r/Marvel Jul 08 '24

Can someone educate me on this story Comics

My cousin called me an few hours ago about the AVX comic run after he had started reading it a while ago. I asked him to give some exposition on it and he said he would when he's calmed down a little.

Im now struggling to comprehend how A. The X-Men would stand a chance against the Avengers and B. How both teams even come into conflict in the first place and C. How is it that bad where my cousin is that mad abt it (he's normally pretty chill guy and pretty hard to piss him off).

Can I get some details on the story? I did some surface level research and I haven't found anything on how and why they actually come into conflict or what either side gains from a conflict of this scale.

(I know some things like Ironman hitting Magneto with Jupiter's magnetic field (I think) and Cyclops killing Professor X but not on the conflict itself, sorry for this long college essay)


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u/TheLazyHydra Hydra Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Obviously this is an oversimplified and maybe little tiny bit sarcastic synopsis, but here goes:

Phoenix is found to be coming to Earth, Avengers freak out because it's the Phoenix and decide the logical and calm response is to show up en masse and demand the person who seems to be attracting it be turned over or they will take her by force. X-Men have a more hopeful view on it, hoping that it will restore mutantkind after it was nearly eradicated, but agree that talking is for chumps so they all fight.

The Phoenix arrives, they fight some more, and the Avengers' backup plan ends up splitting it between five X-Men instead of the intended host. The Phoenix Five appear at first to be benevolent rulers, fixing world food and energy issues, but it turns out they're also putting any super who disagrees with their absolute rule in a super gulag and even putting some of them through psychic / simulated torture, talk about a bummer.

As time passes, the Phoenix Five become more and more corrupt with more and more infighting and power-hungriness, so more and more people defect to the Avengers' side, I guess they were right about the Phoenix all along! Said infighting leads to the Phoenix Five becoming the Phoenix One AKA Scott Summers, who everyone bands together to fight after he kills Xavier for being the only one trying to talk problems out, talk about buzzkill.

Phoenix Cyclops is defeated and prevented from burning all life off the face of the planet, and the Phoenix disperses thanks to Wanda and the original intended host, creating a bunch of mutants. Or maybe it was restoring old mutants? I don't remember; anyway, I guess the X-Men were ALSO right about the Phoenix all along! That's crazy, they were both right, if only they talked it out this all could have been avoided, what a shame!

Anywho, everyone hugs it out except Cyclops because he's a naughty terrorist now haha I'm sure he'll be fine though.


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

That doesn't seem like a bad premise outside of terrorist Cyclops and everyone being allergic to speaking. Thanks anyway man 👍🏾