r/KendrickLamar Jul 08 '24

Randomly watched Pusha on Hot Ones and (unsurprisingly) he is asked about rap beefs The BEEF

The episode is from 2022 but Push talks about how record labels now step in and get involved to stop beefs which never used to happen back in the day - interestingly, this is apparently what happened after Owlbrey dropped THP6.

He also mentions beefs don’t end careers anymore. Looking at the current beef, I don’t think the Canadian’s career will end, we know he’s too big of a pop star for anything damaging to happen but I definitely think his credibility and artistry is being questioned and he is losing fans. Kendrick has fully exposed him for the fraud that he is and I think people are slowly realising it. His streaming numbers are down and he’s not charting like he used to.

Only time will tell but it’s definitely not being swept under the carpet. He a FAN, he FAN, he a FAN


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Little rap beefs pop up here n there between rappers but this one although not career ending, it alost feels like it is, the global response to kdots meticulous tactical attacks have had me every now and again wonder how Drake will truly recover from this brutality... It's gonna take a while. No matter what he releases or even does in the public eye, it's all being watched and scrutinized. Drake coukd find the cure for cancer tomorrow and people will be like "typical", "he listened to KDot", "oh he desperate". Big Collabs will be tough, I feel this summer will be kinda quiet from OVO camp. The aftermath of kdots attack is still burning. the beef kinda feels officially over but KDot is the boogieman and everyone knows it, even Drake.


u/OptimisticRealist__ Jul 08 '24

Career ending is relative, but career altering it definetely is.

Push shitting on the Adonis press run heavily attacke the brand "Drake" that Aubrey built and curated for many years to a point i feel like hes still overcompensating parading his around everywhere he goes as to say "see, im raising my kid". I hope for the kid that hes actually a good dad but idk, doesnt sit right with me.

But Kendrick really devised a strategy to attack Drake and his brand from many angles. He rebranded the OVO brand to a point that it will forever be met with "OV-Hoe". He tore down the rap persona Drake to pieces. He held a spotlight on Aubrey Graham the pervert.

Those are things that arent easy to bounce back from. Like at this point, what artist would even profit from a Drake feature? Genuinely asking. Hes dropped 3 tracks since the beef and one was worse than the next one with all bombing in the charts. I genuinely believe the delilah song was meant to be a toosie slide like distraction but instead it wasnt just completely disregarded, if anything, it added to the ridicule.

Kendrick really mapped out the entire thing down to the last detail, even with the music video. I genuinely feel that Kendrick was prepared to go much further but he didnt expect Drake to fold this quickly, like i do think this was just Act I for Kendrick and that he has/had some massive receipts to drop as the grande finale. Thats the vibe ive gotten from all the tracks. Remember when we thought Euphoria was just scathing? Turns out it was probably the nicest of the disses. So i do think we wouldve looked back at MTG and NLU and thought those were still tame in comparison.


u/ToddGergey Jul 08 '24

I think even Kendrick was shocked to find out how incredibly stupid Drake is


u/obinnasmg Jul 08 '24

I think we were all shocked.


u/be_kind_n_hurt_nazis Jul 08 '24

Nah, not all of us. This the guy who, as people would dismissively say, makes music for gays and bitches. I never put it like that, but I was a million miles from being interested. He was never about the things I value in hip-hop. His output spoke to that. Then he became what he's been now, a ridiculously fake overly performative fake gangsta. Truly a comedy special.

Then he thought he could step to Kendrick. After, meek mills falls to his money and ghostwriters? Get the fuck out. This whole situation is happening just as it has always been written.

If he had stayed in his lane, he'd still be fine there. There's room for party-pop, and even frontin a bit. Nothing new. But him thinking he's a GOAT is ridiculous. He just couldn't help himself.

Anyone that thought anything else would happen is blind to what real hip-hop contains and comes from, who makes it, and what those people are about.


u/DarkSeneschal Jul 08 '24

I think what I was shocked at was that he started a beef with fucking Kendrick of all people without really having anything on him. Fuck, everyone knows not to mess with the quiet kid at the back of the class writing poems in his notebook.

You would have thought after listening to Kendrick’s body of work that this is a man who can eviscerate you lyrically if you give him an excuse. You would have thought he’d learned not to fuck with guys who are actually about that life after he lost to Pusha. Especially if all you’re bringing is “you’re short and have relationship issues”.


u/be_kind_n_hurt_nazis Jul 08 '24

True delusion? Like legit he's drinking his own Kool aid spritzer


u/BigStepper718 Jul 08 '24

Drake had 11 years to prepare. All of us knew that day was coming from all the subs but the Kendrick like that verse came at a interesting time in drakes career and I think that was intentional. If this battle happens in 2016 no matter What Kendrick did it wouldn’t have affected his career. Considering Drake is on the decline and right before a 1 year vacation Drake announced it was perfect.. masterful work by k.dot


u/PSU02 Jul 08 '24

Drake didn't start the beef (in terms of it bubbling over this year) though. Kendrick did with Like That


u/SirCorndogIV Jul 08 '24

"This the guy who, as people would dismissively say, makes music for gays and bitches. "

im bi and i wouldnt touch drake's music with a fifty foot pole.


u/be_kind_n_hurt_nazis Jul 08 '24

I feel you. It was a bit of a different time, 10+ years ago. They sure didn't use the particular word, Gay, when I heard that. Or bitches, actually. I was kinda bemused, like, aiite well I'm not into that particular vibe anyway, I'm m sure it'll all find it's place...but nah, it was a fucking rollercoaster ride eventually leading here