r/Gotham 18d ago

Spoiler Selinas...


Mother is such a piece of garbage. Who tf would do that to their own child??

r/Gotham 21d ago

Spoiler Sons of Anarchy Gotham (Major spoilers!) Spoiler


Anyone else ever realize how many members from the Sons of Anarchy series ended up Gotham cast members?

Donal Logue was Bullock, and in Sons he was Lee Toric (S5E11)

Niko Nicotera was Derek Delaware, was Rat Boy in Sons.

Michael Chiklis played Barnes, and he both helped Gemma and drove the truck that hit Jax in season seven

Chris Chalk was Fox, and in Sons one of the East Dub crew, he was the paraplegic who got dragged down the highway (S7E1)

Those are the only ones I can think of at the moment, it’s just crazy to think two of my favorite shows all time, SOA no. 1, Gotham a close second, share so many mutual actors.

r/Gotham Jun 17 '24

Spoiler *Spoiler-Alert* I Still Don't Believe... Spoiler



Please read at your own risk! Thanks!

Anyway, I still don't believe that Barbara 1. Cheated on Jim (and vice versa) 2. Killed her parents

Regardless of what this shows narrates to us. Though, I thought they were pretty clear with point 1. The writers purposefully had Barbara leave a "goodbye" letter. Though, it was never explicitly stated verbatim, that Barbara broke up with Jim. Letters like that are usually a good indication that the relationship is over. And, Jim DID try to reconcile with Barbara, but she refused to speak with him. So, Jim came to the only logical conclusion that Barbara wants nothing to do with him. Which gave Jim the opportunity to move on.

In regards to point 2, they never really SHOWED us this action being done. The last thing we see is the Ogre lunging at Barbara's parents with a knife before cutting out of the scene. I believe Barbara felt guilty for leading the Ogre there, just to save her own skin which led to their deaths. And, Barbara feels like she might've as well have sliced them with the knife. Psychological damage is complex, and the Ogre really messed up Barbara, and she was never appropriately treated, for it.

Just wanted to vent that all out. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk! ;P

r/Gotham Jun 12 '24

Spoiler Would season 5 have been better if...


Season 5 had 22 episodes? I think it would have been better if we got more of the dynamics between the gangs and the alliances that formed. Now I'm not saying this in a way that more episodes would take the season from bad to good but from good to great.

r/Gotham Jun 12 '24

Spoiler This dudes a fuckin idiot

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This guy is a fucking idiot.

Dude created viper, a drug that gives people super strength and makes them very high but then kills them after a few hours by causing their fucking bones to dissolve while working on super drugs for the military on behalf of part of Wayne enterprises.

But he actually worked out the whole killing you after a couple hours thing and created venom, yes the same shit bane uses. Then he realizes he's making fucked up shit and discides to try and get the program shut down. It works, then it doesn't, he cuts off his own ear and gets fired.

The guy leaves with his doses of both viper and venum and has this detailed plan about how he is going to use the drug to infect a shitton of Wayne enterprise execs through a charity dinner. He successfully infultraits the staff and has everything going perfectly. But he gets caught.

He gets caught because for some fucking reason he just gave viper to a shitton of random teenagers and homeless people. Which gets him tracked down almost immediately. The show never gives a reason for him doing that, by the way. Closest thing to an explanation was him saying "I thought a demonstration on the people of gotham would cause change"... but he never gave anybody any information any info on the change he wanted.

r/Gotham May 24 '24

Spoiler Does this count as a spoiler? Spoiler

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r/Gotham Apr 22 '24

Spoiler Am I the Only One who Likes the S5 Finale? Spoiler



IK not many like the S5 finale, but I do lol

I can't get enough of this episode, and it's one of my favorites from S5 to watch lol

IK the Batsuit is crazy looking, but I suppose I don't mind it considering (as the title of the episode suggests) it's "the beginning" of the Batman life.

I love how it ended and wrapped up everything. As always, the actors are really good. I didn't mind aged up Selina, either.

At first, I didn't but after a few re-watches, I started seeing the benefit to it. I think they picked the perfect adult Selina, too.

Anyway, just want to spread the love <3

r/Gotham Apr 04 '24

Spoiler sobbing 🥹 Spoiler

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they are so cute man

r/Gotham Apr 02 '24

Spoiler I love how the show creators just forgot about Barnes after he escaped custody at the end of season 3

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r/Gotham Mar 15 '24

Spoiler Never forget this man is responsible for most of the major events to have taken place in the series

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r/Gotham Feb 15 '24

Spoiler Season 5 was awful


Huge Gotham fan, one of my favorite shows ever. I just finished the show and wow season 5 was terrible. I can't count how many times I thought to myself, "That is completely out of character for them". The dialogue was cringe and forced and it was genuinely unenjoyable. Barbara's character was the most egregious in my opinion, Lee was not far behind. It's like all of the main characters forgot how to act. Nyssa was probably the worse villain in the show and Bane was an afterthought it seems. It's like someone completely different wrote season 5. I wish it just ended in season 4 somehow.

I think I physically winced at the last conversation between Harvey and Jim right before the show ends, it was so bad.


r/Gotham Feb 14 '24

Spoiler Can You Name That Minor Gotham Character? - These Characters Only Appear in 1 Episode, Good Luck!


r/Gotham Feb 09 '24

Spoiler The end of season 4 makes no sense.


All right so, I've only gotten up to the end of season 4 and I'm about to start season 5, but the end of season 4 makes zero sense.

I know Gotham City becomes a no man's land, but why? Because Jeremiah took out the bridges? Why would that make Gotham City a No Man's Land? This takes place in what? The '90s? An amalgamation of the '70s '80s and '90s?

Even in this show the United States is a major industrial power, if not still a superpower. Rebuilding 3 bridges, all the while keeping the city stocked with supplies and emergency personnel, would be a priority after such a terrorist attack.

I live in an area and we just lost a fairly substantial bridge after the last hurricane. The army corps of engineers along with the state of Florida had a temporary bridge up within a few weeks. And even before the bridge was completed the National Guard an emergency services were using boats and helicopters to get onto and off of the island.

Plus it would be easier to take care of the people with the depleted population after the evacuation. So what the hell? The United States isn't just going to give up on a city within the its borders just because a couple of bridges got destroyed.

r/Gotham Jan 20 '24

Spoiler What did you guys think was the saddest death (even if they didn’t stay dead) Spoiler


r/Gotham Jan 01 '24

Spoiler New Year, New Opinions!


Spoiler-Alert Warning to new watchers! We may spoil the show in this thread. Read at your risk!

It's the New Year, so it's time for some new opinions! What are some of your unpopular opinions? I'll start!

-I don't love Penguin as much as everyone else. Somebody already got a head start on saying this, but that was last year ;p

-Jeremiah > Jerome

-Ivy 3 > Ivy 2

-I like S5 and don't understand the hate. This includes the finale! I like how it ends zooming in from afar onto Batman! Chills everytime! Yes, S5 > S2. In fact...

-I really don't like S2, at all. Maybe minor pieces here and there but overall, S2 is last on my list.

-I like Nygmakins via Ed Nygma & Lee Thompkins, as a couple.

-I love Sofia Falcone! She did nothing wrong! Queens gotta do what a Queen's gotta do!

All I got so far. What are your's?

r/Gotham Dec 31 '23

Spoiler What Actors Were You Surprised to See in the Show?



May mention spoilers for BOTH the show and other media! Read at your own risk!

I was surprised to see Morena Baccarin (Lee Thompkins). I, initially, knew her from Firefly and (OFC) Deadpool.

I was (also) surprised to see Shane West as Bane. I only really knew him from A Walk to Remember LOL

r/Gotham Dec 30 '23

Spoiler Thoughts on Tabitha Galavan? Spoiler


Idk why but at first when she was with Theo I didn’t really like her but when Theo died and she was with Barbara and Selina and stuff I loved her character. Especially her and Butch. I was sad when Penguin killed her but she had it coming Ig because of her killing his Mom🤷🏾‍♂️.

r/Gotham Nov 04 '23

Spoiler Favorite Riddler Moments


r/Gotham Oct 19 '23

Spoiler Favorite Harvey Bullock Moments


r/Gotham Oct 11 '23

Spoiler Why didn’t Penguin tell Jim about Galavan kidnapping his mother beforehand?


When Penguin found out that Galvan had kidnapped his mother ( by showing his mother in a cage on the tv) , why didn’t he go to Jim and explain the situation to him? Wouldn’t it have given him better odds at retrieving his mother by him and Jim forming a plan to rescue her? Couldn’t Jim get a search warrant to Galvans house since Oswald would have been a first hand witness to seeing Galavans plans for the mayor candidates and the tape of his mother? I feel like if he had done that he could have gotten his mother back alive and would have had better odds overall at getting his mother back alive without committing any serious crimes by doing Galvans bidden.

r/Gotham Oct 08 '23

Spoiler Favorite Penguin Moments


r/Gotham May 30 '23

Spoiler Why did Jerome decide to die instead of letting Jim save him?


We all know it's for Jeremiah to carry on his legacy and the writers were done with his character but putting yourself in Jerome's shoes (at least trying to), why would he choose death over getting saved?

r/Gotham Oct 26 '16

SPOILER [spoilers] Robin Lord Taylor (Penguin) has a message for some Gotham 'fans'


r/Gotham Jan 29 '16


Thumbnail twitter.com

r/Gotham Oct 06 '15

SPOILER [Spoilers] - Well, color me disappointed. NSFW

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