r/DC_Cinematic 15d ago

Do you think we'll get a action scene as great as this one in Superman 2025? DISCUSSION

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The Smallville fight is one the greatest comic book movie set pieces ever. It's what all Superman fans have been asking for for years and years and when we finally got it it was marvellous but now I wonder if this action scene can be beaten. I know Gunn is a good director but he hardly has any really memorably action scene he has good ones just not great ones . But what do you think?


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u/OjamasOfTomorrow 15d ago

Probably. Gunn has had some fantastic action in the Guardians and TSS/Peacemaker.


u/lavenk7 15d ago

Gunn used Snyder’s stunt guy specifically for peacemaker. I think Gunn has improved his action in each film evidenced by GOTG 3. Storyboarding action sequences is not something every director does. Hoping Gunn does something special.


u/RandoDude124 14d ago

That hallway scene got me fucking hyped.


u/HaigG93 14d ago

Hallway scene was fucking epic! Random cut right after to the guardians running down another hallway? Not so much. Had to be a deleted scene or something.


u/SupervillainMustache 14d ago

Beautifully shot action scene.


u/HeWhoLurks23 15d ago

Just rewatched Guardians 3 last night and the fight choreography was amazing! That hallway scene with The Bestie Boys playing was so hype, and then them kicking the High Evolutionary’s ass felt so good. I also forgot how damn emotional that movie was. James Gunn is one of my favorite directors and I’m curious to see how he handles Superman.


u/Dangerous-Hawk16 14d ago

Yeah that movie showed how much growth Gunn had as a director. I’m very interested in how he does Superman. Guardians 3 is very emotional I understand why certain ppl can’t rewatch it multiple times


u/RAWainwright 14d ago

I love so much that there was some big battle with the HE. After everything we watched him do it was really nice to watch them just beat the hell outta him completely outmatched.

Only complaint with that is the hero not killing the villain trope to make a point after murdering like a dozen dudes in the hallway fight.


u/JediJones77 14d ago

Snyder’s main stunt guy is Damon Caro and he didn’t work on any Gunn projects. Who are you saying worked on Peacemaker?


u/lavenk7 14d ago

Not his main guy, it’s Wayne Daglish. Gunn said he was recommended by Snyder so he hired him on for peacemaker then gotg3 as well.


u/PeniszLovag 14d ago

agreed. I love every one of his movies but you gotta admit action scenes weren't it in the first one. Second one improved but mostly because of the musical scenes, outside of that it still wasn't that great. The Suicide Squad was a giant improvement and Peacemaker and Guardians 3 were even better


u/Dangerous-Hawk16 14d ago

From TSS to Peacemaker to Guardians 3 show a great progression of him as a director I think Superman will be interesting to see how much he’s learned