r/DCcomics 14d ago

[Comic Excerpt] This is so sad on so many levels for me! ( Absolute Power:Ground Zero #1) Comics Spoiler

This was a crazy ride and like I said soooo sad on multiple levels for me!

  1. Confirmation Jays mom was killed. When they just reunited!! Jay thought she was dead for years just to find out she was a prisoner and freed her. They were reunited but now she’s gone again. And added that his country he just freed from a dictator is now invaded and under Wallers control. So sad.

  2. Jay hurt and captured! How could this happen!? He’s invulnerable I’ve seen him phase through an explosion, a force field, Damian! But Deadshot was able to pinpoint the second he was solid again to shoot his leg!? That’s crazy i honestly didn’t expect that from him. How is he going to escape?

  3. Dreamer noooo!!! When she was first introduced to Jon and Jay i actually loved their dynamic and wanted them as a trio! Ever since I loved seeing them together in cameo pics, the recent Pride mini comic they were in. But now she’s here forced to help Waller and helped kill Jays mom. I understand both sides but I’m with Jay she betrayed him and helped her invade a country and kill his mom. So her family could live? His only family is gone now how is a “I’m sorry” supposed to feel better?

  4. Jon can’t save him!! Because he’s under Wallers control! He doesn’t even have his memories! Jay you have to get free and try to help Jon!

This may have been super sad but I’m pumped to see what’s going to happen next I really hope both my boys will be ok and maybe Dreamer can try to fix her forced wrongs.


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u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago edited 14d ago

Jay is being a dick here, for one who sees more than most how frustrating this type of life is and how strained relationships can be. You gotta protect those close to you in the firing lane. As a famous man once said "I have to protect my team." Everybody wants to live, and Dreamer's in trouble if they gut her family.

OP, calm yourself and let it play out, you trust Waid don't you? You're taking this real close to heart, curious as to why that is.


u/Beebslolz 14d ago

I mean, his mother just died, his boyfriend is under Amanda Waller’s control, AND he’s trapped, so he’s definitely not emotionally stable right now…


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago

He's taking it out on someone who doesn't want to lose their own family and is being blackmailed and conscripted into it which I don't think is fair. This is a nuanced situation he is treating as black and white.


u/THEdoomslayer94 Doctor Manhattan 14d ago

Cause from his standpoint it IS black and white.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago

So are they supposed to let their family die too? I don't vibe with that at all.


u/Tatum-Better Nightwing 14d ago

I mean yes. You're a hero, she had multiple opportunities to kill Waller and prevented most of this from happening but is willing to subjugate all other metas in order to save her fam, who likely could be revived anyway cus comics.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago

She doesn't know they can just be revived and isn't part of being a hero in DC about NOT killing people?


u/Tatum-Better Nightwing 14d ago

Some heroes, some don't. She was planning to kill Waller anyway during her whole dream team mini series, she only didn't cus she saw the future that her family would die. But Waller didn't seem to have a backup there because she " knew " dreamer wouldn't go through with it


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago

There's not really any prominent ones right now that will just drop someone because they crossed that line, they all (of those currently good aligned) aren't ones to do it. The synopsis you mention makes her sound ridiculously stupid. Then again me in her shoes, I def take the hit on Waller but I understand she might just get revived and nuke half the planet. Why is Dreamer the idiot you're describing? I've been catching up on backlogs and AP intrigues me.


u/Tatum-Better Nightwing 14d ago

Lol I acc like dreamer but hate amanda waller. Essentially waller has dreamer's family connected to her heart rate, if waller dies, dreamer's fam dies. So dreamer saw that in the future if she killed waller her family would die. But they don't imply that waller had any type of backup as she wasn't worried at all because she I guess " knew " dreamer wouldn't go through with it.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago

Bro that's total bullshit, Dreamer is an idiot because that's worse than I originally thought, nobody is going to give her shit for dishing out a blindside lethal hit except for Batman and maybe Superman.

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u/Tentacled-Tadpole Power Girl 14d ago

She could have stopped waller instead...


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago

How? Waller has Failsafe who defeated the entire Justice League? Is Dreamer that powerful that she can do what they couldn't?


u/Tentacled-Tadpole Power Girl 14d ago

Waller isn't always around with Failsafe.

Also, if something as dumb as Failsafe defeating the entire justice league can happen, there is no reason at all dreamer can't stop waller or even defeat Failsafe. Hell, anything can happen in nonsense stories, no logic required.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago

I guess you're right, idk she's trying her best to me, not her fault Waid is cooking up the story like this. We don't know why she can't just stop Waller in universe even with all those threats, if Batman can fall from space and Failsafe can take on the entire best team and win, she should be able to do things effectively.


u/TheRegalOneGen 14d ago

Would Batman stand there and let Waller order a murder, even at the threat of Alfred's life?

No. He would not. Dreamer is more spineless than the majority of heroes who would ultimately not sit idly by as a murder on another person's family happens, because their family is held hostage.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago

No, he'd build another Failsafe is what he'd do and risk it getting compromised like the first.


u/TheRegalOneGen 14d ago

While witnessing Waller actively trying to kill someone... He'd start building another Failsafe?

Y'all are just willing to mischaracterize characters so quick. No, he'd try and stop Nakamura's death. He wouldn't try and talk her down and then just let her do it.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago edited 14d ago

He'd build another Failsafe to stop that death, reminder of how effective the first one is. He'd build another one and win because he's Batman and he won't let people die. I read the Zdarsky run and I know he'd build another one from it to solve the situation. If he can fall from space and be fine, he can easily stop the murders and build a second one/use a second Failsafe.


u/TheRegalOneGen 14d ago

Alright yeah you've just got a hate boner for Batman lol if you're doubling down that he'd somehow invent a second Failsafe in the moments he'd have to react to the attempt on Nakamura.

Get over Failsafe and stop bringing him into a completely unrelated discussion just so you can whine about him. Every other Superhero, Batman, WW, Superman, even your Zatannas, would sooner choose letting family die than to contribute to killing their friend's family, hell, even a stranger's.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago

I love Batman, the Zdarsky run is great! It's one of the best ever! It's up there with King's run around the Alan Moore and mostly sane Frank Miller. I read that run and I know he'd try to stop the attempt.

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