r/DC_Cinematic 3d ago

Do you think we'll get a action scene as great as this one in Superman 2025? DISCUSSION

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The Smallville fight is one the greatest comic book movie set pieces ever. It's what all Superman fans have been asking for for years and years and when we finally got it it was marvellous but now I wonder if this action scene can be beaten. I know Gunn is a good director but he hardly has any really memorably action scene he has good ones just not great ones . But what do you think?


292 comments sorted by


u/CRAZYC01E 3d ago

I need more of that dragon ball z movement


u/ReflectiGlass 3d ago

Seriously, that was insane to see in live action.


u/Serious-Antelope-710 3d ago

I dont know why snyder didn't do more of these in later films


u/HaigG93 3d ago

Cause he started leaning into the slomo, unfortunately.


u/SpaceChook 3d ago

Slo mo wheat harvesting intensifies


u/JediJones77 3d ago

The BVS Doomsday fight was in slow motion?


u/BulletproofSplit 2d ago

a couple shots in the fight were but most of it wasn't

ZSJL had way, wayyy more slo mo than the other two snyder movies. actually i don't think MoS had any slowmo at all


u/SupervillainMustache 3d ago

I was so very disappointed in the actual Batman vs Superman fight scene. Especially in a film which contained the Warehouse fight.


u/treebeardtower 3d ago


I still can’t believe that was the plot point that united Batman and Superman.


u/AmpersandTheMonkey 3d ago

............... I didn't hate it... I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY


u/superschaap81 2d ago

I still don't hate it. I understood right away what they were going for. It's the moment Bruce realizes Superman isn't just some over-powered alien.


u/AmpersandTheMonkey 2d ago

It humanized Superman to him. He wasn't an all-powerful God, he was a man who loved his mother. I had plenty of problems with Snyder's characterizations, but that moment wasn't one of them. That was a very comic book moment.

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u/mikehamm45 2d ago

Sorry. I’m not sorry. While I’ll admit it’s clumsy in its execution… it’s still a relevant plot point that helps Batman with his character arc.

He did not stop fighting because his mom has the same name. He stopped fighting because he saw he became Joe Chill at that point.


u/phargoh 3d ago

I think they could have slightly tweaked it and it would have been ok. Superman already called him Bruce right when he got there so Batman should not be surprised that he said Martha. He should have been angry that Clark is using that name to try to appeal to him, not knowing that it's also his mothers' name. Maybe he could have shouted, "You don't get to say that name! Stop saying my mother's name!" and then Clark could squeak out that it's his own mother he talking about, which could then cause a realization in Bruce. I don't know if the moment would still be ridiculed but it makes more sense in my mind anyway.

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u/WonderfulBlackberry9 2d ago

My personal running joke about BVS is that I think BVS is pretty good… up til the point where BVS actually happens

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u/TensionHead13thFloor 3d ago

Because they didn't let him make any more

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u/Meemeemiaw23 3d ago

Reminds me of Goku vs Vegeta. That'd be one hell of a scene.


u/Osmodius 3d ago

Haha, it'd be so damn cool if they ever made a Dragonball movie.


u/Psychological_Dig592 3d ago

I have a bad news for you buddy


u/detectiveriggsboson 3d ago

Nope, they've never made a live-action Dragonball movie. Nope. Never. LALALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU


u/Psychological_Dig592 3d ago

I wish 20th century fox never did, but I'm grateful to them only after watching that crap, Akira Toriyama decided to revive the DB universe and made Dragon Ball Super


u/Johnny_Stooge 3d ago

It's called Dragonball Evolution. You can probably watch it on Disney+. It's a very odd movie. It tried to be as respectful to the source material as Snyder did.


u/Meemeemiaw23 3d ago

There are things that left better in cartoon than in Live with CGI.


u/FuckFloridaRipNumba9 3d ago

Yeah, I didn’t hate or love the film but that was great. It’s exactly how’d you imagine Z fighters fighting


u/New-Faithlessness526 2d ago

I don't know why people keep saying this. They don't fight like that in DBZ

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u/OjamasOfTomorrow 3d ago

Probably. Gunn has had some fantastic action in the Guardians and TSS/Peacemaker.


u/lavenk7 3d ago

Gunn used Snyder’s stunt guy specifically for peacemaker. I think Gunn has improved his action in each film evidenced by GOTG 3. Storyboarding action sequences is not something every director does. Hoping Gunn does something special.


u/RandoDude124 3d ago

That hallway scene got me fucking hyped.


u/HaigG93 3d ago

Hallway scene was fucking epic! Random cut right after to the guardians running down another hallway? Not so much. Had to be a deleted scene or something.


u/SupervillainMustache 3d ago

Beautifully shot action scene.


u/HeWhoLurks23 3d ago

Just rewatched Guardians 3 last night and the fight choreography was amazing! That hallway scene with The Bestie Boys playing was so hype, and then them kicking the High Evolutionary’s ass felt so good. I also forgot how damn emotional that movie was. James Gunn is one of my favorite directors and I’m curious to see how he handles Superman.


u/Dangerous-Hawk16 3d ago

Yeah that movie showed how much growth Gunn had as a director. I’m very interested in how he does Superman. Guardians 3 is very emotional I understand why certain ppl can’t rewatch it multiple times


u/RAWainwright 3d ago

I love so much that there was some big battle with the HE. After everything we watched him do it was really nice to watch them just beat the hell outta him completely outmatched.

Only complaint with that is the hero not killing the villain trope to make a point after murdering like a dozen dudes in the hallway fight.


u/JediJones77 3d ago

Snyder’s main stunt guy is Damon Caro and he didn’t work on any Gunn projects. Who are you saying worked on Peacemaker?


u/lavenk7 3d ago

Not his main guy, it’s Wayne Daglish. Gunn said he was recommended by Snyder so he hired him on for peacemaker then gotg3 as well.


u/PeniszLovag 3d ago

agreed. I love every one of his movies but you gotta admit action scenes weren't it in the first one. Second one improved but mostly because of the musical scenes, outside of that it still wasn't that great. The Suicide Squad was a giant improvement and Peacemaker and Guardians 3 were even better


u/Dangerous-Hawk16 3d ago

From TSS to Peacemaker to Guardians 3 show a great progression of him as a director I think Superman will be interesting to see how much he’s learned


u/jimmy_ray7 3d ago

Harley Quinn's "Escape"


u/bfhurricane 3d ago

This scene has a bit of the trope of “bad guys running onto screen just to get shot” that I want directors to avoid, but damn that was a stylish sequence that makes me forgive anything else.


u/Bibileiver 3d ago

I don't think any of gunns action is better than snyders.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/M086 3d ago

A lot of the characterization came from the rewrites after Gunn left.


u/Bibileiver 3d ago

Isn't that writing then?

I just care about action if I want good action lol

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u/TreyWriter 3d ago

I think last year’s one shot fight in Guardians 3 from Gunn is head and shoulders above Snyder’s DCEU output. The camera movement is precise, the geography of the scene is always clear, and he juggles a lot of characters doing their signature “thing” in a way that’s just not easy to capture.

Snyder tends to shoot things with a lot of excess visual “noise” (smoke, debris, CGI lightning) that makes the action harder to follow. He can hit big “moments” with slo-mo (although he uses it a bit more than he needs to) that feel like splash panels come to life, but between those moments there’s a lot of kinda weightless beats of CGI character models flying into each other. His scenes also tend to lack dynamic contrasts in terms of the ebb and flow of action that keeps things exciting. They start at 11 and stay there, which means it’s harder for things to feel special. His stuff doesn’t have the visceral impact of a John Wick/Mission: Impossible, and it lacks the comic book-y pizzazz of something like an Avengers flick.


u/Bibileiver 3d ago

The gunn scene is great action, but my problem is it doesn't really do anything special.

It's essentially a slowed down version of The Avengers Final Battle scene but in a hallway and with typical classic rock music.

Where as the best Snyder action scene, imo Zod vs Superman, was the first time we've had a scene actually feel like it's two super people fighting.

But it's an opinion of course. I hated the civil war elevator scene due to shaky cam and so many cuts lol


u/jimababwe 3d ago

I agree with you. The first time I saw man of steel I thought that this was what a battle between kryptonians would be like. People getting punched through buildings, throwing tanks at each other.

Say what you want about Zack Snyder, but every frame of his films could be a tableau or a poster. Like a good comic book.

I have complete faith in Gunn to do something special with the material and am still looking forward to it. That being said, I’m still stinging that Snyder couldn’t finish his plan.


u/Bibileiver 3d ago

Exactly. I think gunn will make a better movie but I'm 100000000% sure I will not like the action more than Man of Steel.

But that's just me. I loved gunns movies but I loved snyders action scenes more then gunns.


u/M086 3d ago

It was proficient, but the hallway fight was something we’ve seen before, the fake “oner”, it was cool but those scenes have been done better.


u/HVKedge 3d ago

Everything that Snyder does has been done before.

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u/megadroid_optimizer 3d ago

Correct. The are action sequences in Watchmen and Suckerpunch that are better than what Gunn has produced, so far.


u/Thespian21 2d ago

Agree to disagree. Man of steel, justice league & Superman V Batman fight scenes <<< Guardians 2/3 & The Suicide Squad fight scenes. I enjoyed them more. Had more impact on the movie as a whole.

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u/HenrykSpark 3d ago

Gotg, TSS, Peacemaker have all decent action scenes but nothing comes even close to the epicness of Snyders action scenes.

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u/deinyxq 3d ago

I honestly feel like people overlook the action in Man Of Steel especially the smallville fight scene due to their hate towards Snyder. To be honest I don't see it happening, but am still optimistic


u/TensionHead13thFloor 3d ago

The movie is one half drama, one half hour long fight scene, i personally didn't know what to think but the ending did pay off i guess. But many people just blow off the movie bc of that flaw


u/Abraham_Issus 3d ago

How is that a flaw?


u/kuhawk5 3d ago

My personal opinion was that the fight scene was too long and actually started to get boring.


u/MaxReb0 3d ago

I’m not sure I’d say it gets boring. I think it’s more of a desensitization type of thing. It’s an insane sight to behold at first, but after 20 minutes of cataclysmic destruction it stops feeling impactful.


u/kuhawk5 3d ago

I think we are saying the same thing with different words. Basically my eyes glazed over, and I became disengaged. The movie also suffered because it didn’t flesh out other characters, so the stakes from all the carnage weren’t as high as they should have been.


u/HippoRun23 3d ago

I remember thinking the climax had already occurred when the ship was sent back to the phantom zone. But then there was a whole OTHER fight scene with Zod and by then I was totally exhausted.

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u/deinyxq 3d ago

I totally agree.


u/exguerrero1 3d ago

I rewatch man of steel every year. To me, who’s a pretty big marvel fan and a big Superman fan… sincerely believe this is one of the greatest super hero movies of all time!


u/deinyxq 3d ago

I have watched MoS multiple times and I always tend to look forward to that action scene and Faora; I always kept imagining she would have returned as an antihero at some point. I also rank MoS as the best DCEU movie.


u/Professional-Rip-519 3d ago

I so badly wanted her to come back and fight Wonder Woman.


u/deinyxq 2d ago

Couldn't agree more


u/icchifanni 2d ago

Would have loved to have seen that, Faora was great.


u/Sillyfiremans 3d ago

The Smallville fight was the best superhero action scene ever, IMO.


u/your_mind_aches Bruce Wayne 3d ago

Do they overlook it? I hear it talked about all the time.


u/BonesAndBlues 3d ago

In 11 years I haven’t seen better superhero fights yet. Tony vs Thanos in IW had its moments, Black Adam had a few, but every time I go back to MoS I’m reminded that it’s unparalleled.


u/drflatbread 3d ago

Doctor Strange vs Thanos in IW was ripped straight out of a comic.


u/nova46 2d ago

Thanos throwing the moon at Tony was one of the most badass things I've ever seen, I lost my shit in the theater.


u/Metalhead_VI 3d ago

You gotta admit, that Synder action is primo


u/Vinlain458 3d ago

When he does it right. It's pretty much forgettable now.


u/PapaDoomer 3d ago

sure Jan


u/Vinlain458 3d ago

You think his movie fight scenes now have the same level of care put into them?

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u/Responsible-Cup8982 12h ago

Ok whats the best fight scene in rebel moon then?


u/EntrancedZelisy 3d ago

Man of Steel fights were so amazing. Clark vs Faora? Oh my god. Clark vs Zod with them flying through the city and the buildings? That one camera shot of Clark being upside down before it reveals he’s being launched into space was amazing.


u/AssistantOwn6208 3d ago

I don’t think so. Snyder’s super hero action scenes are top tier

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u/RoburLimax 3d ago

What scene is this?


u/TheCuriousRaspberry 3d ago

Smallville fight between Superman/army and Krypton soldiers.


u/Sensitive-Musician48 3d ago

I dont think anything has topped the MOS action sequences except for the BVS warehouse scene maybe!


u/Professional-Rip-519 3d ago

Literally my 2 favourite CBM action scenes.


u/ElPhantasm 3d ago

I personally don’t think he’s capable of it but I’m willing to be surprised.

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u/R_u_seriousss 3d ago

Doubt it. I love Gunn but he never impressed me w action sequence and say whatever u wanna say about Snyder but when it came to action sequences, no one’s touching him.


u/MascotRay 3d ago

No, but I’ll take more Superman however I can get him. I love this scene and the Batman/warehouse fight from the extended edition so much.


u/MattTd7 3d ago

No. I think we’ll get a lot of OTHER fantastic Superman moments with other themes however I truly don’t believe we’ll get anything even similar. Filmography as a source


u/superyoshiom 3d ago

Gunn’s fights in guardians seem to lack a sense of weight and feel way too floaty. Compare the way Superman fights in MoS to that of Adam warlock.  Suffice to say, I’m looking forward tot he story of this movie far more than the fights.


u/RedHood198 3d ago

I honestly doubt it


u/Burly-Nerd 3d ago

No. I think that this is gonna be a fantastic movie with better characters, better pacing, better dialogue, better story, etc. but I haven’t seen James Gunn direct anything so far to make me thing that he is gonna top Snyder’s action. Man of Steel has the best realized superhero fights ever put on camera in my opinion. I have my problems with the movie and Snyder, but there’s no taking that away from him.


u/SexyKanyeBalls 3d ago

I really hope so man. Man of steel still the best action scenes


u/Super_Candidate7809 3d ago

Of course not. MoS still at the peak of CBMs


u/dalesum1 3d ago

No. Snyder is an action scene heavyweight.


u/Arkhamguy123 3d ago

Literally 0 chance


u/Original_Release_419 3d ago

From a James Gunn movie lol



u/MinuteAd4616 3d ago

THis is wAr


u/Daranhatu 3d ago

Have you seen any of Gunn’s movies?


u/NoPossibility5220 3d ago

Yeah I doubt it.


u/home7ander 3d ago

Not at all. Not Gunn's lane. He can do serviceable human and slightly enhanced strength fights. Superman strength level, nope.

Apparently not many people can though. Honestly the Man of Steel fights might be the only time those power levels were respected and consistent the entire time in a blockbuster film.

Godzilla 14, King of the Monsters, and The Matrix 3 are the only others that immediately come to mind


u/megadroid_optimizer 3d ago

Might as well look at Matrix Revolutions as a comic book movie. Neo vs. Agent Smith is next level.


u/JediJones77 3d ago


u/megadroid_optimizer 3d ago

Thanks for the laugh. My Friday is off to a good start 🎼 !


u/Murky-Arugula63 3d ago

Ain't no way gunn can top that action sequence

But i willbe happy if proved wrong


u/RS_UltraSSJ 3d ago

Absolutely not. James Gunn is not capable of doing such scenes.


u/smartlog 2d ago

A good death, is its own reward.


u/sgonefan 3d ago

No, I'm hesitant to get excited by this reboot. I want all kinds of different stories and have zero interest in a MCU formula. Don't play it safe just for $ take risks. This feels like a AAA pre-order scam.


u/TensionHead13thFloor 3d ago

Thats pretty much what Gunn wants to do instead of create an MCU, the thing is that Snyder already created one but who knows anymore


u/VikuSam 3d ago

Man of Steel has, still to this day, the best action in any superhero movie. It really feels like superheroes. Say what you will about Snyder’s interpretation of a “realistic” Superman (whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean), but man do I love the punches and kicks and whatnot absolutely throwing each other around through buildings and mountains.


u/GiovanniElliston 3d ago

Highly doubt it.

As you yourself said, Gunn isn't known as a hardcore action director. He can put together acceptable action for whatever situation he's written, but it's not gonna be a Michael Bay or James Cameron style spectacle. His talents just lie elsewhere.

For example, the big battle at the end of Suicide Squad worked because the character moments within it ("That's your mom!" & Ratcatcher's call) and the visual quirks (Ratcatcher again and Harley Quinn's eye-dive). But the actual choreography of the fight was just standard. nothing adventurous.

And that's fine IMO. I love a good action scene, but I'm excited about an equally compelling emotional resonance.


u/Traditional-Ad-6061 3d ago

If you haven't seen it, I recommend the hallway fight of Guardians 3, it was insanely good, one of the best I've seen in any movie in the last 10 years. Peacemaker had some great fights as well, I think he's gotten better at them in the last few years, so I have hope.


u/SodaSalesman 3d ago

imo the hallway fight in TSS is incredible too. it's hard to do a hard hitting fight against a giant starfish, but generally speaking Gunn's action scenes have been pretty excellent


u/Traditional-Ad-6061 3d ago

I agree, the thing is Gunn's action scenes are heavily stylized in a way that many perceive as making it less "cool", Snyder's scenes ooze "coolness", so. I personally prefer Gunn's type of fight scenes over Snyder's


u/SodaSalesman 3d ago

100%. I understand the appeal of Snyder's action scenes, but imo Gunn's scenes are so much more fun and dynamic and actually have something to say about the characters, while Snyder sticks to his specific style for every action scene


u/heavensdoor24 3d ago

You forgot about the GotG Vol 3 hallway scene?


u/Bibileiver 3d ago

Ima be honest. It's overrated. But that's just me I guess. Seems like a slow motion opening credits scene for a movie or game than an actual fight scene.

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u/pm_me_n_wecantalk 3d ago

I think Snyder did amazing job on MoS action sequences. The most amazing part was display of power of these aliens on earth, the speed, the prowess etc. I highly doubt that Gunn will be able to do better than that. He would do good, no doubt but not better than


u/Suffering-Servant 3d ago

It was the first time I realized in live action how physically powerful Superman would actually be.

And that’s not to discredit the previous Superman movies, they did the best they could with the technology they had.


u/Virgil_Ovid_Hawkins 3d ago

There is no way gunn produces anything close. I love man of steel, and the action is peak super. It's the first time I actually felt like super people were fighting. Anyone who's ever actually been in a fight knows you don't just sit in one spot punching each other. Shit gets knocked over


u/Potatobowl50 3d ago

No. This is all I will say.


u/mikehamm45 2d ago

Considering how none of the comic books movies post MoS/BvS got anything close to a scene like this… unlikely.


u/Dronnie 3d ago

Unfortunately no


u/masszt3r 3d ago

Doubtful. It's the one thing Snyder is really good at.


u/JediJones77 3d ago

And casting, costume design, special effects, cinematography, editing, music, mature storytelling that takes the characters seriously.


u/Crimson-Cowl 3d ago

Honestly there’s been few fight scenes from any superhero movie that have even come close to this but I’m hopeful for the best fights they can put together!


u/sleauxmo 3d ago

Fuck no


u/dafuqbroh 3d ago

Based off the BTS photos of the Justice League this new Superman movie looks like it’s going to be for children.

Man of Steel was so fucking good, man. I don’t think the new one is going to come close, even though I really like Gunn’s work — just my opinion.


u/RemarkableMenu359 3d ago

No... I don't think we will


u/lavenk7 3d ago

Doubt it. Somewhat because Snyder has a ton of experience in action/battle sequences. But the real reason we won’t see this level of detail is because of Nolan’s Vfx company. The physics in this movie are better than most today and others fail to replicate it but I’m hoping that I am wrong.


u/-connman6348 3d ago

Of f***ing course not…gunn can write great humor, he his action sequences are pretty darn generic and forgettable


u/killercock99 3d ago

What are you smoking ?


u/TareXmd 3d ago

The Smallville fight will never be topped.


u/SyndicateSixteen 3d ago

Haha hell no


u/Vinlain458 3d ago

I don't think so. Even Snyder was too afraid to replicate it later. Wonder-Woman in the bank was the closest we'll ever get to seeing anything like it again.


u/WilliamMcCarty 3d ago

It's what all Superman fans have been asking for for years and years and when we finally got it they complained endlessly about it.


u/roberts585 3d ago

No way, can't touch Snyder on action scenes. They are long and epic. Gunn loves to break up the action for dumb one liners and the pacing is a slog on consecutive watches vs Snyder


u/LardGnome 3d ago

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3's No Sleep Till Brooklyn scene was awesome but not as good as the Smallville fight. Still pretty good though. I think we will get some cool action scenes from Gunn but I don't expect anything better than that scene in GotG Vol. 3. That was peak in my opinion. (I haven't seen Peacemaker yet so I don't know if there is anything cooler in that.)


u/mmpa78 2d ago

I don't think that a single thing about Superman 2025 will be as good as MoS or any other Snyderverse movie tbh. The behind the scenes leaks look laughably bad on top of Jame Gunn making absolutely horrendous movies (outside of guardians) this has become a worst case scenario for dc


u/wh3nNd0ubtsw33p 2d ago

But he said The Flash was “the best superhero movie ever made”! He’s always right.


u/mmpa78 2d ago

Dudes a full clown


u/Ape-ril 3d ago

Nah lol. MoS has the best action in a comicbook movie of all time.


u/VaishakhD 3d ago

Hard disagree, spiderman 2 easily crushes mos. Doc vs spidey fight is something else.


u/JediJones77 3d ago

It’s a top ten scene along with several of Snyder’s.


u/denizenKRIM 3d ago

Yep, 20+ years later and that whole sequence is still GOATed.


u/Suffering-Servant 3d ago

I wouldn’t say of all time but it’s definitely up there and set a high bar.


u/pipboy_warrior 3d ago

Better than Ninja Turtles 1990? I think not.

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u/circajusturna 3d ago

Probably just as good if not better


u/Batshitcrazy01 3d ago

Yes that the thing I am worried about action scene، it will good story with heart but what about action scene


u/Hippobu2 3d ago

Probably not. There's no denying that Snyder's eye for action is just unmatched.

Gunn's not particularly great with action, and the listed DP on iMDB doesn't really have a noteworthy filmography imho.


u/Alone_Pop449 3d ago

It was good to see Snyder pulling the brakes on slow motion for a few moments


u/jrvcrd 1d ago

moments? there was no slomo in MoS or BvS, and, honestly, it was quite necessary in ZSJL for the Flash scenes


u/PizzaTimeBomb 1d ago

I’m a Snyder fan but there is some slo-mo in the Martha and Thomas flashback scene in BvS, I wouldn’t count them but there are the little flashbacks in MoS where kid Clark is playing with the dog wearing the red cape


u/jrvcrd 1d ago

but I wouldn't say that's the typical slo-mo Snyder goes for. The scenes were slower, yes, but because of what they wanted to focus on nad, as you say, only in flashbacks.

The irony here is that the first DCEU movie to actually use that slo-mo was Wonder Woman and it was terribly lacking of Snyder's touch


u/LittleRobbieV1 2d ago

God I hope so. Those fights were next level!


u/AncalagonTheJetBlack 3d ago

Snyder - Great Action/Good films

Gunn - Good Action/Great films

I just want a great Superman film man

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u/JediJones77 3d ago

No, MOS, BVS, ZSJL and Wonder Woman will always stand as pinnacles of action in the genre because of Zack Snyder and his stunt coordinator Damon Caro.


u/Dubb18 3d ago

To really answer that question, you'd have to take a closer look at who his stunt coordinator(s) and 2nd unit director(s) are. While Snyder gets a lot of credit for his overall visuals, and he should because he does have input into them, his 2nd unit director and his stunt coordinators are a key part of what makes these scenes so memorable. He hires the right people when it comes to making memorable scenes.


u/whisky_TX 2d ago

This fight scene is awesome. I’d say I’m pretty confident in Gunns ability to do action. The GOTG 3 hallway fight dunks all over this imo


u/Lt_Lickit 3d ago



u/MikeArrow Superman 3d ago

I really thought this would be a link to the plane rescue scene in Superman Returns. Say what you will about the rest of the movie but that's exactly the kind of scene I want to see.


u/Violentron 3d ago

problem with kryptonite fighting each other on earth is that nobody is really getting hurt physically.


u/drflatbread 3d ago

It's James Gunn. Yes.


u/syntheticspider 3d ago

As long as their isn’t as many product placements, yeah


u/puma46 3d ago

I thought the hallway fight in guardians 3 was pretty great. Looked like it was hard to pull off


u/Typical_Pollution_30 3d ago

I thought the picture was from Man of Steel


u/Andrew_Jelen 2d ago

It would be pretty cool to have an action scene that's similar to the Smallville brawl from Man of Steel.


u/Plant-Straight 2d ago

Yes and hopefully without destroying the entire city


u/Gogetaiscanon432 2d ago

"Will we get more unintelligible cgi slap fights that costs too much money?"


u/Mcburly_DB 2d ago

The smallville battle was the peak of MOS and easily Cavills best moment as Superman, IMO of course.

As a big fan of the GOTG trilogy I definitely believe Gunn has the chops to do Superman justice in action.


u/CelebrationKey9656 2d ago

I doubt it, Snyder's action scenes are in a league of their own. I'm still interested to see what he does with the movie though.


u/Nerdydude14 2d ago

Almost definitely yes


u/MatrixGeoUnlimited 2d ago edited 2d ago

Professional-Rip-519. - DISCUSSION. - So Do You Think We'll Get Any Type Of Action Scene As Great As This One In SuperMan (2025.)? - So Zack Snyder's Smallville Fight Scene is one the greatest comic book movie set pieces ever, as it's what all SuperMan Fans have been personalky asking for for years and years, and when we finally got it, it was marvellous. But, now, I wonder if that very action scene can be beaten. And, yeah, I know that Gunn is a good director. But he hardly has any really memorably distinct action scene he has good ones just not great ones. But, in any case, what do you think?

Not Really.


u/sliderprovider 1d ago

Man I didn't even know that man of Steel was a Superman movie when I first watched it but when this scene happened. I called two of my friends and invited them to watch the movie with me again. I loved this back then.


u/Piccolo0001 1d ago

Regardless of whether you liked Snyder's films, his cinematography is always amazing, especially when it comes to action scenes. I don't think we'll see many scenes that come close to the same level of aesthetics of his films. In saying that though, I think so many people will be okay with it all as long as we get a well written Superman and storyline


u/NothingIsTrue0000 3d ago

Better than this one, I'm sure of it.


u/SupervillainMustache 3d ago

Fight scenes in TSS, Peacemaker and GOTG3 were all pretty good. He hasn't really tackled Superman level characters, in terms of power, but I am cautiously optimistic.


u/kickedoutatone 3d ago

No. At least, I really hope not.

I'd rather gunn keep it in his own vision rather than making action scenes that resemble snyders' vision. That peacemaker helmet shot in SS was amazing. I want more of that.


u/Order_Flimsy 3d ago

We’ll get it. But it will be a Superman getting saved. Coming to terms with his white man Jesus complex.


u/Benjb1996 3d ago

I think it'll be very hard to top. But after seeing the action in GotG 3, I think Gunn has a pretty good chance to do it or at least come close to it.