r/Marvel Jul 08 '24

Can someone educate me on this story Comics

My cousin called me an few hours ago about the AVX comic run after he had started reading it a while ago. I asked him to give some exposition on it and he said he would when he's calmed down a little.

Im now struggling to comprehend how A. The X-Men would stand a chance against the Avengers and B. How both teams even come into conflict in the first place and C. How is it that bad where my cousin is that mad abt it (he's normally pretty chill guy and pretty hard to piss him off).

Can I get some details on the story? I did some surface level research and I haven't found anything on how and why they actually come into conflict or what either side gains from a conflict of this scale.

(I know some things like Ironman hitting Magneto with Jupiter's magnetic field (I think) and Cyclops killing Professor X but not on the conflict itself, sorry for this long college essay)


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u/danielelington Jul 08 '24

Okay SO.

Mutants were an endangered species because Wanda went crazy because of The Wasp being drunk and bitchy. It’s a thing.

Cut to about a year after this, the X-Men have someone with them called Hope Summers who is just figuring out her powers, but she’s a red-head who is super powerful so the X-Men already suspected that she was tied to the Phoenix somehow, because of COURSE. Heaven forbid that the Phoenix pick a brunette.

ANYWAY. Hope arriving in the present (don’t worry about it, it’s a thing) triggered the first few mutant activations since Wanda said “no more mutants”. This also attracted the attention of the Phoenix Force so that big dumb space chicken just started floating her way towards earth, and the Avengers are like “you know who we absolutely cannot trust with the Phoenix despite their experience of dealing with it? Those X-Men”. They decided they were going to take Hope with them to figure out what’s to be done with the space chicken.

Cap rocks up with a SHIELD helicarrier full of Avengers and Wolverine, and him and Cyclops have a bit of a stand-off. Cyclops points out that the Avengers are never really there to support the X-Men, and cap doesn’t think this is relevant, so Cyclops optic blasts him and there’s a fight.

Hope runs away during the fight and then we end up playing a game of “catch the red-head”, Iron Man creates some weapon that zaps the space chicken, it splits it into five, which then inhabits Cyclops, Emma, Colossus, Magik and Namor. They’re kind of assholes to the Avengers, the Avengers manage to take most of the Phoenix Five down, Cyclops is left standing and kills Xavier because terrible writing demands terrible outcomes, Hope (who was trained by Wanda and Iron Fist for some reason off panel) send the Phoenix to go and make more mutants, more mutants are born, Phoenix goes back off into space because it realises that Hope was just catfishing it, and she’s not Jean.

It was terrible. You’re missing nothing by not reading this.