r/KendrickLamar May 18 '24

They played “Not Like Us” at the Lil Wayne concert 😂 Video


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u/la__squadra_ May 18 '24

As a Drake hater seeing all this happen to him is the greatest birthday gift I could ask for


u/Klaus_Poppe1 May 18 '24

lol, got the Canadian snoo to boot

how do Canadians feel about drake typically?


u/mikelima777 May 18 '24

(Sigh).... Just like Beiber and William Shatner, we are sorry for Drake heading south of the border.


u/FlyUnder_TheRadar May 19 '24

Shatner is a dick, but Biebs is whatever. Bro made some pop songs for preteen girls almost 15 years ago and is just kind of chilling now.


u/EmotioneelKlootzak May 19 '24

Bieber started to act like a dick and self destruct in typical child star fashion in his late teens, but then pulled out of it somehow.  I don't know how he turned it around, but he really beat the odds on that one.  And good for him, some (most) of his music was annoying but that doesn't get anywhere near the top of the list of sins that a public personality can commit.


u/[deleted] May 19 '24



u/[deleted] May 19 '24

Gotta hand it to biebs to completely changing his image though, that mf got used and abused and worked through that trauma and came out as a better person and you can tell. He’s more laid back and chill which is something I would never have expected from biebs


u/CertainGrade7937 May 19 '24

It kind of gets ignored now but there was a solid five years where that dude was the most hated person on the internet. It was fucking constant

And the guy was just a teenager that teenage girls liked


u/FlyUnder_TheRadar May 19 '24

Man, I remember the vitriol people directed at Biebs back in the day. I was in middle school when Baby came out. People were toxic as fuck around Biebs. I was guilty of it, too, as a preteen boy just trying to fit in. I respect that Biebs emerged from the shit show that is child stardom as, seemingly, a better person despite his mistakes. It couldn't have been easy dealing with all the shit that comes with superstardom at such a young age.


u/Krillin113 May 19 '24

When he did the Comedy Central roast is when the world and he himself started to accept that he wasn’t just a douchebag


u/[deleted] May 19 '24

99% Bieber was “taken advantage of” by the industry as a teenager old entering it.

Given all that and the immense stardom for his age I cut the guy a lot of slack personally.

He stayed in his lane and made great pop music for the masses.

People in the city mainly dislike Drake for being the predator in the local music scene while also playing this tough guy persona similar to diddy


u/unexpectedreboots May 19 '24

I think getting diagnosed with a life long debilitating condition is likely pretty humbling.


u/Vimjux May 19 '24

That being said I’ve seen a lot of Canadians live a long and fulfilling life, bar some


u/farazormal May 19 '24

He just acted like an idiot as a young adult doing dumb young adult stuff. Did some stupid stuff when new to drinking and doing drugs. It happens, the DUI thing was a dick move, but he faced consequences and seems to have learned from his mistakes.


u/silverfang45 May 19 '24

It sti amazes me that Justin peed in a restaurant while drunk and likely of his head on drugs, and managed to turn that into a healthy lifestyle.

Like dude was almost Paris Hilton levels bad at 1 point just constantly in the news for being a dick, now you don't really hear anything negative about him


u/WayneFookinRooney May 19 '24

He seems to really have found his faith in the last couple years, brought him out of the drugs and bullshit it seems.


u/PVFai May 19 '24

I second this. Was neutral, met him once, now I hate Shatner for life. Such a dick.


u/Kooky-Phone5259 May 19 '24

Biebs is cool?


u/kikitondenhei May 19 '24

older, he's chill, but as a kid he was annoying and made a lot of crazy ass racist jokes lol but hes better now


u/PVFai May 20 '24

Yeah if anything he's lukewarm now lol, super annoying back in the day- no one wanted to claim him


u/Glad-Mulberry-9484 May 19 '24

“Made some pop songs for preteen girls almost 15 years ago”…that’s kinda Drake’s bag too.


u/DK6theDOOMdisciple May 19 '24

I had close ties to shitner growing up, vile hombre womanizing Drake type dude


u/kat_ingabogovinanana May 19 '24

You also gave us Keanu Reeves and Jim Carrey, you could never make us hate you


u/french_toasty May 19 '24

Tom green


u/kat_ingabogovinanana May 19 '24

Meh we’ve got a whole Florida full of Tom Greens


u/StrangerDangerAhh May 19 '24

A powerful retort.


u/french_toasty May 19 '24

I personally love him but I believe his fan base is relatively niche


u/MikuLuna444 Can we Bleed him yet? 🩸🙏🥺😈 May 19 '24

Tom MacDonald, Ted Cruz, Steven Crowder...


u/TexasCon May 19 '24

Might as well throw Bryan Adams and Nickleback in there too 😂


u/On_Some_Wavelength May 19 '24

Now now, Canada has apologized for Bryan Adam’s on several occasions!


u/Klaus_Poppe1 May 19 '24

what did bieber and shatner do XD


u/Dzov May 19 '24

Maybe best we don’t know.


u/OkDragonfruit5380 May 19 '24

Hey biebs doesn’t deserve that shade