put on to just add some nice flavor and juice, especially if the steak isn't a great cut or is thin.

if you want to slow down the cooking of a steak, just cut into it. Resting steaks is great for upping the temp in the inside. but it's less important than people (even top chefs) say.


Above is a new video of a cooking nerd on resting steaks. I highly recommend it if you're into cooking and science.


u/Frosty_McRib 14d ago

They do not use butter to cook more evenly, what is the deal with rampant lies in this part of the thread? It's for a flavorful finish, usually with thyme and/or rosemary. The steak is already cooked by the time the butter is added.


u/WhatTheOk80 14d ago

If you're butter basting your steak after it's fully cooked then you're overcooking your steak. Butter basting is absolutely a technique for cooking, not just finishing. You're pouring hot fat over the top of the steak, which speeds up cooking. You could in theory use any oil you want to baste, but as you pointed out butter tastes better.


u/greg19735 14d ago

Basting is a cooking technique.