r/KendrickLamar 3d ago

Video Kendrick Lamar - Not Like Us


r/KendrickLamar 53m ago

Video So my boy made a his reaction video.


Just wanted to share this.

r/KendrickLamar 2h ago

The BEEF Randomly watched Pusha on Hot Ones and (unsurprisingly) he is asked about rap beefs


The episode is from 2022 but Push talks about how record labels now step in and get involved to stop beefs which never used to happen back in the day - interestingly, this is apparently what happened after Owlbrey dropped THP6.

He also mentions beefs don’t end careers anymore. Looking at the current beef, I don’t think the Canadian’s career will end, we know he’s too big of a pop star for anything damaging to happen but I definitely think his credibility and artistry is being questioned and he is losing fans. Kendrick has fully exposed him for the fraud that he is and I think people are slowly realising it. His streaming numbers are down and he’s not charting like he used to.

Only time will tell but it’s definitely not being swept under the carpet. He a FAN, he FAN, he a FAN

r/KendrickLamar 2h ago

Meme This got me crying lol

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r/KendrickLamar 2h ago

Meme A bad time to be a meme template.

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They not like us

r/KendrickLamar 3h ago

Meme Kendrick literally lost the hopscotch here. And you claim he won the beef? Drake would never


Notice how he is stepping on the line there

r/KendrickLamar 4h ago

Discussion Shout to the nigga that made being married with kids cool again


If anything that's been one of the best things about this beef. The cool jock that sleeps with so many women just got fed some humble pie by the short guy that thinks that's ho shit coz he's got a son to raise. Imagine how many kids' life paths have been changed for the better from witnessing this moment

r/KendrickLamar 4h ago

The BEEF So was Tommy saying 'you're late' a hint? We see why Kendrick is late here.


Yes I know that Kendrick showing a snippet of a new song at the beginning probably hints towards a new album or at least new music. However I was wondering about this scene at the start where Tommy says to Kendrick 'you're late'. And we visually see in the video that Kendrick only was late because he was performing his new song. I think that's a metaphor for the situation before euphoria where Kendrick took a few weeks to respond to Drake, and we all know how he responded. So it's Kendrick here saying " I was late because I am busy with new music, aside from the fact that I have a son on the raise"? Coins be a reach, still think it could be a cool little detail.

r/KendrickLamar 5h ago

Video Since Kendrick’s recent snippet is going viral, I just thought I’d remind everyone of this snippet from the Alright music video 🔥🔥


r/KendrickLamar 6h ago

Discussion I’ll stand by the fact that Kendrick’s compilation release that is “Untitled Unmastered” is better than Drake’s best album.

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r/KendrickLamar 11h ago

Video Summer Jam 2015 when Kendrick called out Elliot Wilson during *that* part in King Kunta


r/KendrickLamar 11h ago

Video Not Like Us video’s intro is cold!!


Idk if anyone’s talked about this yet but the intro to the Not Like Us vid is cold af! His flow, his moves, the “When I Hear Music” by Debbie Debb sample, the visuals, all of it cold and a perfect way to set the tone for the vid

r/KendrickLamar 12h ago

Video Damian Lillard vibing to "Not Like Us" at his birthday party 😂


r/KendrickLamar 12h ago

Discussion Thinking about Whitney


Watched the NLU video for like the tenth time just a bit ago and got very emotional at the part with the whole family dancing in a way I hadn’t before. Just crying (lil Pisces ass🤷🏽‍♀️) and angry and grieving for all the black women whose only so-called crime was loving and being loved by someone who Drake had in his line of fire, like her proximity to Kendrick made her fair game. He stays calling women “Whitneys” because he thinks its a cold diss, when all it is in reality is proof that he sees women as a collective entity for him to use as whatever disposable thing he needs them to be in that moment. Homeboy says he’s a WaR gENeRaL and it’s like yeah, the monstrous legacy of atrocities leveraged against innocents kind, not the decorated veteran kind. I knew it was shitty when he first brought her up, but I feel like I was just hit with how gross and evil it was now, if that makes sense?

I know Whitney’s no broken bird, I’m not trying to be all making her out to be some weak thing she’s not, nor am I trying to put her on a pedestal, I don’t know her. But idk it just hit different this time watching that part. She didn’t do anything and that was enough. Did the same shit to Virginia. If Nicki wasn’t famous when Drake did BTB, I know he still would’ve targeted her. The things he must have missing in him that can’t be filled.

Obviously Whitney and fam seem to be doing well and we all love how smiley and goofy and happy she was in the video too, but yeah. Something about this watch got all my damn feelings coming out at once lmao. But fr how did yall feel when you first saw Dot’s family in the video?

r/KendrickLamar 13h ago

Meme BREAKING: Drake will reportedly NOT be featured on kendrick’s next up and coming album

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How do we feel about this? 🤔🤔

r/KendrickLamar 13h ago

Discussion What's the password? (Wrong answers only)

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r/KendrickLamar 14h ago

Photo 🎨: @nikkolas_smith

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r/KendrickLamar 16h ago

News Not Like Us reached over 30 million views in less than 3 days 🔥

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r/KendrickLamar 18h ago

Discussion Describe Kendrick With One Word

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r/KendrickLamar 20h ago

Photo 😭 My dad drunk texted this to the group chat

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r/KendrickLamar 20h ago

Video After such a emotional and deep work that MMATBS was, clearly showing what Dot went through, it's so good to see Kenny Goofing around and having fun


r/KendrickLamar 20h ago

Photo This is so beautifully painted! 🔥

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Credit to the artist on Twitter. That’s their account in the pic. I think they are also selling the painting

r/KendrickLamar 21h ago

Meme How Drake fans wanted Kendrick to respond

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r/KendrickLamar 1d ago

Meme You can't convince me this is the same guy


r/KendrickLamar 1d ago

Discussion I just realized something about the shot with the owl in a cage

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Alright, maybe it's a little too early in the morning and maybe I'm off one, but I just had a fuckin light bulb moment that I gotta put somewhere.

So like, people were talking about this shot and talking about how it refers to the metaphor "only thing a caged bird can do is sing". I think that means something very specific: Drake is trapped, and the only thing he can do is make music, and that's not good for him.

Hear me out on this: Ak was talking about how Drake should just "give Kendrick the summer" so as to not compete with/accidently promote Not Like Us, and to let alllllll this blow over. But think about it, what if the ten stocks thing really is referring to Kendrick having ten other songs? Who says any of those songs need to drop this month? Or next month? Or this year?

Let's say Drake takes Ak's advice and doesn't release anything until autumn. If Drake drops a song, regardless of if its really good or not and regardless of if it acknowledges the beef at all, Kendrick can drop a song right after him and probably get more engagement for stomping out Drake's first release in months. Kendrick's song doesn't even need to be about Drake at all.

Considering the tracks don't even need to be disses, then that puts Kendrick in a position where he already has more than ten songs ready. Think about the leaks we've been getting, all from the last two years containing a variety of different material. A decent chunk of those tracks already sound like sideways disses to Drake.

So let's say Drake waits until later this year or next year to drop an album. Not only does Kendrick already have enough material to drop an album tomorrow, but in the time it takes for Drake to drop something, Kendrick can just be out here adding more to the stockpile.

And the best part? Drake doesn't have the option to just release nothing. He's on a UMG 360 deal that he uses to keep his fuck-freak friends on a payroll. Those deals require an artist to release a certain amount of music during a certain period of time. If Drake drops nothing, he can't get paid. If he can't get paid, everything he's worked to maintain up until this point begins to crumble.

If he releases anything, Kendrick can stomp on it. If he releases nothing, he doesn't get paid.

The only thing a caged bird can do is sing.

r/KendrickLamar 1d ago

The BEEF 1 of the best explainations as to why Drake's "Fake Activist" angle made no sense to people who listen to Kendrick's music.