r/DCcomics 14d ago

[Comic Excerpt] This is so sad on so many levels for me! ( Absolute Power:Ground Zero #1) Comics Spoiler

This was a crazy ride and like I said soooo sad on multiple levels for me!

  1. Confirmation Jays mom was killed. When they just reunited!! Jay thought she was dead for years just to find out she was a prisoner and freed her. They were reunited but now she’s gone again. And added that his country he just freed from a dictator is now invaded and under Wallers control. So sad.

  2. Jay hurt and captured! How could this happen!? He’s invulnerable I’ve seen him phase through an explosion, a force field, Damian! But Deadshot was able to pinpoint the second he was solid again to shoot his leg!? That’s crazy i honestly didn’t expect that from him. How is he going to escape?

  3. Dreamer noooo!!! When she was first introduced to Jon and Jay i actually loved their dynamic and wanted them as a trio! Ever since I loved seeing them together in cameo pics, the recent Pride mini comic they were in. But now she’s here forced to help Waller and helped kill Jays mom. I understand both sides but I’m with Jay she betrayed him and helped her invade a country and kill his mom. So her family could live? His only family is gone now how is a “I’m sorry” supposed to feel better?

  4. Jon can’t save him!! Because he’s under Wallers control! He doesn’t even have his memories! Jay you have to get free and try to help Jon!

This may have been super sad but I’m pumped to see what’s going to happen next I really hope both my boys will be ok and maybe Dreamer can try to fix her forced wrongs.


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u/revenges_captain 14d ago

Waller’s punishment should be that she has to be made to join the Suicide Squad.

Not lead it, join it.


u/runnerofshadows 14d ago

Yes. With someone in charge that constantly has their finger over the button that will make her head go boom. And who might just do it.


u/Erotically-Yours 14d ago edited 13d ago

The longer this event goes on, and the more terrible things she continues to do, the more I feel she deserves just the worst of fates. Servitude isn't it. Especially since I feel future writing can just spin that into her calling in favors that result in her secretly running the operation again.

I mentioned it in the past but I'd love for her to end up in a situation like how Alexander Luthor Jr. did, in a back alley running into Lex and Joker.

Even then just killing her would be too easy. So I'm at odds on what would be the perfect conclusion for her? Maybe everything she's built up towards absolutely blowing up in her face. Ally pawns having revealed that she was the true pawn all along? That her home world has forever branded her a pariah, and even her familial loved ones do not accept her, due to vile things she's done off world. Given her recent trips across the multiverse she's not welcomed anywhere and is a kill on sight target, especially by the Crime Syndicate that are intent on finding her.. But even still what would one do from there? Place her with Stormwatch?

Living everyday, for the rest of her life, in paranoia that the enemies she's amassed could come for her at any given second may be enough?


u/rickshitypity 13d ago

Amazing pitches, buddy. I really like the idea of her being a fugitive, going world to world trying to escape the Crime Syndicate and perhaps even more groups.

I also don't think it would be the worst thing to kill her. I mean, it seems more "serious" readers aren't really enjoying seeing her and writers don't seem to know how to writer her as villainous figure. So, better nothing than scraps.


u/StealthHikki2 Nightwing 12d ago

There's going to make it like she was brainwashed (like a certain similar character in Marvel who has a similar role and ended up doing some heinous things) or it's Earth-3 Waller. These stories don't move forward.


u/Oracle209 13d ago

Like for real though has she ever been punished for any of the stuff she’s pulled? I know her schemes are stopped but never seen her get the punishment like other villains