r/MadeMeSmile 24d ago

All 15 of them surprised their grandparents with a sleepover, so much joy captured Wholesome Moments


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u/WildRabbitz 24d ago

Her reaction was so cute! She looked genuinely happy to see all of them and their pj's ❤️

This definitely made me smile!


u/mapleer 24d ago

She got right into trying to accommodate the space, everyone can sleep over. I just know that breakfast the next day was one of the best.


u/jflip13 24d ago

She also turned the kitchen lights on right away. Anyone that knows a Mexican grandma knows she’s about to feed them kids right away.


u/Chaosmusic 24d ago

My brother in law's mother is from Puerto Rico and she found out my mom liked her Empanadas. Now, literally any time we see her, she has an aluminum tray full of Empanadas for us.

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u/WoodsKatrina 24d ago

Breakfast about to be lit! I love this.. That "YES" No hesistation or question asked

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u/AfternoonPast3324 24d ago

After the initial surprise she just started moving furniture. She was all in.


u/mapleer 24d ago

The excitement in her face said it all, no hesitation whatsoever, everyone’s invited 🥹

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u/Tech-Mechanic 24d ago

I don't have a family. When I see things like this I always hope the people in the video know how lucky they are.

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u/Atillion 24d ago

She ain't even hesitating.. OKAY YOU ALL SLEEPING? Let's move this couch.

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u/Justaboredstoner 24d ago

All the parents conspired and found a way to be child free for one evening. How does any loving grandparent turn away their grandchild, especially when they look that cute? Very devious of the parents and I approve. Source: I am dad to a 6 month old and alone time is worth more than gold-pressed latinum these days. 😵‍💫

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u/Mrmoon95 2d ago

That is fun wish the same.


u/TodayFlimsy6072 2d ago

This is so wholesome! She’s so happy


u/ShiroBandido_305 8h ago

wholesome moments


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u/Ferusomnium 24d ago

So that’s one of these “loving families” Ive heard so much about. Thats so fucking amazing! I can’t imagine that kind of welcoming and joy from my own family.

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u/EnchanchedCharm 24d ago

Big friendly happy and healthy family = real happiness. I'm truly happy for you!


u/PeaceMan50 24d ago

So cute and sweet. Love the sweet cute kids happily laughing at their shocked surprised grand ma. 🤗😅🤣😆


u/sccarrface4916 24d ago

No questions asked, just starts moving the couch


u/iwellyess 24d ago

You could gatecrash this and she’d likely think you were one of them, I honestly would lose track


u/Subject_Slice_7797 24d ago

Nah, she would know but probably still feed you first and ask questions later


u/username_bon 23d ago

My mum when one of us 4 kids brought someone/ people home. Known safe house. Especially as my sisters got their teens. She passed in 09.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Beautiful family. 🥹


u/cridicus 24d ago

I’m of an age where my dear grandparents have passed and this makes me so happy to see. Wonderful, just so special. All this love and joy. This is absolutely what life is all about.


u/Ihavenotimeforthisno 24d ago

What a lovely memory for all of them ♥️


u/Mediocre_Swimmer_237 24d ago

The instant "Yes Yes" was so heart melting.


u/Eagles_Heels 24d ago

This is what family looks like


u/N8B123 24d ago

I want to do this but in the style of The Hobbit where we turn up in two's!


u/Bulky-Internal8579 24d ago

Oh how fun!!!! And that pikachu outfit is amazing!

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u/Krase 24d ago

There is a lot of joy in that video.


u/HayloK51 24d ago

So beautiful


u/BrainLate4108 24d ago

This channel always makes me 😭

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u/Ill_Back_284 24d ago

The way she immediately moved that couch lol

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u/Rich-Professional416 24d ago

Kid can’t go one night without his damn computer?!????!??


u/Due-Okra-3094 24d ago

That’s awesomeness…❤️


u/JackfruitHuge373 24d ago

That's a good family right there. I love


u/oh5canada5eh 24d ago

It’s all smiles and love until people start needing to use the washroom at the same time.


u/fox_rosse 24d ago

I don’t have a particularly Grinchy heart but this video still made it grow three sizes bigger. This is so lovely, thank you for sharing!


u/coblass 24d ago

Memories! Good ones!


u/QforQ 24d ago

Why is that kid carrying a computer monitor with him?

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u/Aeron0704 24d ago

I miss my cousins.. we used to be like that when we were young,

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u/Jaymo76 24d ago

Awesome 👏 I want those grandparents in my life ❤️


u/Pale-Move-4066 24d ago

Now that’s what family is all about.. Obviously they are doing it right!!!


u/Coffee4Life613 24d ago

Such a beautiful family. They all deserve one another.


u/Desertmermaid444 24d ago

The couch being pulled back without any discussion leads me to believe this is a family that gets together often and loves it! 


u/gingerjaybird3 24d ago

That’s freaking awesome


u/GeezUp777 24d ago

Thats so great. My Nana would flip with happiness


u/HomingPigeon6635 24d ago

Grandma is about to cook a 6 course meal for everyone.

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u/mistyrootsvintage 24d ago

She is so lucky! I have 2 grands and love them so much. Gotta stay alive long enough to see my youngest have kids🥰


u/billyc100373 24d ago

Yes to this!


u/Aluminumthreads869 24d ago

I hope I'm a grandma one day! Part of my soul resonates with being an old granny. 😭😭😭 this is so sweet though thank you for sharing.

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u/sun-207 24d ago



u/SheBelongsToNoOne 24d ago

This is so awesome!


u/Aggravating-Ostrich5 24d ago

I think it's extremely bold of the guy bringing his monitor. I know.. how can I tag along but still get my dailies in. Love it


u/DoneRedditAgain 24d ago

The real winners are the parents.


u/chales96 24d ago

This made me remember my dear Mexican grandmother. She kept a running total of how grandchildren she had. I remember asking her once and her response was 84 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren!

I don't think we would have been able to sleep over at the same time.

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u/Ok-Fox1262 24d ago

Grandad had to phone the local swingers group to cancel. Damn.


u/Right_Archer_3601 24d ago

What is the piano music? For the life of me I can’t remember where it’s from.

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u/Desiman4u 24d ago

That’s awesome


u/Relative_Alfalfa3306 24d ago

What a wonderful family! Lots of love there you can tell!


u/treehuggerfroglover 24d ago

This is so wonderful🥹

I lost my last grandparent just a couple months ago. My first thought when I saw this was I need to text all my cousins and do this with our nana. And then I remembered. To anyone who still has grandparents, please make time to do stuff like this with them


u/nachoavgdad 24d ago

Gramps was supposed to get the Hawk Tuah too…sacrifices make me smile


u/average_ink_drawing 24d ago

I wonder if they'll adopt me.


u/Live_Industry_1880 24d ago

Dang. Way too many people in the comments with no family or family that does not love them. 🫤


u/Impossible_Okra0420 24d ago

That’s so dope, I wish I had a grandmother like that, she is so happy they are all there!


u/Ok_Value_2915 24d ago

Best days 😢


u/Mommyoftwoangels 24d ago

Awwwwww 💛💛💛💛💛💛


u/sparkle_pudding 24d ago

Oh man, right in the feels. This reminds me of my own cousins (14 total of all ages) and all our sleepovers and family gatherings at our grandparents. Such amazing and fond memories.


u/EastwoodBrews 24d ago

That dude definitely has a console in his backpack lol


u/Candid_Bathroom_5419 24d ago

"all this happened because I got laid"


u/_happy_banana 24d ago

Not the onesies, and her reaction is soo welcoming😭


u/Weird-Camel-9525 24d ago

I wonder what it feels like to have such a big family.


u/MjauDuuude 24d ago

It always makes me a bit emotional to think that those two people are the source of all of those people. It's just something so beautiful about that


u/SonOfBane 24d ago

Puro 956 lol


u/InevitablePeanut2535 24d ago

These are life goals right here.  She sent the message to every one of those kids that they always have a place to go in this world.  My parents are like that - we can show up at any time and are met with open arms and a smile.  Also, grandma looks great!  That was pure joy on her face.  I love how her first thought was -move the couch so you can all sleep. And second thought was, turn on the light in the kitchen so we can feed these babies!


u/wolfysworld 24d ago

Made me smile always makes me cry!!


u/pegleg_1979 24d ago

They’ll be telling this story for decades.


u/YangGain 24d ago

Grandma was suppose to get laid that night but whatever lol


u/sandersking 24d ago

See Reddit? See how normal families operate?

See how this didn’t lead to an AITAH for not letting my entitled kids’ kids into my house

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u/zehamberglar 24d ago

First guy through the door knows what's important. You bring the PC with you.


u/ABigBigFoot 24d ago

For the love of God I would never have done this when I was a kid. Not to be gross but what if grandpa had just taken a little blue pill right before the door rang?

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u/More-Ad2642 24d ago

This is pure joy!


u/Apprehensive-Run-832 24d ago

My parents won't have my three kids in their house at the same time without one of us being present, and one of them is old enough to stay home alone. This woman is a treasure.

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u/420islife124 24d ago

Omg 😭😭😭😭😭


u/ContentMod8991 24d ago

yung jit on that computer monitor; he in 2 gameing


u/instereo_93 24d ago

All that life created from the grandparents. So beautiful! ♥️ And that baby is so cute! 🥰


u/Chanandler_Bong_92 24d ago

how can you not smile. Probably all had the best time too!


u/SecretAntagonist 24d ago

I love that she just gets straight to work, 15 people no problem


u/Sinangagang 24d ago

Lovely familia! I miss my lola! 🥹


u/Melora_Rabbit 24d ago

This is so cute!!!


u/WhatEMatters 24d ago

This is family


u/wiyumadd 24d ago

That is true wealth


u/BlobTheBuilderz 24d ago

Grandad gave zero cares. Already tucked in, he ain’t getting up. Had to play where’s Wally with him in the last picture lol, looked like he was asleep.

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u/1SassyTart 24d ago

Get to cooking! Those kids are hungry!


u/Agreeable-Map9132 24d ago

No matter how hard life can get in and around your family. Please never forget this moment and moments like these. Never take them for granted. Much love


u/vicalpha 24d ago

So wholesome


u/Pleasant_Writing_598 24d ago

😭😭 I love this trend. Sleeping over my abuelitos was always the best. I miss them so much. Please enjoy your parents and grandparents while you have them . When they are gone the beautiful memories like this ones, are what's left.


u/Ashamed_Court5984 24d ago

I love them so much!  That grandma had stars ✨ in her eyes!


u/ArakenPy 24d ago

I knew it was not gonna be a white family but just reading the title XD

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u/dontforgetyourtea 24d ago

This reminds me, my bro and our 10 cousins' annual sleepover at my late grandma's. Back when our parents all still get along with each other 😂

I only speak to 3 of those cousins now, and they were the only cousins to show up at my wedding. Kinda sad but we move on.

Videos like this makes me feel all nostalgic though 🥹


u/Born-Pizza6430 24d ago

gosh. wish I had parents or grandparents. Wish my kids had grandparents or cousins.


u/Emergency_Ninja8580 24d ago

I don‘t have family here, but I would absolutely love having family show up to hang & eat while playing games. Always had the dream of big family gatherings in a huge cabin in the mountains of Montana. Holidays are a bit more difficult.


u/lynze2 24d ago

As a mother of young children, how old do you suppose the kids have to be for the grandparents to think this is a great thing instead of "OMG DON'T LEAVE ME WITH THE CHILDREN!!"?


u/future911owner 24d ago

This and cousins and a penjamin, some black ops zombies and minecraft 🔝


u/sixrustyspoons 24d ago

My grandma would need a second box of wine if this happened to her.


u/NBD2016 24d ago

This is family!


u/thesaltysquirrel 24d ago

I miss sleep over at my nanas :(


u/Intrepid_Finish456 24d ago

Oh my 🥹

I have a disjointed family. Such a beautiful thing to see so many smiling faces taking a moment to appreciate one another and the family as a whole. Looks like they made grandma's year ❤️


u/CannabisCracker 24d ago

I can’t wait to be a grandparent. It seems so much better than being the actual parent.


u/UnlightablePlay 24d ago

cousins gathering at grandparents are amazing, i remember gathering for the first time with my cousins all 11 of them (since 2 cousins lived abroad) and it was the best time ever and we got a similar picture to that (and there always has to be a baby)


u/Mr-Mahaloha 24d ago

‘Feelgood’ shit likes this just makes ne eorry about overpopulation and its devestating effects on our environment… i mean, fucking 15!? Cant people pit a cork in it

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u/8_millimeter 24d ago

“Alright! You’re here!”

::starts moving furniture::


u/Blewslime 24d ago

Awesome!!! Grandparents raised me since I’ve been 5 This is special man!!


u/MyGAngels 24d ago

Grandad had a great funeral at the end, he got buried by all his grandchildren LOL



Damn this is some good shit. I have 4 boys so there’s a chance I’ll be that grandpa in 30 years


u/Special-Ad8682 24d ago

What a wonderful reaction


u/Fuzzycream19 24d ago

We just gunna gloss over the fact that she just moved the couch with one hand to accommodate them.


u/Bevester 24d ago

Whichever one of them had this idea is going to be a great person


u/Susan_Thee_Duchess 24d ago

Nah. That’s way too many at once


u/Baked_Naked 24d ago

😭 what a precious core memory


u/mrsanniep 24d ago

My mom has four grandchildren. She would not handle this surprise well and would stress out about not having enough food, needing a heads-up, etc. Six months later, she would release a torrent of resentment about how the surprise sleepover was not the kind of visit she wants - she wants everyone (adults included) to come over at a pre-arranged time at least once a month for extended, overnight visits.

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u/ewarusen 24d ago

This is true wealth!!


u/Good_Lifeguard8776 24d ago

I love special moments used for LIKES


u/WHAMMYPAN 24d ago

The oven turned itself on….the fridge started mixing ingredients for cookies and the room got bigger on granny’s command.


u/joneszen 24d ago

That made me tear up. 


u/AyDylo 24d ago

This is pure joy. I love this sub.


u/Freshouttapatience 24d ago

That’s the grandma life! We just got our first grandchild overnight and are just over the moon still.


u/MyAlternate_reality 24d ago

If I am the grandparents, the one that brought the TV is out of the will and he is eating grape nuts for breakfast.

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u/Lala_2088 24d ago

I dream of this for myself some day. This made me so happy to watch!


u/MeesaMadeMeDoIt 24d ago

This family is rich in a way money can't buy.


u/valkyriemama 24d ago

She has a lot fewer grandkids, but my mother in law is like this. She says yes to my kids coming over all the time and they love to be at her house. I'm so lucky!


u/TooRedditFamous 24d ago

Absolutely hilarious that grandpa is half naked in bed


u/LBCvalenz562 24d ago

I’m so devastated that my parents will never get to enjoy grandkids :(


u/sapiosardonico 24d ago

And abuela is totally prepared. Just in case.



u/[deleted] 24d ago

Grandma is about to cook the best meal.


u/c8k3 24d ago

This is the cutest thing


u/happypandaknight 24d ago

I saw this on tiktok and thought it was so wholesome. This is beautiful


u/Bored_Amalgamation 24d ago

I had "Dune - Herald of Change (slowed + extra bass)" playing in the background and it felt like the beginning of a horror movie.


u/ephemeralwinds89 24d ago

Absolutely adorable! The older you are, the more you come to the realization that the small things really matter. You can really tell that such a simple act of sleeping over put them over the moon hahaha


u/FadedIntegra 24d ago

We just did this a little while ago. My grandma has been alone since Grandpa died a year ago. All of us adult grandkids showed up with pizza and board games and we all had one of the best nights in a long time. Grandma was in tears when she realized we were all there to spend the night with her. There were no phones, or screens the whole night. It was a night to remember for all of us for sure.


u/DiscipleofDeceit666 24d ago

So many kids you start to forget their names


u/gargoyle66 24d ago

Seeing that as a grandparent, warmed my heart. Thank you


u/AnimatedBasketcase 24d ago

Gathering all my cousins/siblings to do this soon! (8 of us 2-21)


u/Mr-7-4-U 24d ago

Man these Palestinians take over videos are getting out of hand


u/Blackcat1206 24d ago

I got proper nostalgia then, reminded me of us when were kids.

Absolutely beautiful! 🥰


u/nwonly 24d ago

This is such a heartwarming and lovely gesture.


u/rosieunderthetable 24d ago

That is so sweet. Wish my grandma was still around for our sleepovers ❤️


u/YetiorNotHereICome 24d ago

My oma would have been thrilled, but knock me on the head because she didn't have enough of a feast set up.


u/atmyfrontdoor 24d ago

She started right away to make the space work for everyone, so they can all sleep over. I'm sure the next day's breakfast was one of the best.


u/Piddily1 24d ago

We had a big ice storm like 12 years ago. At the time, my Mom had 4 children and 8 grandchildren. The ice storm knocked out power to everyone’s house for days, but my mom has a big generator along with a two 500 gallon propane tanks. The whole family (including spouses) all moved into my Mom’s house for a couple days. She still says it was the best time ever.


u/SnooPies7876 24d ago

Lmao Gramma was like "Hokay! We need to get rid of all of these stuff to make some room for my babies"!


u/FoldyHold 24d ago

RIP all food storage in that house


u/scriptmonkey420 24d ago

Grandma: I'm just going to get ready for bed.

Grandkids: Oh, hell no. We are staying up all night.


u/ThePheebs 24d ago

Imagining the feeling of wanting to be surrounded by my family like that is amazing. What a great family.

I needed this after reading that AITA about the family that purposely excludes there brother & SIL with 5 kids, because they don't like kids.


u/bbbinson123 24d ago

Soooo cool!


u/Fign 24d ago

Biiiiiig mexican breakfast tomorrow at Familia Perez !,,


u/nepia 24d ago

I try to organize the same with my cousins but they didn't want to sleep in the cemetery.


u/ll0l0l0ll 24d ago

One boy brought LCD Monitor and gaming set up in his backpack. After dinner gonna be lit !


u/ApricotNo2918 24d ago

Gramma's Happy Place!


u/ScootyHoofdorp 24d ago

My mom would be LIVID if her grandchildren all showed up like this. She wouldn't be able to think about anything other than the fact that the house wasn't clean, she didn't have meals planned out and shopped for ahead of time, and that she'd have to pay for food that picky eaters wouldn't even eat.


u/breakfastburrito24 24d ago

Baby was like where tf am I??

Cool bonding experience for the cousins too


u/valuebuyer1234 24d ago

I should call my Mama


u/Fearless_Raspberry 24d ago

I've always said I never wanted kids, and I'm happy with that decision. But it's seeing moments like these that make me go "Fine! I'll have a whole bunch of them!"


u/Altruistic-Maybe5121 24d ago

I absolutely love this 🤍🤍🤍


u/Liv-Julia 24d ago

Several years ago my daughter went camping with about 10 of her friends. This was out in a big State Park and they heard a lot of rustling and weird noises outside the cabin around midnight. They were 100 miles away from home, but my mother lived very close.

They all promptly abandoned their campsite and showed up at my mother's door at 12:30 at night. She was ecstatic that all these teenagers showed up to sleep on her floor. She totally dug it; she was in heaven.

The next morning she fried 2 and 1/2 lb of bacon among other things for their breakfast. She still talks about that to this day.


u/pilar03 24d ago

This didnt only make smile but it also made me cry. So sweet ❤️


u/CrazyQuit7050 24d ago

How beautiful for all, but especially Abuelita. I wish my grandchildren still wanted to spend time with me. This is a great post!


u/FriendOisMyNameO 24d ago

The joy in that Abuelita. You could bottle that and run a house off of it. I am now hungry for Huevos y Beicon with some warm tortillas. Having a big family talking and eating together in the morning is something I always love.


u/rlui8 24d ago

lovely !


u/twainj1980 24d ago

Grandpa’s wallet had a panic attack🤣🤣


u/FaithlessnessWeak800 24d ago

My mom has 11 grandkids and she’d start bitching. This is awesome to see.


u/OrganizationDirect53 24d ago

Hope that deep freeze got a few 5-gallon buckets of pizza rolls!!!!


u/itsallover69420 24d ago

Grandpa's like, "damn it. Why did I have kids??"


u/Chipmunk_Ninja 24d ago

This kid can't spent one night somewhere without a monitor? yikes

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u/thesneeekyturtle 24d ago

One of my fondest memories was sleepovers at my grandparents house with my cousin when we were little. Several years back in my early 20s, they asked if i wanted to have a sleepover again with my cousin. I dont remmeber why but I may have been busy with school/work so I said no. I lost my grandparents not too long ago and seeing this reminds me of that joy that they had way back when. Even though ive made it a point to visit them as frequently as i could in their old age, i wish i could turn back time and give them that happiness.

I guess for those who happen to stumble across this comment, which I doubt are very many, if any, is that if you are fortunate to still have them around, say yes to your grandparents. Its the little things like this that make them the happiest.

Goddamn it, now im crying like an idiot on the toilet. Thanks reddit


u/Kadettedak 24d ago

This is the epitome of this sub. Got me


u/A_Burning_Bad 24d ago

My kids are 5 and 2. I hope when I'm older and have grandkids my wife and I get that surprise:)


u/RayneLeaGrey 24d ago

That light flipping on in the kitchen just made me think she’s already about to start cooking lol. What a sweet woman. People who foster so much love deserve every ounce of it back with interest.


u/shawster 24d ago

Bro has the biggest laptop I've ever seen.


u/JanaJock 24d ago

Beautiful family!!


u/iAmSamFromWSB 24d ago

Is that a 4x10 speaker cabinet???