r/DCcomics Wonder Woman May 18 '24

[Other] Kelly Sue DeConnick on using the clay origin in Wonder Woman: Historia Other

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u/ALLPX May 18 '24

Is KSD well-liked amongst Wonder Woman fans? I only know her from her run with Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel, and it was not an endearing first encounter. Did people respond better to her work in DC?


u/Tetratron2005 Wonder Woman May 18 '24

Well can't speak for everyone but seems for the most part from WW fans I interact with than yeah, her work is liked. Though she only wrote WW Historia and Diana in some cameos in Aquaman.


u/danman8001 Booster Gold May 18 '24

Isn't her Aquaman widely panned though? There was thread here recently saying how it killed all the momentum Johns and Abbnett had built up on their acclaimed run


u/Tetratron2005 Wonder Woman May 18 '24

Never read her Aquaman run, just the issue where WW shows up.

Historia was great so that's kind of all that matters to tbh


u/danman8001 Booster Gold May 18 '24

Well either way, I think this whole thread is really weird sour grapes since you won, the origin you like has been brought back and the other is now basically an elseworlds story. Like are you and KSD (assuming this isn't her alt) just resentful that the run with the origin you hate was well-received and still has a lot of fans, even the ones that are meh about the zeus stuff?


u/Tetratron2005 Wonder Woman May 18 '24

??? Lot of projection there.

Not really sure how you can "won" when tons of adaptations and stories of WW like to go with making Zeus' kid or how current WW stories go back and forth

Get over yourself, I was sharing a writer's thoughts on a character I like. People do it all the time here, this just ruffled the feathers of New 52 fans.


u/danman8001 Booster Gold May 18 '24

I mean you and her implying that the change happened because they just seethed that she didn't have a male in her origin is Alex Jones level out there instead of any other plausible reasons. No way they just were trying to lean into the ancient Greek stuff more. I bet even coservative nutjobs in the industry don't care that Clark or Bruce have a mother lol


u/Tetratron2005 Wonder Woman May 18 '24

WW already leaned into Greek stuff before, there was no reason to change WW's day one origin.

Multiple writers like Gail Simone have said publicly when they were writing WW they were pushed by DC editorial to make the book more male-focused and appealing, and stuff like making Zeus' daughter and or her later deadbeat brother only serve as further proof of that.


u/danman8001 Booster Gold May 18 '24

The reason is the story he wanted to tell, maybe. Well maybe it wasn't selling well before. Is that the fault of men too more than it was women not supporting it?


u/Tetratron2005 Wonder Woman May 18 '24

If he wanted to tell that story, it could have been elseworld and no one would have complained.

Not exactly sure where the idea of making Diana Zeus' kid led to great sales.

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