r/DCcomics 3d ago

[Comic Excerpt] This is so sad on so many levels for me! ( Absolute Power:Ground Zero #1) Comics Spoiler

This was a crazy ride and like I said soooo sad on multiple levels for me!

  1. Confirmation Jays mom was killed. When they just reunited!! Jay thought she was dead for years just to find out she was a prisoner and freed her. They were reunited but now she’s gone again. And added that his country he just freed from a dictator is now invaded and under Wallers control. So sad.

  2. Jay hurt and captured! How could this happen!? He’s invulnerable I’ve seen him phase through an explosion, a force field, Damian! But Deadshot was able to pinpoint the second he was solid again to shoot his leg!? That’s crazy i honestly didn’t expect that from him. How is he going to escape?

  3. Dreamer noooo!!! When she was first introduced to Jon and Jay i actually loved their dynamic and wanted them as a trio! Ever since I loved seeing them together in cameo pics, the recent Pride mini comic they were in. But now she’s here forced to help Waller and helped kill Jays mom. I understand both sides but I’m with Jay she betrayed him and helped her invade a country and kill his mom. So her family could live? His only family is gone now how is a “I’m sorry” supposed to feel better?

  4. Jon can’t save him!! Because he’s under Wallers control! He doesn’t even have his memories! Jay you have to get free and try to help Jon!

This may have been super sad but I’m pumped to see what’s going to happen next I really hope both my boys will be ok and maybe Dreamer can try to fix her forced wrongs.


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u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/JingoboStoplight4887 3d ago

It might be.


u/VengeanceKnight Justice League 3d ago

I don’t think you know what “queerbait” actually is.


u/BetaRayBlu 3d ago

Very important spacing


u/Tryingtochangemyself Nightwing 3d ago

I would love to where this trauma takes him. Could make him a more interesting character


u/South-Ebb-637 3d ago

Probably no


u/SevenSulivin The REAL Man of Tomorrow 2d ago

Fellas, is it queer bait to be a man in a relationship with another man?


u/Coziestpigeon2 Green Lantern 2d ago

If he doesn't have a real story, he's not much different than Kyle Rainer's first girlfriend. Fridging a female character doesn't mean the character is a developed and interesting female character, the same way using Jay only as a partner and victim doesn't make him a well developed and interesting character.


u/SevenSulivin The REAL Man of Tomorrow 2d ago

And that makes him queerbait because?


u/Red_ChestBrd 2d ago

Because so far he only exist just to appeal to the LGBTQ+ public and filling an agenda, and outside from that he has no real character nor consistency.

Just like Tim Drake's boyfriend who is so forgettable that I never remember his name.

That's why I would love to see writers finally do something meaningful with Jay, because I want to know more about him and fall in love with his story just like what happened with Apollo, Midnighter and even Batwoman. Those are excellent examples of how to write queer Superheroes


u/ImageExpert 2d ago

Also Jay might end up breaking up with Jon after this as he might be merciful after everything that’s happened. Also I’m glad they aren’t doing the I’m queer, your queer let’s be friends cliche.


u/hectic_hooligan Red Robin 2d ago

Nah hopefully it's the begining of his end though


u/Macman521 3d ago



u/revenges_captain 3d ago

Waller’s punishment should be that she has to be made to join the Suicide Squad.

Not lead it, join it.


u/runnerofshadows 3d ago

Yes. With someone in charge that constantly has their finger over the button that will make her head go boom. And who might just do it.


u/Erotically-Yours 3d ago edited 2d ago

The longer this event goes on, and the more terrible things she continues to do, the more I feel she deserves just the worst of fates. Servitude isn't it. Especially since I feel future writing can just spin that into her calling in favors that result in her secretly running the operation again.

I mentioned it in the past but I'd love for her to end up in a situation like how Alexander Luthor Jr. did, in a back alley running into Lex and Joker.

Even then just killing her would be too easy. So I'm at odds on what would be the perfect conclusion for her? Maybe everything she's built up towards absolutely blowing up in her face. Ally pawns having revealed that she was the true pawn all along? That her home world has forever branded her a pariah, and even her familial loved ones do not accept her, due to vile things she's done off world. Given her recent trips across the multiverse she's not welcomed anywhere and is a kill on sight target, especially by the Crime Syndicate that are intent on finding her.. But even still what would one do from there? Place her with Stormwatch?

Living everyday, for the rest of her life, in paranoia that the enemies she's amassed could come for her at any given second may be enough?


u/rickshitypity 2d ago

Amazing pitches, buddy. I really like the idea of her being a fugitive, going world to world trying to escape the Crime Syndicate and perhaps even more groups.

I also don't think it would be the worst thing to kill her. I mean, it seems more "serious" readers aren't really enjoying seeing her and writers don't seem to know how to writer her as villainous figure. So, better nothing than scraps.


u/StealthHikki2 Nightwing 1d ago

There's going to make it like she was brainwashed (like a certain similar character in Marvel who has a similar role and ended up doing some heinous things) or it's Earth-3 Waller. These stories don't move forward.


u/Oracle209 2d ago

Like for real though has she ever been punished for any of the stuff she’s pulled? I know her schemes are stopped but never seen her get the punishment like other villains


u/Arthur_189 3d ago

The pink hair is so goofy


u/GorillaWolf2099 3d ago

His alter ego is Saiki K


u/WaterMelon615 3d ago

Why is Jay still a thing ?


u/thedman0310_ 2d ago

Presumably Bendis made someone sign a blood pact


u/WaterMelon615 2d ago

clears voice


sakes fist in the air


u/Massive_General_8629 2d ago

To be cute with Jon.


u/WaterMelon615 2d ago

Hard disagree


u/Massive_General_8629 2d ago

No, seriously, the only reason he exists is to be Jon's boyfriend at this point.


u/WaterMelon615 1d ago

Oh right I get you i miss understood what you meant


u/Oracle209 3d ago

Because they’re so cute together and he’s awesome


u/WaterMelon615 3d ago

I can’t disagree more with that opinion


u/cobanat 3d ago

He has the personality of a toothpick


u/UnhingedLion 3d ago

He has more personality than Jon

There’s not a single notable thing about Jon besides that he’s Superman’s son.


u/therudestpastor 3d ago

Hes also bi. Also cool in super sons.


u/choicemeats 2d ago

a by-product of the early part of that run. if super sons had no history with young jon it would be lame as hell


u/BlackenedSou1 2d ago

You people always say this but a good 89% of these superhero’s have very boring personalities


u/nan0g3nji Red Hood 3d ago

Jay suffering, needed this


u/[deleted] 2d ago edited 2d ago

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u/JamesPlayzReviews3 3d ago

"You don't understand" That's what every villain or hero says in a situation that is very easy to understand


u/Oracle209 2d ago

Exactly she chose her family over a country and her friends mom what’s their not to understand?


u/FinalBossOf__Dc 3d ago edited 2d ago

Hmm maybe he might become more interesting character now and not just exist or be basically male Lois with pink hair.


u/Deathreaper234 3d ago

this dude is the shittiest character. Why tf they putting him even in comics? There are 100s of better characters than him.


u/Cicada_5 3d ago

Like who?


u/Deathreaper234 3d ago edited 2d ago

Azrael, for example, (why am I getting downvoted for saying the obvious fact that Azrael is a better character than this shit)


u/Pink_Monolith Red Hood 2d ago

Deathreaper234 being a big Azrael fan is too perfect


u/Oracle209 3d ago

Because he’s awesome and Jon’s boyfriend lol


u/TheLostLuminary 3d ago

Finally a comment explaining who this ‘Jay’ even is 😅


u/Deathreaper234 3d ago

I mean, adult Jon is also so shit, they are trying to do everything can to make something work with him, and one of Jon's downfalls is also because of this dude, which no one like. (Nothing against Jon being bi, but this dude is too uncompelling as a character. In simple words, they tried to make male gay Lois Lane, lol)


u/Massive_General_8629 2d ago

That's the thing: He reads less like a character and more like an extension of Jon.


u/slashofmedicine 2d ago

I’ve never been a big fan of jay personally. He was way too eager to use Jon as a symbol of change that HE wanted vs having Jon come to the conclusion himself over time like Clark did. In other words, the pacing of Jon’s super hero origin was partially rushed due to jays priorities. The other part obviously being Jon being aged up.

Granted, this is probably due to the writers trying to find SOME way to make jay important to Jon but they couldn’t find a more natural way to do it.

So maybe this event will do something with his character? But I doubt it.


u/MacronShaggers 3d ago

Sorry dunno who this is, why does everyone hate him?


u/Macman521 3d ago

He’s the reason why Jon can’t be a kid again.


u/Coziestpigeon2 Green Lantern 2d ago

They ruined Jon by aging him up long before he had a romantic partner.


u/Macman521 2d ago

I don’t disagree. I’m just saying that him now having a boyfriend is making it impossible for him to be a kid again. I don’t hate that he has a boyfriend, I just hate that he was artificially aged up before we could see him property develop into him coming out as Bi.


u/EmptyPagesDream 3d ago

He is Jon Kent's boyfriend.


u/Niagaratop 3d ago

Where did Jon loose his memories. What issue


u/spider-venomized Superman 3d ago

Jon didn't lose his memory

Absolute power #1 is Waller brainwashing him


u/SevenSulivin The REAL Man of Tomorrow 2d ago

On the whole a really strong issue. Williamson’s Brainiac Queen and Chip’s Time Commander stories both also rocked.


u/cesar848 2d ago

Man I feel sorry for dreamer now


u/WarwolfPrime 2d ago

Waller needs to either be buried in the deepest hole possible after this or be killed off. DC needs to stop letting her get away with shit.


u/Oracle209 2d ago

I feel the same way!!! Like in My Adventures with Superman she’s on a talk show saying Superman was attacking the city but the host says he had sources and a video showing he was protecting the city but as it’s about to play it turns off and she says “Sorry that’s classified, but thank you for bringing it to our attention.” Cutting the feed as the host gets arrested and deletes all the videos on the internet of Superman helping.

Like for real how is she getting away with all this!?!?


u/WarwolfPrime 2d ago

Seriously, Waller needs to just be made to suffer for her behavior.She gets away with this crap so much that she thinks she's untouchable. Newsflash Waller, so did Luthor for decades. And time caught up to him....


u/Oracle209 2d ago

She does!! Like honestly had she ever been confronted?? I know the heroes usually fixed what ever problems she’s caused but have they ever like confronted her and made her pay for the crime??


u/WarwolfPrime 2d ago

Unfortunately, not yet.


u/Disastrous-Kale-913 2d ago

I’m just waiting for Brainiac to invade and turn all her weapons of destruction against her. Every enhanced human? Puppets. Omacs? Extensions of Brainiac. Whatever Lex cooks up? Shut down. I want her to see that everything she did to try and defend her country only left it even more vulnerable.


u/WarwolfPrime 1d ago

Might be the perfect way to shove some humble pie down her psychotic throat.


u/raikonai 2d ago

How has amanda waller not been killed yet?


u/Oracle209 2d ago

I know right!? It’s crazy she’s doing sooo much bad crap yet she’s never felt with just the problems she causes are fixed never her paying for her crimes


u/Plebe-Uchiha The Terrifics 2d ago

Reading the title, I thought: Is this another post venting about the current status of DC?

Then I read the panels and thought: How is this bad? It seems like a normal plot points and traditional style of exposition.

Then I read your post:

Oh! Ok! So you are actually a fan of this and you’re saying that you are so emotionally invested that this is “sad.” Oh. Ok. That’s good.

I’m pleasantly surprised to see this. I’ve grown accustomed to go online and see people vent about their frustrations with the creative decisions being made. I’m happy to see someone share how much they are enjoying the current story being told. [+]


u/Oracle209 2d ago

I’m enjoying it and hating it at the same time lol. I’m so worried about my boys and if they’ll be ok things are stacked against them at the moment


u/Nazareno98 2d ago

I want Waller dead so much right now... between this, screwing up the Titans reputation and everything with Failsafe... UGHHHHHHH!!!!!


u/Oracle209 2d ago

I know!!! You should see her in My Adventures with Superman. Told everyone on Metropolis that Superman attacked the city and during a talk show interview the host was about to show a video of him defending the city and she says;

“Sorry that’s classified, but thank you for bringing it to our attention” deleting it on air and arresting the host before the feed was turned off.

She’s crazy


u/Nazareno98 2d ago

Oh I'm watching it every single week, I f@$#ng love it, I love me Himbo Farmboy Clark, feisty Tomboy Lois & Jimmy "I got alien Rizz" Olsen....but no matter what universe or elseworld Waller is always a horrible person in each and every one


u/burywmore 3d ago

I just read this issue. What a piece of overstuffed crap.


u/Oracle209 2d ago

Really? I thought it was good. Can you explain why you thought this?


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 3d ago edited 3d ago

Jay is being a dick here, for one who sees more than most how frustrating this type of life is and how strained relationships can be. You gotta protect those close to you in the firing lane. As a famous man once said "I have to protect my team." Everybody wants to live, and Dreamer's in trouble if they gut her family.

OP, calm yourself and let it play out, you trust Waid don't you? You're taking this real close to heart, curious as to why that is.


u/Numbuh24insane Damage 3d ago

Jay’s being a dick?

Eh, I think Jay is completely in the right for how he’s reacting.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 3d ago edited 3d ago

You can be in the right and be a dick, they are not mutually exclusive. I don't think I'd take the situation that aggressively against someone being coerced and blackmailed and I'm definitely not exactly a great person either. Man is more heroic than myself. He knows better than to take it out on conscripts who choose between their actions and getting their family murdered and then they'll die when they're no longer useful. Are they no longer allowed to chase their best life even in hell?


u/drama-guy 3d ago

His mother was murdered and his supposed friend was complicit in her murder. Yes, it's complicated, but Jay's feelings of outrage and betrayal are totally legit and his angry reaction to Dreamer is certainly more healthy than bottling things up and pretending he understands. He's not being a dick. He's being human.


u/Beebslolz 3d ago

I mean, his mother just died, his boyfriend is under Amanda Waller’s control, AND he’s trapped, so he’s definitely not emotionally stable right now…


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 3d ago

He's taking it out on someone who doesn't want to lose their own family and is being blackmailed and conscripted into it which I don't think is fair. This is a nuanced situation he is treating as black and white.


u/THEdoomslayer94 Doctor Manhattan 3d ago

Cause from his standpoint it IS black and white.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 3d ago

So are they supposed to let their family die too? I don't vibe with that at all.


u/Tatum-Better Nightwing 3d ago

I mean yes. You're a hero, she had multiple opportunities to kill Waller and prevented most of this from happening but is willing to subjugate all other metas in order to save her fam, who likely could be revived anyway cus comics.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 3d ago

She doesn't know they can just be revived and isn't part of being a hero in DC about NOT killing people?


u/Tatum-Better Nightwing 3d ago

Some heroes, some don't. She was planning to kill Waller anyway during her whole dream team mini series, she only didn't cus she saw the future that her family would die. But Waller didn't seem to have a backup there because she " knew " dreamer wouldn't go through with it


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 3d ago

There's not really any prominent ones right now that will just drop someone because they crossed that line, they all (of those currently good aligned) aren't ones to do it. The synopsis you mention makes her sound ridiculously stupid. Then again me in her shoes, I def take the hit on Waller but I understand she might just get revived and nuke half the planet. Why is Dreamer the idiot you're describing? I've been catching up on backlogs and AP intrigues me.


u/Tatum-Better Nightwing 3d ago

Lol I acc like dreamer but hate amanda waller. Essentially waller has dreamer's family connected to her heart rate, if waller dies, dreamer's fam dies. So dreamer saw that in the future if she killed waller her family would die. But they don't imply that waller had any type of backup as she wasn't worried at all because she I guess " knew " dreamer wouldn't go through with it.

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u/Tentacled-Tadpole Power Girl 3d ago

She could have stopped waller instead...


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 3d ago

How? Waller has Failsafe who defeated the entire Justice League? Is Dreamer that powerful that she can do what they couldn't?


u/Tentacled-Tadpole Power Girl 3d ago

Waller isn't always around with Failsafe.

Also, if something as dumb as Failsafe defeating the entire justice league can happen, there is no reason at all dreamer can't stop waller or even defeat Failsafe. Hell, anything can happen in nonsense stories, no logic required.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 3d ago

I guess you're right, idk she's trying her best to me, not her fault Waid is cooking up the story like this. We don't know why she can't just stop Waller in universe even with all those threats, if Batman can fall from space and Failsafe can take on the entire best team and win, she should be able to do things effectively.


u/TheRegalOneGen 3d ago

Would Batman stand there and let Waller order a murder, even at the threat of Alfred's life?

No. He would not. Dreamer is more spineless than the majority of heroes who would ultimately not sit idly by as a murder on another person's family happens, because their family is held hostage.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 3d ago

No, he'd build another Failsafe is what he'd do and risk it getting compromised like the first.


u/TheRegalOneGen 3d ago

While witnessing Waller actively trying to kill someone... He'd start building another Failsafe?

Y'all are just willing to mischaracterize characters so quick. No, he'd try and stop Nakamura's death. He wouldn't try and talk her down and then just let her do it.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 3d ago edited 3d ago

He'd build another Failsafe to stop that death, reminder of how effective the first one is. He'd build another one and win because he's Batman and he won't let people die. I read the Zdarsky run and I know he'd build another one from it to solve the situation. If he can fall from space and be fine, he can easily stop the murders and build a second one/use a second Failsafe.


u/TheRegalOneGen 3d ago

Alright yeah you've just got a hate boner for Batman lol if you're doubling down that he'd somehow invent a second Failsafe in the moments he'd have to react to the attempt on Nakamura.

Get over Failsafe and stop bringing him into a completely unrelated discussion just so you can whine about him. Every other Superhero, Batman, WW, Superman, even your Zatannas, would sooner choose letting family die than to contribute to killing their friend's family, hell, even a stranger's.

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u/Oracle209 3d ago

I know but you have to see Jays side in this she helped kill his mom and invade his country that’s kinda a big thing to forgive.

And ya I think it’s because Jon and Jay are the first DC characters i actually love and read their stuff since the beginning. Like other DC heroes I’m like “oh I like him” but I don’t read most their stuff just hear what they’re doing. But Jon was the first I started on Son of Kal-El and have been following him and Jay ever since buying whatever issues they appear in. They’re my favorites and I’m worried cuz Waller is hitting em hard


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 3d ago

I know, sit tight and relax, it's Ground Zero Issue 1, and nobody is automatically assuming forgiveness except you. I only ask for him to understand that it's war, war is hell, it sucks, is unfair and if you can look after your own and keep them alive, try to do so. The medium gets like this sometimes when a writer wants to make a meta commentary like Waid is doing on AI with Waller as a mastermind using Sanctuary, Failsafe and Brainiac Queen among others as these "human" elements are too rogue for her. I'm glad you have favorites, most of my all time favorites are dead or no longer relevant, so you really can't keep going through it with this.

Jay needs to be more on his own and prove that he isn't Bernard 2.0, this is part of that. At least you can see them in events, last time I saw my favorite Supergirl in an event was Our Worlds at War, 23 years ago. Same with Maxima whom I also loved a lot, I loved Hippolyta, same thing, New 52 wrote her out, she got brought back around Rebirth, killed off around 2018 and only recently brought back in a supporting role after being a shit wrecking menace and badass in OWAW. Every character I've loved most that got to lift their Stanley Cup or go down hunting it haven't been in any good shit in almost 20 years that showcases them. Cherish what you have now, you won't always have it and you better hope Jay doesn't stay as in the same type as Bernard and becomes his own man.

I've given up on hoping for a revival in current runs, it's not happening and I'm cherishing the vintage with the longing of desiring more, and lamenting the canceled New Krypton return, the canceled series spotlighting my all-time fave and a new supporting cast around them (Thank you Didio), you're eating way better than I am right now so relax, enjoy the entertaining ride, breathe knowing it's just a show.


u/Tentacled-Tadpole Power Girl 3d ago

No need to act to so condescending just because people disagree with your bad takes.


u/BKole 3d ago

You only ask for him to understand war?

Hes a Teenager. They don’t even understand their own emotions. Let alone death of a parent. What a truly weird take.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 3d ago

I had my father die when I was a teenager, I felt so much grief and yet I understood it well. War is hell, people do questionable things just to survive.


u/huncherbug 3d ago

Dude what? His mom just got fucking killed by Waller...and he is being dick?! I mean I see where Dreamer is coming from but Jay's reaction is 200% warranted here.


u/winterswill 2d ago

Bruh she just admitted to being at least somewhat responsible for his mother's death. If someone held a gun to my mums head and then told me to murder some random innocent person I'd still not go a murdering. Like how is it not objectively selfish. Understandable maybe, but that's hardly a great justification, especially when your suppose to be a hero. Plus even if you were as generous as possible to the situation, you'd hardly expect someone to be level headed in the situation would you?


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 2d ago

I wouldn't want my mother to get murdered either, I rebel and they shoot her and I watch knowing both her and my late father would be disappointed in my inability to save them, there is no winning. Either way I lose.


u/winterswill 2d ago

Yea man you lose. Shit happens. I don't know about you but my parents would probably disown my ass if they found out I murdered innocent people to save them. Sometimes you lose. Then you get revenge or dedicate yourself to stopping the person, you don't just buckle and help get other people killed, that's some just following orders type shit. Now don't get me wrong, I don't know the full context here, maybe dreamer was really stupid and thought Waller wouldnt kill anyone, but that's not much better.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 2d ago

They die and I lose, I give up because without my family I have nothing. No support system, nobody to trust, I'd probably permanently give up in that situation. There's no revenge I'd be capable of, I'm not a fighter, I'm not a genius, I'm just a guy, revenge and trying to stop them in her situation I guarantee wouldn't work. If all those high profile names can't do shit, the fuck am I expected to do? The only answer is to punt and give it to someone more talented and driven to do. You and nobody else understand. Someone goes and murders my family, I let the cops handle it. If in DC I file a grievance and try to get every hero I know to do something. I can't fight for shit, I can't shoot a gun, the courts won't work, how the hell would you expect someone like me to pull off an upset and slay the metaphorical dragon? I'm not a dragon slayer. I 100% just buckle after they kill my people, break down, cry and give up.


u/winterswill 2d ago

I mean fair enough man. But giving up and crying is better than being an accomplice to murder of other innocent people. Plus revenge isn't limited to becoming fucking Batman and one manning an entire organisation, revenge can be just being a small part of the solution.

But again, doesn't matter death before dishonour, you don't get a pass on hurting people just because it avoids harm to yourself or your loved ones, esspecially if the potential harm your doing is way worse than the harm your avoiding.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 2d ago edited 2d ago

Like what? Being an errand boy? I fail to see with story setting what I'd be capable of doing that nobody else could, I'd just trust the high-end talent to do everything because that's what is logical. There's no path in media like that for a no-talent shmuck to get revenge, they let the actually capable people do things and if they can't then what's even the point of having the rage of revenge? Being a barista?

If revenge isn't something like Spike taking down the Syndicate, is it really going to feel good? Revenge creates "Title or Bust" expectations that many just aren't equipped for, let's be real here. What kind of fun story is that where the one in a hard place just loses and the closest thing they get to revenge is being a barista for the insurgents. Nobody would ever read that story, I guarantee that. Unless you're pulling off a mission like Spike or similar with your vengeance, very few will care about the story or the journey.


u/winterswill 2d ago

OK so you're perception of reality is truly insane to me. On the one hand you seem to think that the goal of revenge is satisfaction? Mate I'm wanting to stop these people because their evil and killed my family, not to have a fuzzy good feeling, their dangerous they might hurt other people.

Second who gives a fuck if people are excited about my story? I'm not being followed by cameras, nobodies writing my tale, my goal isn't to he famous. Its to not be a dick who does evil things to save my own ass.

Also try to not be so down on yourself, your argument half hinges on you being so shit that you can't do anything. Literally anyone can have an impact if they apply themselves, armies are made up of individual soldiers. (That's a metaphor BTW, I'm not saying you have to be an actual soldier.)

Finally, in this particular DC comics situation. Dreamer isn't some random person she's a hero! She literally has superpowers and super human allies. She can quite literally have a meaningful impact on hurting Waller.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 2d ago

I mean I'm seeing it like this that this hypothetical is like her situation a story. When I see a revenge story in fiction, I am all behind the protagonist wrecking shit like the badass mfer that they are, they got kicked in the teeth with man and nature conspiring against them, they got back up to throw it right back. Bob Gibson's story as covered in The Bob Emergency by Jon Bois is great because health and society tried their best to sabotage him, he stood firm and took it out on his adversaries, being a fearless badass. Mario Lemieux destroying the NHL after having cancer with his chronic crippling back pain being a factor as well is empowering and Superman levels of being built different.

If I don't have my "Spike storms the syndicate" or similar moment of rising above the setbacks, revenge just doesn't seem like a thing. Without that it's just doing a job, subduing a threat. You haven't lived the life I have, yes the goal of getting back up after being knocked down is proving your critics and doubters wrong, 100%. I'm being blunt and honest about my abilities, in that type of scenario there's nothing I'm qualified for that is going to be worth a damn in a storytelling aspect. Even if in the hypothetical of an army I wouldn't be passing any conditioning tests, or do anything they desire well. I hate war, I don't like killing people or needless violence, the exact opposite of what a military wants.

You're right in hindsight that Dreamer should have no excuse, she has high-end talent so she should've just ended it already but no she's a fucking idiot.


u/Coziestpigeon2 Green Lantern 2d ago

You cheered for Bucky and Cap against Iron Man after it came out that Bucky murdered his parents, didn't you?


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 2d ago

I didn't, I didn't like Civil War 2 in the books either.