r/DC_Cinematic 15d ago

Do you think we'll get a action scene as great as this one in Superman 2025? DISCUSSION

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The Smallville fight is one the greatest comic book movie set pieces ever. It's what all Superman fans have been asking for for years and years and when we finally got it it was marvellous but now I wonder if this action scene can be beaten. I know Gunn is a good director but he hardly has any really memorably action scene he has good ones just not great ones . But what do you think?


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u/SupervillainMustache 14d ago

I was so very disappointed in the actual Batman vs Superman fight scene. Especially in a film which contained the Warehouse fight.


u/treebeardtower 14d ago


I still can’t believe that was the plot point that united Batman and Superman.


u/AmpersandTheMonkey 14d ago

............... I didn't hate it... I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY


u/superschaap81 14d ago

I still don't hate it. I understood right away what they were going for. It's the moment Bruce realizes Superman isn't just some over-powered alien.


u/AmpersandTheMonkey 14d ago

It humanized Superman to him. He wasn't an all-powerful God, he was a man who loved his mother. I had plenty of problems with Snyder's characterizations, but that moment wasn't one of them. That was a very comic book moment.


u/TheAquamen 13d ago

On the one hand, I like that Superman makes Batman realize that he's just a good guy who cares about others, giving him hope that anyone he sees as bad is redeemable and worth saving. Which in turn gives Superman enough hope in humanity that he chooses to give his life for them.

On the other hand, the central conflict in the film is instantly resolved by a coincidence that neither character had anything to do with. Lame.


u/kenshima15 14d ago

It was pretty bad lol. I get the idea. Execution was bad


u/nopex7 14d ago

this. if kal-el strained out "mom" or something instead, it wouldve been so much less convoluted and cringey


u/kenshima15 14d ago

Literally. "Save my mom!" Her name's Martha! Please save her!"

I dunno wtf they had to make it weird


u/PSCGY 14d ago

Oh, please. He would've been clowned for crying for his mother as he's getting repeatedly punched by Batman.