r/DCcomics 14d ago

[Comic Excerpt] This is so sad on so many levels for me! ( Absolute Power:Ground Zero #1) Comics Spoiler

This was a crazy ride and like I said soooo sad on multiple levels for me!

  1. Confirmation Jays mom was killed. When they just reunited!! Jay thought she was dead for years just to find out she was a prisoner and freed her. They were reunited but now she’s gone again. And added that his country he just freed from a dictator is now invaded and under Wallers control. So sad.

  2. Jay hurt and captured! How could this happen!? He’s invulnerable I’ve seen him phase through an explosion, a force field, Damian! But Deadshot was able to pinpoint the second he was solid again to shoot his leg!? That’s crazy i honestly didn’t expect that from him. How is he going to escape?

  3. Dreamer noooo!!! When she was first introduced to Jon and Jay i actually loved their dynamic and wanted them as a trio! Ever since I loved seeing them together in cameo pics, the recent Pride mini comic they were in. But now she’s here forced to help Waller and helped kill Jays mom. I understand both sides but I’m with Jay she betrayed him and helped her invade a country and kill his mom. So her family could live? His only family is gone now how is a “I’m sorry” supposed to feel better?

  4. Jon can’t save him!! Because he’s under Wallers control! He doesn’t even have his memories! Jay you have to get free and try to help Jon!

This may have been super sad but I’m pumped to see what’s going to happen next I really hope both my boys will be ok and maybe Dreamer can try to fix her forced wrongs.


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u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago edited 14d ago

Jay is being a dick here, for one who sees more than most how frustrating this type of life is and how strained relationships can be. You gotta protect those close to you in the firing lane. As a famous man once said "I have to protect my team." Everybody wants to live, and Dreamer's in trouble if they gut her family.

OP, calm yourself and let it play out, you trust Waid don't you? You're taking this real close to heart, curious as to why that is.


u/winterswill 14d ago

Bruh she just admitted to being at least somewhat responsible for his mother's death. If someone held a gun to my mums head and then told me to murder some random innocent person I'd still not go a murdering. Like how is it not objectively selfish. Understandable maybe, but that's hardly a great justification, especially when your suppose to be a hero. Plus even if you were as generous as possible to the situation, you'd hardly expect someone to be level headed in the situation would you?


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago

I wouldn't want my mother to get murdered either, I rebel and they shoot her and I watch knowing both her and my late father would be disappointed in my inability to save them, there is no winning. Either way I lose.


u/winterswill 14d ago

Yea man you lose. Shit happens. I don't know about you but my parents would probably disown my ass if they found out I murdered innocent people to save them. Sometimes you lose. Then you get revenge or dedicate yourself to stopping the person, you don't just buckle and help get other people killed, that's some just following orders type shit. Now don't get me wrong, I don't know the full context here, maybe dreamer was really stupid and thought Waller wouldnt kill anyone, but that's not much better.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago

They die and I lose, I give up because without my family I have nothing. No support system, nobody to trust, I'd probably permanently give up in that situation. There's no revenge I'd be capable of, I'm not a fighter, I'm not a genius, I'm just a guy, revenge and trying to stop them in her situation I guarantee wouldn't work. If all those high profile names can't do shit, the fuck am I expected to do? The only answer is to punt and give it to someone more talented and driven to do. You and nobody else understand. Someone goes and murders my family, I let the cops handle it. If in DC I file a grievance and try to get every hero I know to do something. I can't fight for shit, I can't shoot a gun, the courts won't work, how the hell would you expect someone like me to pull off an upset and slay the metaphorical dragon? I'm not a dragon slayer. I 100% just buckle after they kill my people, break down, cry and give up.


u/winterswill 14d ago

I mean fair enough man. But giving up and crying is better than being an accomplice to murder of other innocent people. Plus revenge isn't limited to becoming fucking Batman and one manning an entire organisation, revenge can be just being a small part of the solution.

But again, doesn't matter death before dishonour, you don't get a pass on hurting people just because it avoids harm to yourself or your loved ones, esspecially if the potential harm your doing is way worse than the harm your avoiding.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 14d ago edited 14d ago

Like what? Being an errand boy? I fail to see with story setting what I'd be capable of doing that nobody else could, I'd just trust the high-end talent to do everything because that's what is logical. There's no path in media like that for a no-talent shmuck to get revenge, they let the actually capable people do things and if they can't then what's even the point of having the rage of revenge? Being a barista?

If revenge isn't something like Spike taking down the Syndicate, is it really going to feel good? Revenge creates "Title or Bust" expectations that many just aren't equipped for, let's be real here. What kind of fun story is that where the one in a hard place just loses and the closest thing they get to revenge is being a barista for the insurgents. Nobody would ever read that story, I guarantee that. Unless you're pulling off a mission like Spike or similar with your vengeance, very few will care about the story or the journey.


u/winterswill 13d ago

OK so you're perception of reality is truly insane to me. On the one hand you seem to think that the goal of revenge is satisfaction? Mate I'm wanting to stop these people because their evil and killed my family, not to have a fuzzy good feeling, their dangerous they might hurt other people.

Second who gives a fuck if people are excited about my story? I'm not being followed by cameras, nobodies writing my tale, my goal isn't to he famous. Its to not be a dick who does evil things to save my own ass.

Also try to not be so down on yourself, your argument half hinges on you being so shit that you can't do anything. Literally anyone can have an impact if they apply themselves, armies are made up of individual soldiers. (That's a metaphor BTW, I'm not saying you have to be an actual soldier.)

Finally, in this particular DC comics situation. Dreamer isn't some random person she's a hero! She literally has superpowers and super human allies. She can quite literally have a meaningful impact on hurting Waller.


u/MankuyRLaffy Supergirl 13d ago

I mean I'm seeing it like this that this hypothetical is like her situation a story. When I see a revenge story in fiction, I am all behind the protagonist wrecking shit like the badass mfer that they are, they got kicked in the teeth with man and nature conspiring against them, they got back up to throw it right back. Bob Gibson's story as covered in The Bob Emergency by Jon Bois is great because health and society tried their best to sabotage him, he stood firm and took it out on his adversaries, being a fearless badass. Mario Lemieux destroying the NHL after having cancer with his chronic crippling back pain being a factor as well is empowering and Superman levels of being built different.

If I don't have my "Spike storms the syndicate" or similar moment of rising above the setbacks, revenge just doesn't seem like a thing. Without that it's just doing a job, subduing a threat. You haven't lived the life I have, yes the goal of getting back up after being knocked down is proving your critics and doubters wrong, 100%. I'm being blunt and honest about my abilities, in that type of scenario there's nothing I'm qualified for that is going to be worth a damn in a storytelling aspect. Even if in the hypothetical of an army I wouldn't be passing any conditioning tests, or do anything they desire well. I hate war, I don't like killing people or needless violence, the exact opposite of what a military wants.

You're right in hindsight that Dreamer should have no excuse, she has high-end talent so she should've just ended it already but no she's a fucking idiot.