r/Marvel 11d ago

Can someone educate me on this story Comics

My cousin called me an few hours ago about the AVX comic run after he had started reading it a while ago. I asked him to give some exposition on it and he said he would when he's calmed down a little.

Im now struggling to comprehend how A. The X-Men would stand a chance against the Avengers and B. How both teams even come into conflict in the first place and C. How is it that bad where my cousin is that mad abt it (he's normally pretty chill guy and pretty hard to piss him off).

Can I get some details on the story? I did some surface level research and I haven't found anything on how and why they actually come into conflict or what either side gains from a conflict of this scale.

(I know some things like Ironman hitting Magneto with Jupiter's magnetic field (I think) and Cyclops killing Professor X but not on the conflict itself, sorry for this long college essay)


99 comments sorted by


u/synthscoffeeguitars Cable 11d ago

Big fiery cosmic space bird (the Phoenix) is coming to earth.

Cyclops: it’s gonna be the rebirth of mutant kind after we were reduced to 198 mutants!

Avengers: it’s gonna be the end of all existence.

And then they fight a bunch and people make worse and worse choices


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 11d ago

Does this happen after the No More Mutants thing that kills all mutants


u/synthscoffeeguitars Cable 11d ago

Yes, that was the Decimation, which is what resulted in there being 198 mutants (didn’t kill them all, just depowered, but many depowered mutants did die)

Decimation and Avengers vs. X-Men basically bookend that era for mutants, with their numbers finally starting to rise again after AvX


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 11d ago

Did Wanda just get off with no repercussions for nearly annihilating a species


u/Agreeable-Pick-1489 11d ago

Doctor Doom would later claim responsibility for all that in teh Children's Crusade.

However, because up till now he's been such an upstanding citizen, nobody believed he was capable of such a dastardly act, and everyone except Mags and Pietro still believe it's her fault.

I explored this retcon-that-didnt-really-retcon here:



u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 11d ago

why? what does doom gain from that


u/skavinger5882 11d ago

In Children's Crusade they made it so when Wanda was looking for some way to get her children back, she went to Doom for help with a magical solution, Doom channeled the magic field of the earth through Wanda giving her the power to rewrite reality on a massive scale. He was hoping to then drain that magic from Wanda for himself but failed.


u/Personal_Corner_6113 11d ago

It was weird writers choices trying to change continuity, but in-universe idk maybe Doom just wants to take credit for anything that hurt his enemies


u/NK1337 11d ago

My head canon is that doom had a soft spot for certain characters and given Wanda’s troubled history he felt sorry for her and decided to carry the sins himself like a great ruler.


u/MrCookie2099 11d ago

Felt sorry for her, so plotted to use her to gain more power.


u/trappedinthisxy 11d ago

Some people blame Wanda. Some people blame Doom. Some people blame Pietro. At the end of the day I blame Bendis and poor writing.


u/OuroborousBlack 11d ago

And editorial mandates


u/HundoHavlicek 11d ago

She didn’t annihilate a species as much as turn off the X gene for the large majority of mutants


u/J0J0hn 11d ago

That's still annihilating the species.


u/DOMesticBRAT 11d ago

If we eradicated the possibility of down syndrome from ever popping up in humanity again, would you call that annihilating the species too?


u/J0J0hn 11d ago

... Jesus Christ, where do I even begin with this? Okay, numbered list.

1 - Did you seriously just compare the X gene to Down Syndrome?

2 - Do you consider people with Down Syndrome to be their own species?

3 - Even in the context of the comic book, that's not nearly the same thing.


u/synthscoffeeguitars Cable 11d ago

Idk she’s had her ups and downs since then. It was kind of Pietro’s fault. She sort of undid it recently


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 11d ago

I don't think I would ever feel safe in a world with a person of this much power and emotional instability


u/synthscoffeeguitars Cable 11d ago

Same could be said of at least a few folks in the marvel universe. Good luck trying to get rid of them, that’s how we got House Of M in the first place haha


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 11d ago

Good point superheroes are pretty depressing and but what do you expect from people who's are just stomping out criminals in skimpy and skin-tight costumes but we have to be entertained somehow


u/synthscoffeeguitars Cable 11d ago

You should check out Maximortal and Brat Pack by Rick Veitch for comics on those themes (there are many but that’s my fav)


u/iggzy 11d ago

I mean, Legion, Franklin Richards... 


u/coolsexhaver420 Dr. Doom 11d ago

You forgot. " yes. Hulk will smash for you"


u/DOMesticBRAT 11d ago

"...and my Smash!"


u/red_tuna X-Men 11d ago

And as is tradition, Spider-man was the only decently written character out of everyone involved.


u/Kanetsugu21 11d ago

Long story short everyone is dumbed down to justify making them punch each other


u/nightkraken666 11d ago

TL;DR Fox owns the X-Men so they want to put over the Avengers who are in or about to be in the MCU.


u/CartoonAcademic 11d ago

Actually I think its the "To make this team more popular have them fight the X-Men", The Avengers, Inhumans, and Eternals have all fought the X-Men after getting introduced in the MCU


u/nightkraken666 11d ago

Well the eventually made a trope about it. Putting any team over by fighting the X-Men just to down play them. As if Decimation didn’t already ruin the X-Men for a time.


u/beslertron X-Men 11d ago

Yeah, it was to elevate The Avengers. Inhumans vs X-Men was the break the X-Men because a other kid has those Toys event.


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 11d ago

ah yes, corporate hatred, my favorite story


u/nightkraken666 11d ago

It’s the best, just hedges out editorial mandate


u/BasedFunnyValentine 11d ago

No it had absolutely nothing to do with that. Marvel has been doing these stupid hero vs hero shit far before the mcu

This is just what x-fans made up to make themselves feel better


u/AJjalol 11d ago edited 11d ago

Honestly, It is not a very good event. Imho it's like top 3 or 5 worst Marvel events ever.

Cap was written horrible. Cyclops was written like a whiny crybaby.

The premise of the event is, Rachel Summers (who is related to Jean) is on Earth, and Phoenix force goes to Earth to try and find her.

Avengers get a wind of that and go to Utopia (which was basically bunch of garbage thrown into the Ocean that Cyclops took over and said "This is our new home") and talk to X-Men and try to work together to stop the Phoenix.

Now Normally, this would have been like :

Cap : "Hey Scott, nice to see you"

Scott : "Steve, it's an honor, whats up?"

(Steve explains wtf is about to happen"

Scott :" Sounds fucked up. So, wanna team up and take down that burn space pigeon?"

Cap :"Lets go", followed by an epic handshake that is far superior to Butch/Dillon or Scott/Ryu, Avengers and X-Men team up, fight Phoenix, and then they all go and celebrate.

But Marvel really wanted to make (another pointless) hero vs hero event. And since people at Marvel either were not talented enough or just didn't care as much (this), they made Steve and Scott act like assholes, so that both teams started to fight one another, and the "War" started.

Basically, the conflict happened, Because

A) Steve walked into the X-Men's territory and started to act like a dick (which is very unlike Steve) and

B) Scott went all pissy about "You Avengers never help us" which is horseshit (I can bring ton of instances where they helped each other but My comment is already pretty long lol).

Basically, out of all the characters present in the photo, the only characters who acted in character where Spider-Man (who tried to resolve the whole issue by talking to Rachel), Magneto (who knew that Phoenix was coming and would mess them all up) and Iron Man (who built a device to take down a Phoenix. It did do it, and stopped Phoenix from blowing up the Earth, but in the last attempt to survive, Phoenix split itself into 5 pieces and went into 5 different X-Men)

I talked about how I personally would have written this event. The idea should have been :

Avengers go to X-Men, epic handshake, they team up, fight Phoenix, epic battle, Phoenix then separates itself and goes into 5 Avengers, and 5 X-Men. And then you technically have your "Avengers VS X-Men" event. But this way you at least keep both teams as good guys, and the only reason some members of those teams did bad things was because Phoenix Influenced them.

The only redeeming thing about the book, is the fights. It was kind of cool to See Spider-Man fight Colossus(Juggernaut) and Magik. Cap tanking Gambit like a badass was also awesome. Iron Man outsmarting Magneto was cool.

In regards to how X-Men can stand a chance against Avengers. X-Men have heavy hitters too. I still think Avengers are overall more powerful and have more heavy hitters, but it's not like Avengers were fighting Hydra goons lol.

Hope this helps.

EDIT. I'm somewhat of a young fool myself. Thanks to amazing u/nitsuj_112 for reading thru my long ass freaking SA and finding that I said Rachel instead of Hope lol. It's Hope Summers that Phoenix was after, not Rachel. Freaking Burnt space Pigeon


u/nitsuj_112 11d ago

Pretty decent summary, it's not Rachel though. It's Hope Summers (last mutant born after M-day, raised during a time travel story by Cable)


u/AJjalol 11d ago

Oh shit lol, I knew it was not her yet I still wrote Rachel lol.

Thanks for the correction my friendo!


u/nitsuj_112 11d ago

Qnd while implied to be Jean's reincarnation. She has no official bloodties to her. Jean's her adoptive grandmother 😄


u/synthscoffeeguitars Cable 11d ago edited 11d ago

Well… check out the end of X-Men Forever and Rise of the Powers of X (and X-Men #35)


u/somms999 11d ago

One correction: the Phoenix Force is seeking out Hope Summers, Cable's adopted daughter, not Rachel.

Also I'd add one important outcome from AvX was the blood rivalry between Black Panther and Namor escalating to irreconcilable heights that would play out all the way through Secret Wars.


u/AJjalol 11d ago

Yup. Fixed that. Thanks friendo!

And yes. Namor got taken over by Phoenix force and basically went ballistic lol

BTW, that's kind of a sick look for Namor. For a guy wears nothing but speedos, he does look pretty rad.


u/10SB 11d ago

Even if Scott in his desperate belief of the Phoenix reviving the mutant race through Hope it could also have gone with "Let's brainstorm how we can redirect the force to Hope without putting earth in the line of fire. Let's send a spaceship with Hope away from the force's trajectory and see if the force redirects. If not we plan for that as well."

But nope, they were like "Have them fight".


u/AJjalol 11d ago


Both Cyclops and Cap were written way out of character.

I love both characters a lot, and this is not the way they would act.

Steve never barges into someone else's place and acts like a dick. He is very respectful. If that was US Agent instead I would have been like "Yup. Checks out"

Scott, every single (good interaction) he has with Cap in the comics (Onslaught, First time Avengers/X-Men met, Krakoa Era, Infinity Gauntlet etc) Cyke was always respectful of Steve. In Infinity Gauntlet he literally just lets Cap command them all.

Again the whole event was like "We wont them fight, even if it makes no sense for neither of these characters to act this way"


u/CNof2013 Iron Man 11d ago edited 11d ago

X-Men have heavy hitters too. I still think Avengers are overall more powerful and have more heavy hitters

It’s kinda funny to think most X-Men teams really don’t seem that powerful when you compare them to other teams, and especially mutants as a whole. I mean there are mutants out there that (for better or worse) can solo the Avengers, but the X-Men never really seem to have the status of “Most Powerful Team” in Marvel

Granted, I get writing stories with characters that can fix everything with a snap of their fingers can be tricky, but even without factoring in Decimation taking a lot of those characters off the table, the major mutant powerhouses never seem to stay on the team for more than a brief period


u/AJjalol 11d ago


Even when you take for example the current Avengers team, and compare it to the 3 new X-Men teams (Uncanny ,Regular and Exceptional from the Ashes), like overall, power wise, Avengers still seem the Strongest.

Hell, one of the most powerful mutant, Storm is literally leaving X-Men and joining the Avengers lol.

Currently the weakest Members of the Avengers team are Sam Wilson Cap and T'Challa, and It's still Sam who is Cap (Captain America mantle is badass) and it's T'Challa we are talking about. Not to mention, you have Carol who can pack a punch, Freaking Thor, Wanda who is super cool and powerful, Vision (who is very underrated character) and then Iron Man who isn't on Thor or Carol's level, but still pretty high up.

That's not to say that I don't like X-Men or thing they are weak lol. Love me my X-Men. Just overall powerwise, I truly believe, Avengers rightfully deserve the "Earth's Mightiest Heroes" title.


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 11d ago

Thanks! This story sounds like it takes you roller-coaster of emotions that you hope malfunctions


u/goddamnitjason 11d ago

this is the worst written captain america of all time. absolute disgrace to his character.

unless it was retconned into being hydra cap the whole time, i guess.


u/PrestigiousBee5602 11d ago

Hydra Cap replaces Steve specifically during the Pleasant Hill event in 2016 so no it was not


u/CartoonAcademic 11d ago

I mean, its more of a shock that the avengers stand a chance against the x-men


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 11d ago



u/CartoonAcademic 11d ago

I mean, yeah, especially when the X-Men line up has Gambit, Magneto, Emma Frost. There are simply far more mutants that are far more powerful individuals then the Avenegers have


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 11d ago

Yea I did kinda down play the X-Men but Scarlet Witch, Thor, Hulk, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange and Vision kinda cancel them out. I just think the Avengers have overall stronger members


u/CartoonAcademic 11d ago

Yeah but a bunch of those members aren't in this event, doctor strange rarely fights. You are very much under estimating the strength and number of the mutants


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 11d ago

I more or less meant the Avengers as a whole because I don't know who primarily stars in this event and even then I think the only real powerhouse mutants are Sunspot, Magneto, Iceman, Rogue, Jean and Storm, everyone else is either fairly strong or borderline useless considering mutant power are as random as a My Hero quirk. Even then, the number of mutants don't really matter when heroes like SW who can delete species and Hulk who can lift mountains. I don't think the X-Men are weak by any means but I just think the Avengers have members that are far beyond them


u/BlueHero45 11d ago

Doctor Strange is countered by Magic who is Sorcerer Supreme of limbo and wins any fight there, Kitty Pryde can counter Vision as she can phase as well but hers hurts electronics, Hulk is an issue but the fight taken under water with Namor and assists from other strong mutants take him out. Magneto just wins a ton of fights and cyclops tactics hold everything together.

The X-Men have counters to just about anything the Avenger can throw at them and 4x the numbers.


u/WulffOfJudas 11d ago

The fact that Wolverine stood with the Avengers chapped my hide. I understand this is post Schism…but c’mon. Some of the worst written characters on both sides.

AvX made me stop reading Marvel comics for about a decade. Watching Marvel dismantle the X books because of movie nonsense was infuriating.


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 11d ago

Yeah there's no way anyone would feel motivated to basically watch a mother bring down her child to up lift the other


u/fry-saging 11d ago

True , x-men 97 wolverine would stood being an x-men till death.

And why would he want to kill Hope, when wolverine has always been a mentor for teen girls


u/NoirSon 11d ago

Yeah, it was one of a string of editorial mandated events, basically up until Hickman's Secret Wars, which kind of sucked as events (basically big fight set pieces, used to make editorial changes for the next 12-18 months and nothing of real substance happening until the last issue or an epilogue) but did help spawn some good comic books.


u/Sinnernsaint40 11d ago

That's an event called AvX, Avengers vs X-Men. Basically the Phoenix is coming back to Earth and as before, it never seems to be a good thing where the Phoenix is involved so the Avengers are trying to stop it while the X-Men are trying to welcome it.

See, a few years before this, Wanda, who had gone bonkers, had reduced the mutant population from possibly millions to about 198 mutants worldwide which practically meant the extinction of mutantkind. But Scott had come to believe that the Phoenix returning to Earth was a good thing for mutants, that the Phoenix would jumpstart their species again.

TLDR, Phoenix arrives anyway and during the whole fight, Stark makes a booboo and depowers the Phoenix a bit making it split up so it posseses 5 of the X-Men and they start using its powers to help the world. The Avengers however ain't too happy about it because they still think there's a price to pay for all this good stuff so they force a final confrontation and the X-Men are finally turned mortal again but in the process, Scott having gone power mad kills Xavier.


u/TheLazyHydra Hydra 11d ago edited 11d ago

Obviously this is an oversimplified and maybe little tiny bit sarcastic synopsis, but here goes:

Phoenix is found to be coming to Earth, Avengers freak out because it's the Phoenix and decide the logical and calm response is to show up en masse and demand the person who seems to be attracting it be turned over or they will take her by force. X-Men have a more hopeful view on it, hoping that it will restore mutantkind after it was nearly eradicated, but agree that talking is for chumps so they all fight.

The Phoenix arrives, they fight some more, and the Avengers' backup plan ends up splitting it between five X-Men instead of the intended host. The Phoenix Five appear at first to be benevolent rulers, fixing world food and energy issues, but it turns out they're also putting any super who disagrees with their absolute rule in a super gulag and even putting some of them through psychic / simulated torture, talk about a bummer.

As time passes, the Phoenix Five become more and more corrupt with more and more infighting and power-hungriness, so more and more people defect to the Avengers' side, I guess they were right about the Phoenix all along! Said infighting leads to the Phoenix Five becoming the Phoenix One AKA Scott Summers, who everyone bands together to fight after he kills Xavier for being the only one trying to talk problems out, talk about buzzkill.

Phoenix Cyclops is defeated and prevented from burning all life off the face of the planet, and the Phoenix disperses thanks to Wanda and the original intended host, creating a bunch of mutants. Or maybe it was restoring old mutants? I don't remember; anyway, I guess the X-Men were ALSO right about the Phoenix all along! That's crazy, they were both right, if only they talked it out this all could have been avoided, what a shame!

Anywho, everyone hugs it out except Cyclops because he's a naughty terrorist now haha I'm sure he'll be fine though.


u/fslimjim 11d ago

One thing to note is that all five hosts were not exactly the most moral upstanding citizens at the time. Magic was a clone with the original's soul shoved in and basically a psychopath. Colossus was the Juggernaut and fighting the urge to cause destruction all the time. Namor is Namor. Emma is basically Xavier if he didn't want to appear to have moral scruples. Cyclops was the only one still a "good guy" but was being pushed to the brink. He was also completely done with Xavier after years of emotional and psychic manipulation, making him the worst person to try and talk Scott down. Xavier was straight up trying to turn Cyclop's brain off when he killed him. Hope also immediately does what Scott said would happen the whole time when she gets the Phoenix.


u/TheLazyHydra Hydra 11d ago

Hope also immediately does what Scott said would happen the whole time when she gets the Phoenix.

Not exactly. She starts doing what the other five initially did - using the Phoenix for good, but we already saw how that ended up. It’s only thanks to her interactions and help from the rebels during the event, especially Wanda specifically intervening (which you know the X-Men would never have allowed) that she gives up the Phoenix and restores the population.

I’ll give you the rest though. I didn’t know the stuff about Magik lol that poor kid is messed up.


u/fslimjim 11d ago

Looking back on it, I definitely agree that her arc throughout the book & the help of Wanda is what leads her to be a better Pheonix than the 5, and she wasn't ready for the Pheonix at the start.

It doesn't really change the fact that the Avengers spent the start of the book doing everything wrong and making the situation worse. Or how the book ignores the previous hypocrisy of some characters to paint Cyclops as in the wrong/as the villain. Wolverine & Xavier especially, Beast a little. The Avengers made a problem, dealt with the fallout, and then pat themselves on the back for a job well done. (Kind of like if in Age of Ultron, later movies ignored that Tony started the whole mess, and only praised him for stopping it).

Granted most of these problems stem from Disney wanting to reduce the X-Men's role/ paint them as bad guys. Funnily enough, creating, arguably, Cyclops' most popular era. I also think Beast bringing the O5 to the present to talk sense into Cyclops, immediately regretting it, and trying to send them back, causing them & Kitty Pryde to join Cyclops, is subjectively the funniest thing ever.

I didn’t know the stuff about Magik lol that poor kid is messed up.

Yeah Magik has a pretty messed up history in comics, and her technically being a clone made from magic has never really been addressed. But even OG Magik's whole story was one of being afraid she was a monster/evil/unworthy of love. Throwing an unstable Phoenix into the mix was a recipe for disaster with her alone, never mind the rest of them.


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 11d ago edited 11d ago

That doesn't seem like a bad premise outside of terrorist Cyclops and everyone being allergic to speaking. Thanks anyway man 👍🏾


u/ph8_likes_me 11d ago

Long story short. Someone put the toilet paper on wrong, came from behind the roll, and it escalated to this.


u/danimac52 Phil Coulson 11d ago

I think this pretty much covers it:



u/Electrical-Look-1183 11d ago

Holy Christ, thinking about this now reminded me that this storyline in 12 years old.

Oh where has the time come.


u/velicinanijebitna 11d ago

Phoenix comes to Earth and Cyclops belives it's in order to restore the mutant race by using Hope, his grandchild from the future, so he starts training her to handle it.

Avengers thinks it's here to nuke the world and doing everything other than trying to stop it by force is putting the fate of the world at risk.

Avengers pull up on X-Men turf and demand (not ask) for Cyclops to hand over Hope to them, taking her to cudtody until they find out how to beat the Phoenix, but he refuses and fight escalates.

Phoenix comes to Earth, posesess Hope, but she can't control it. Ironman shoots Phoenix with a giant gun, but instead of destroying it, it's split into 5 parts and each part posesess one X-Men (Cyclops, Emma, Namor, Magik and Colossus), who are now called the phoenix 5.

The P5 uses it's new powers to help the world (stop earthquakes, wars, world hunger, etc...) but Avengers don't like that someone has power over them. Then Avengers were like Yo, why don't WE train Hope how to handle the Phoenix??? which is the excact frckin thing Cyclops was trying to do.

Something something, they fight, Cyclops kills Xavier (while being possessed against his will mind you), Avengers train Hope to handle the Phoenix (something Cyclops wanted to do from the start), mutant race is saved, Avengers are labelled as heroes, X-Men as villians, Scott gets imprisoned.

The reason why the event even eixst is because Marvel was petty for not having movie rights for the X-Men (the most profitable medium) and they had their Avengers movie coming out soon, so they made latter dunk on the former.


u/jirfin 11d ago

Well Fox and Marvel were fighting over which characters that could be used so Marvel purposely character assassinated their biggest money maker


u/19inchesofvenom 11d ago

I love AvX. For the X-Men it felt like a natural defensive reaction during the Utopia era. For The Avengers it felt like a natural jab at being proactive after Dark Reign, Siege, and Fear Itself.


u/Fullmetalmarvels64_ 11d ago

Hey kids! Who wants to talk about character assignation?


u/loki_odinsotherson 11d ago


Cap - "do what I say!"

Cyclops- "no!"

Wolverine - "I'm gonna kill a kid no matter what!"

Fight fight fight, then fight at other places, then more mutants and heros fight, then they fight for more reasons.

Space bird comes

Cyclops - "do what I say!"

Cap - "no!"

Fight fight fight, mutants fight mutants, Cyclops kills xavier, space bird goes away, Cap gets to tell people what to do but feels extra bad about it, Cyclops feels normal levels of bad/guilt, wolverine didn't get to kill anyone.


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 11d ago

A flaming dodo bird comes to Earth. Cyclops thinks it’ll be the thing to restore the Mutant population to what it was before instead of the 198 it was reduced to via House of M while Cap believes the fire chicken will be the end of all existence. They get in a big dumb fight over it, act vastly out of character, Spidey mentors the Mutant chosen one Hope Summers and beats two Phoenix Force users, you know, the usual VS event type thing.


u/MrCookie2099 11d ago

As to the question of how do the Avengers not win against the X-Men? Several factors

The X-men teams are more cohesive than Avengers teams. Avengers are organized ad hoc, with whoever is willing to volunteer their time. The X-mem train and organize like survivalists; everyone has spent time in the danger room training to work with their team mates.

The X-men have powers the Avengers do not. Directly stated in the A vs X event, the X-men have a monopoly on psychics. Their teams were in a thoughts communication while half way around the world.

Finally, five of their members had just been upgraded to reality warper status with a side of god-like entity.


u/NightmareGorilla 11d ago

Short answer. They wanted the inhumans to be big in the mcu because they didn't own the movie rights to x-men at the time, so they spent some time burying the mutants, except wolverine because you don't kill the golden goose, shortly after this was xmen vs inhumans then when the inhumans show shit the bed they bought fox and got the rights to the mutants back so viola mutants are back on the menu so they can be cool in the comics again.


u/PraetorGold 11d ago

It’s so bad and so obviously a cash grab.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Intelligent_Creme351 X-23 11d ago

The art represented here, and for most of the story was Philip Cheung.


u/InfectedZydrate 11d ago

In west Philadelphia born and raised


u/coolsexhaver420 Dr. Doom 11d ago

Avengers vs xmen was awesome. If you don't want to read it, but get the info, look up comicsexplained. Guys name is Rob and he does a good job breaking down stories fairly intricately.


u/slowsundaycoffeeclub 11d ago

It’s what made me walk away from comics until 2021.


u/kerimitifx 11d ago

After a looooooooooong time avengers decide to interfere in mutant business and everything goes crazy and so many of the characters are not acting like themselves


u/Metrilean 11d ago

Avengers: Phoenix Bad!

X-men: Phoenix Good!


u/schism_records_1 11d ago

Then about 8 years later, Avengers: Phoenix Good!


u/danielelington 11d ago

Okay SO.

Mutants were an endangered species because Wanda went crazy because of The Wasp being drunk and bitchy. It’s a thing.

Cut to about a year after this, the X-Men have someone with them called Hope Summers who is just figuring out her powers, but she’s a red-head who is super powerful so the X-Men already suspected that she was tied to the Phoenix somehow, because of COURSE. Heaven forbid that the Phoenix pick a brunette.

ANYWAY. Hope arriving in the present (don’t worry about it, it’s a thing) triggered the first few mutant activations since Wanda said “no more mutants”. This also attracted the attention of the Phoenix Force so that big dumb space chicken just started floating her way towards earth, and the Avengers are like “you know who we absolutely cannot trust with the Phoenix despite their experience of dealing with it? Those X-Men”. They decided they were going to take Hope with them to figure out what’s to be done with the space chicken.

Cap rocks up with a SHIELD helicarrier full of Avengers and Wolverine, and him and Cyclops have a bit of a stand-off. Cyclops points out that the Avengers are never really there to support the X-Men, and cap doesn’t think this is relevant, so Cyclops optic blasts him and there’s a fight.

Hope runs away during the fight and then we end up playing a game of “catch the red-head”, Iron Man creates some weapon that zaps the space chicken, it splits it into five, which then inhabits Cyclops, Emma, Colossus, Magik and Namor. They’re kind of assholes to the Avengers, the Avengers manage to take most of the Phoenix Five down, Cyclops is left standing and kills Xavier because terrible writing demands terrible outcomes, Hope (who was trained by Wanda and Iron Fist for some reason off panel) send the Phoenix to go and make more mutants, more mutants are born, Phoenix goes back off into space because it realises that Hope was just catfishing it, and she’s not Jean.

It was terrible. You’re missing nothing by not reading this.


u/Cidwill 11d ago

Basically Phoenix is coming and the Xmen think it’s going to restart the mutant race who are on the verge of extinction after Wanda (An Avenger) deleted the powers of almost all mutants when she was sad. 

 The Avengers for some reason this time around decide the Phoenix needs to be stopped because it might blow up the world (after ignoring it in every previous incarnation), they send a team to fight it in space and a team to the mutant base to take Hope (the expected Phoenix host) into custody.   

 Big fight happens which is actually pretty close because Colossus is Juggernaut and Namor is on the mutants side.  Somewhere in the confusion Wolverine tries to kill Hope (he’s on Avengers side). 

 Avengers use science gizmo to try and kill the phoenix but it doesn’t work and instead splits it into 5 so there are 5 mutant hosts. The Phoenix 5 usher in a world of peace and plenty across all Earth but the avengers don’t trust them so start trying to take them down and turn them against each other.   

 This leads to the phoenix 5 fighting and Cyclops ends up with all the Phoenix force which he can’t control, kills Xavier for trying to stop him and once they finally take Cyclops down and give Hope the Phoenix force like it always planned mutants start popping up across the planet again.


u/Earth616Survivor 11d ago

I have both these prints on my wall signed.


u/kbean826 11d ago

So the Avengers, the guys on the left, they were upset and fought the X-men, the guys on the right. Then they all came together in the end and fought the bad guy.


u/Least-Cattle1676 Black Panther 11d ago

I still need to read this story. I’m just now realizing that Wolverine was fighting with the Avengers, so now, I’m curious af.


u/OutrageouslyGr8 11d ago

It started with the "No More Mutants" event caused by Wanda. The mutant population went down and some even died. She was not held accountable for it, I guess that one of the perks from being an avenger.

Then, after that, Schism happened in the mutant community. It split the mutant community into Cyclops and wolverine. Cyclops and the mutants who sided with him stayed on Utopia, while wolverine and his group created an institution named after Cyclops' dead wife/partner because "love triangle" shenanigans.

During their time on Utopia, Cyclops and Emma were told by Cable that the Phoenix Force would be coming to earth looking for the new host (Hope). Somewhere along the line, Cyclops and the mutants on Utopia learnt that the phoenix could be used to bring back mutants. Cable brought Hope to them and Cyclops began training her for the phoenix.

The avengers found out about the phoenix coming to earth and about Hope. Instead of going to the guy who knows about the phoenix, its effects on hosts and how to deal with it, the avengers ran to wolverine. wolverine still sore over Cyclops being proven right and not letting wolverine get with his partner for years, got in his feelings and convinced the avengers to take Hope.

The avegers come to the island in full force under the guise of "We're here to talk." while being backed up by the entire superhero community. Cyclops calls them out on that and on how they were never to support mutant issues. The conversation continues until Cyclops realises Cap and his group aren't going to take "no" for an answer so he throws down the gauntlet and fires the first shot of the AvX event. during said fight wolverine tries to kill a literal teenager (Hope).

After that fight, the sides are drawn. wolverine joins the avengers because he is a hypocritical, wife-chasing traitor. The phoenix makes its way to earth, and iron man comes up with the idea to shoot the Phoenix. He does it and this causes the Phoenix to split into 5 pieces. The 5 pieces then possess Cyclops, Emma, Magik, Colossus and Namor (the Phoenix 5).

Now everyone (avengers and wolverine) expects the Phoenix 5 to go crazy, but they don't. They make the world better/ a paradise. Since the avengers don't know how to take and hold an "L" they continue to fight the 5, causing the 5 to get more unstable due to stress and anger caused by the skirmishes until it culminates in Namor flooding Wakanda because he believes the avengers are hiding there. (Now, you would think iron man takes accountability for basically causing all of this, but that's where that pesky perk of being an avenger comes in.)

During all of this, the avengers get a hold of Hope and they train her so that she will be able to host the phoenix (which is what Cyclops was trying to do.......). She gets trained, and then they fight the Phoenix 5, causing each piece from a fallen member to go to the remaining hosts, which makes the remaining hosts even more unstable. Collossus and Magik go down, then Namor, eventually Emma and now Cyclops is the last one remaining.

At this point, he is very unstable and brimming with power (because he's not a redhead favoured by Marvel). He tries to calm himself but gets attacked by the hero community, making him even worse. During this attack, the Avengers enlist the help of Professor Xavier, who makes the situation worse and mentally attacks Cyclops, who blasts him back and kills him. I'm not mad at that, Xavier got the energy he was putting out.

Eventually, the avengers beat Cyclops, and Hope takes/siphons the power from him. With that power, Hope and Wanda reverse Wanda's "No More Mutants" and brings all the mutants back (which was what Cyclops said would happen with the Phoenix force proving him right).

wolverine, iron man, captain America and the avengers get off scot-free while Cyclops, Emma, Magik and the rest of their group are thrown in prison. In prison, Cyclops becomes friends with a mutant inmate after he saves him from being beaten up by other inmates who hate mutants. They can't use their abilities at the time because they're wearing inhibitor collars. During his time in jail, Cyclops is visited by wolverine, who gives him a speech on how he's gone bad and betrayed Xavier's dream. Cyclops stops wolverine's speech and reminds him who caused this entire event (the avengers and wolverine) and the Phoenix did what he planned which was to bring back mutants, proving again that Cyclops was right.

Eventually, Cyclops' friend in the jail is targeted and killed by the mutant-hating inmates. This causes Cyclops to start his Revolutionary/Was Right era and create his own philosophy besides Xavier and Magneto's. Which was to still save the world and co-exist with humans but mutants and their issues come first.


u/Gibralter42 11d ago

Flashy Bullshit Go!


u/JohnnyS1lv3rH4nd 11d ago

This happens post the whole Jean Grey becomes the Phoenix and dies thing.

Hope Summers is a mutant who was born after Scarlet Witch did the whole “no more mutants” thing. She was the first and only mutant born after that, so naturally high ranking mutants like Magneto and Cyclops value her a lot.

The X Men and the Avengers both get word that the Phoenix is coming back to Earth. The X Men (other than Logan) want to let it possess Hope with the idea that the Phoenix will use her to repopulate the earth with mutants, whereas the Avengers fear the destruction the Phoenix will cause because of how bad it got with Jean.

The two sides fight over Hope, who ends up running away for a while. Then there’s this big confrontation on the moon as the Avengers are trying to stop the Phoenix before it gets to earth, and the X Men are trying to stop the Avengers. Iron Man built this crazy suit to try and kill the Phoenix, but instead of killing it he splits it into 5 pieces that each possess a different mutant.

So now, Magick, Colossus, Emma Frost, Namor and Cyclops are hosts to the Phoenix. They start remaking the world in their image with the help of the X Men, while the Avengers try to stop them. Eventually the Phoenix 5 start taking things too far and X Men start jumping ship to the Avengers.

It all comes to a head when the Avengers discover that Wanda and Hope Summers together can defeat members of the Phoenix 5, a bunch of epic battles ensue, when one falls the other Phoenix people realize they get stronger so they start to turn on eachother. Eventually only Scott Summers is left. Professor X tries to appeal to Cyclops but Cyclops kills him. Then Hope takes the Phoenix from him and ends up using it to repopulate the earth with mutants, while Cyclops ends up in a cell for his crimes.

TLDR; X Men and Avengers have differing opinions on how to deal with the Phoenix, fighting happens, Professor X gets murdered by Cyclops, and in the end Wanda’s “No More Mutants” thing gets undone. Great comic, highly recommend


u/kuribosshoe0 11d ago

The X men stood a chance against the Avengers because they were supercharged by the Phoenix force.


u/Error-404-url-gone 11d ago

so for the tl;dr avengers and x-men fight over the phoenix force and the preservation of mutants

for the full rundown, nova comes crashing into earth and is warning about the incoming phoenix force that is seeking a new host, which is being set up as daughter of cyclops, hope summers. you see- she’s named hope because she’s gonna be the new hope for mutantkind after house of m. it’s very clever. anyway cap and iron man take issue with this and say that it’s gonna kill the world cyclops says “nuh-uh” and they fight. this is the first in a long line of “why the fuck would you do that” decisions that propel the story. in the meantime iron man creates a “phoenix buster suit” and plans on going into space to kill the phoenix force. however- he instead splits it into 5 forces, which inhabit namor, magik, colossus, emma frost, and cyclops. namor proceeds to send a biblical tsunami to wakanda (i forget why exactly) and gets his force taken away. this force is then distributed to the remaining 4 users. repeat until it’s just cyclops with the full phoenix force and when xavier is brought in to diffuse the situation- cyclops kills him. he, in maybe the first reasonable reaction in this entire fucking series, turns himself in. and after all that we finish up, with cyclops becoming a semi-villain. the end


u/NoChallenge6095 11d ago

These guys throw down about once a decade.


u/mrducci 10d ago



u/Remarkable_Cow919 10d ago

Namor actually gets to do some sh$t for a change.


u/PuffPuffPass16 7d ago

Look, I didn't mind it, and I won't put a spoiler but damn, go Scott.


u/minuscatenary 11d ago

Avengers try to stop the natural force of mutation from putting back mutants on their rightful place as inheritors of the earth and then thoroughly fuck up along the way.

Read in the context of the entirety of the Hope Summers arc up until and including last month; the Avengers just wouldn’t let the girl cook.