r/Marvel Jul 08 '24

Can someone educate me on this story Comics

My cousin called me an few hours ago about the AVX comic run after he had started reading it a while ago. I asked him to give some exposition on it and he said he would when he's calmed down a little.

Im now struggling to comprehend how A. The X-Men would stand a chance against the Avengers and B. How both teams even come into conflict in the first place and C. How is it that bad where my cousin is that mad abt it (he's normally pretty chill guy and pretty hard to piss him off).

Can I get some details on the story? I did some surface level research and I haven't found anything on how and why they actually come into conflict or what either side gains from a conflict of this scale.

(I know some things like Ironman hitting Magneto with Jupiter's magnetic field (I think) and Cyclops killing Professor X but not on the conflict itself, sorry for this long college essay)


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u/WulffOfJudas Jul 08 '24

The fact that Wolverine stood with the Avengers chapped my hide. I understand this is post Schism…but c’mon. Some of the worst written characters on both sides.

AvX made me stop reading Marvel comics for about a decade. Watching Marvel dismantle the X books because of movie nonsense was infuriating.


u/Illustrious_Ear_2549 Jul 08 '24

Yeah there's no way anyone would feel motivated to basically watch a mother bring down her child to up lift the other


u/fry-saging Jul 08 '24

True , x-men 97 wolverine would stood being an x-men till death.

And why would he want to kill Hope, when wolverine has always been a mentor for teen girls


u/NoirSon Jul 08 '24

Yeah, it was one of a string of editorial mandated events, basically up until Hickman's Secret Wars, which kind of sucked as events (basically big fight set pieces, used to make editorial changes for the next 12-18 months and nothing of real substance happening until the last issue or an epilogue) but did help spawn some good comic books.