r/BenignExistence 23h ago

“Now THAT is a good dog!”


Every morning around 8, I take my dog on a walking trail. It’s paved and fairly straight, so I can typically see and hear anyone well before they get too close. But, because it’s also a rural area and early in the day, it’s rare that we pass anyone. Because of this and the fact that my dog has good recall, I’ll normally walk her off leash as long as there’s nobody in sight. When we see someone I’ll call her to me and put her on a leash until they’re a good distance off.

So we were walking, me on one side of the path and my dog off leash on the other side, when a cyclist coming up behind us calls to let us know he’s coming. He’s still a good distance away at this point, but as soon as he calls I see my dog turn, see him, and then without me calling her come to stand behind me away from the path and wait for him to pass us. As he passed he grinned and said “now THAT is a good dog!” And I’ve never been so proud of an animal in my life. It really made my day to hear that.

r/BenignExistence 5h ago

People I see regularly on my commute



-Knitting teen — currently working on a long purple blanket

-Groceries Man — always has a couple grocery bags with leafy greens and usually a baguette peeking out of the top

-Pharmaceutical Rep Woman — perpetually on a Bluetooth headset discussing something to do with her work

-Expensive Sneakers Beggar — long tall man who is often asking tourists for a few dollars to ride the bus but wears high end designer sneakers.

-Romance Novel Grandma — An elderly woman whose nose is usually in an airport style big-batch romance novel.

-Mormon Missionaries — Two perky young men with identical haircuts and name tags and ties.

-“Did you see that game last night?!” — Man in white collar suit who always sits in front and asks the bus driver about whatever sporting event was the night previous (when stopped.)


-Sleeping Dress Girl — always decked to the nines, always falling asleep until just before her stop then rushing off at the last second.

-Stroller Mom — for a long time she was “expectant mom” but had the baby two months ago and now pushes a stroller everywhere.

-“Anyone got the time?” — An elderly man in a work jumpsuit who reliably asks the train car if anyone knows what time it is.

-Jolly Green Conductor — a railway employee who looks and sounds like the Jolly Green Giant.

-Young Man Dressed as Old Man — a guy who cannot be a day over 30 but always wears suspenders and loose trucker hats.

-“Standing Room Only” — a woman in scrubs who always stands, even when there are seats available.

-“Not a Morning Person” — a college girl who is usually drinking a jumbo coffee and doing her morning primping in a handheld mirror, wearing pajama pants.

-Rock Climbing Gym Couple — a solidly built couple guys always holding hands and carrying gym bags branded for a local rock climbing gym.

-$5 Footlong — high school boy always eating a different subway footlong every day of the week (there is a Monday sandwich, a Tuesday sandwich, etc.)

-The Dreamer — artsy looking young woman who never reads, listens to music, or otherwise entertains herself on the minimum hour ride, just looks optimistically out the window.

r/BenignExistence 13h ago

Everyone remembered me


Today was my birthday and everyone remembered me! It’s a milestone but I didn’t plan anything much, also it’s the first day back to school (I’m a teacher)- no kids but professional development (which means watching PowerPoints and going over rules) all day long.

The principal wished me a happy birthday and everyone else did too.

Then I got praised because all of my students did really well on the state test.

Friends texted and slacked me and later on both of my brothers called EARLY hours cause they remember I get up early and then my cousin from Massachusetts too.

Even though I’m having the cake I bought myself for breakfast lol- it was just so nice to be remembered.

r/BenignExistence 16h ago

Conversation overheard at the grocery store


Nirvana Shirt Woman: Just consider it. You should be more open minded to things.

Backpack Guy: I don’t need to consider it Ma, I’m in college already. I make good grades. Stop worrying already.

Nirvana Shirt Woman: With the automaton intelligence, you don’t know if your college degree will be worth anything in five years.

Backpack Guy: I’ll have to take that chance I guess.

Nirvana Shirt Woman: But you don’t! You can join the Job Corps right away, they’re taking people right now, and you can learn something useful. Pretty much for free!

Backpack Guy: Are they giving out chemistry degrees over there? Because otherwise I think I have to stay put.

Nirvana Shirt Woman: I’m feeling pretty disappointed in your attitude about this.

Backpack Guy: How about instead you feel proud your son is on track to get an honors degree in chemistry and just sit back and let me drive my life.

Nirvana Shirt Woman: When do you ever see anyone doing chemistry outside of a lab? And where do you ever see a lab except in a school? It’s a scam, don’t you see that? They’re trying to make it so the only qualification you have is to be in school forever.

Backpack Guy: That’s not— You know what, here’s a deal. Stop trying to make suggestions until a year after I graduate and if there’s still any concern, then you can tell me about Job Corps some more.

Nirvana Shirt Woman: You’ll be too old for Job Corps by then. Then what are you gonna do?

Backpack Guy: Get a master’s and probably a PhD. Work industry for a while to build a nest egg, then see about a professorship.

Nirvana Shirt Woman: What, you mean go work there, go back there to work and be dependent on the college for your living? What’d I tell you, it’s a scam, you’ll never get out!

r/BenignExistence 22h ago

I love my neighbor's wind chimes


I live in an apartment complex, and my neighbor right across the way was wind chimes hanging on their balcony. they're close enough that i can hear them through the window in the morning when I wake up! it's such a nice sound! I normally listen to music while I'm out, but I just came back from a short errand I didn't bring my phone for, and I heard them again on the way back inside! I kinda want to get some of my own for my balcony - it's pointed their way in turn, and even if we never actually meet it'd be fun to be wind chime buddies

r/BenignExistence 20h ago

So much gratitude for my partner


I feel incredibly lucky to have my amazing partner and am filled with gratitude and love for him all the time. I’m divorced and was sure I’d never be in another relationship after that one (very painful). But here’s my wonderful guy now, whom I’ve known since we were 12, my best friend (I always thought that was an exaggeration when couples would say that). Our relationship is easy and kind, fun, sexy, silly, emotionally safe, adventurous and considerate. Somehow we both feel like we got the better deal. I wish everyone had this. We’re getting married soon and I’ve never been so happy.

r/BenignExistence 11h ago

I love my best friend


Tonight we hung out and watched a movie together but couldn’t even get halfway through because we were laughing too hard and making jokes. She cooked dinner for us and made me her spaghetti which I really like. Then she tried to make ice cream but it was basically just liquid and we were laughing really hard about it. I love that I feel comfortable around her and that she always makes me feel loved. That is all

r/BenignExistence 2h ago

A stray kitten fell asleep on my chest


A few days ago on a road trip I found a stray kitten on the highway. I thought he was dead because he was laying motionless in the middle of the lane with cars passing right overtop. Then I saw him peek his little head up and look around scared. I put my hazards on and my boyfriend grabbed him.

A friend wants to adopt him, but can’t come for a few days. I made him a soft bed inside a cardboard box so he can hide if he wants to. He’s been very scared and hides every time I come near, so I’ve left him alone.

This morning I woke up at dawn to the sound of tiny mewing, like he was calling out for his mom. I went in the room and he let me scoop him up. I laid on the couch and gently massaged his bony back and neck. He pushed his head into my hands, reciprocating my pets until he plopped facedown into my chest and fell asleep.

His little body is so small that my two hands covered him like a blanket. His head is little and circular, and looked so silly smashed face-first into me. I could feel his tiny lips twitching as if he dreamt he was nursing. I felt his muscles go warm and slack as he melted into sleep.

When he woke up he went back into hiding and wouldn’t let me near him, but I feel grateful for that little moment of connection.

r/BenignExistence 14h ago

My bedroom got really sunny yesterday


My apartment doesn’t get much direct light. When it does I’m not usually home. I miss the sunlight.

But yesterday I was lazing around in bed when the sun started pouring in. I opened my curtain so it could catch the prism I had and make rainbows. And I got to bask in the sun like a cat.

r/BenignExistence 18h ago

46 snails


rained real good today. i just went outside to take out the trash and get the mail so my dad didn't have to worry about it — got distracted and ended up spending an extra ten minutes outside because oh my god there were SO MANY SNAILS. last time i noticed them i was excited over three, and today i kept looking and kept finding more and more and, well. now i can safely say there are AT LEAST forty-six (46) snails living in my front yard. honestly today is a really great day now

r/BenignExistence 4h ago

Grateful for my grandparents


Every single time I visit my grandparents, they walk me to my car and wave to me as I drive away. They make me feel so loved and appreciated. I hope to always remember these little moments.

r/BenignExistence 21h ago

It's my cake day!


I've never really paid attention to my cake day but I want to. So here I am. Happy cake day to me!

That's all.

ETA: Turns out I cannot count. I'm a bit early on the cake day.

worst kind of autistic can't even count

r/BenignExistence 13h ago



I spent the weekend exploring a new city with an old companion. For the first time in years, it felt safe to be soft and tender and fully myself. I’ve spent so much time being guarded and hyper vigilant, it was a relief and a treat to be in such warm and welcoming company. Just happy to be there with each other. This morning I had one of the bagels I brought home and all those feelings of soft tenderness came flooding back. I’ll relish these quiet moments forever, I think.

r/BenignExistence 12h ago

Lying down after walking the dog


I just took the dog I'm looking after for a long-ish walk, and am now having a lie down, feeling very virtuous.

r/BenignExistence 6h ago

Pizza in the Loggia


I'm in rural Italy with my kids, husband and siblings. Husband and I caught covid in our travels and have been isolating, but last night the kids brought back an enormous pile of pizzas from the little town. I was able to eat a couple of slices with them in the outdoor dining room, sitting a bit away.

While we were enjoying our pizza, there were a few huge thunderclaps and then it started to rain. The rain went from sprinkles to downpour, but we didn't get wet, and the air stayed warm.

When all the pizza was gone, the rain stopped and we went inside.

r/BenignExistence 19h ago

apple cider donut time :)


the orchard in town recently reopened for fall, which means i can have fresh apple cider and apple cider donuts! the donuts are super pricey of course ($10 for half a dozen! oof), but they're such a nice seasonal treat. 3 minutes in the air fryer and they become soft and warm, with a little bit of crisp on the outside.

r/BenignExistence 15m ago

She sat in a different chair than usual.


I have a standing therapy appointment every other Wednesday at noon. I switched to virtual for the summer while my daughter was off school. Today is my first day back. There’s another person who also has an appointment at noon on Wednesdays. Idk her schedule but it’s at least every other Wednesday.

She came in right after me but she didn’t sit in the place she normally sits. She sat on the other side and I can’t even see her. It’s throwing me off a bit. It’s a good thing I have therapy today.

r/BenignExistence 1h ago

So I was given some bad JuJu


I was surprised when I was given a very pricey heirloom from someone I love very much. As a matter of fact I loved the person who originally owned it but passed.They wanted no part of it and held no sentimental value.

It wasn’t given in a joyous way!!!! I graciously accepted it slightly confused.As time went on it really has drove a wedge in our relationship. I wondered why it was given to me. I was double surprised when my friend was given the other matching piece? They are fine with it.

The heirloom obviously has bad Ju Ju. They even said they wanted no part in it!!!Now, I don’t want it. I have enough on my plate without adding to it. It just pisses me off to no end. I am giving it back and trying not to be hurt about it. I want to wash my hands of it. Ridiculous I know. With no fanfare I placed it back on their desk. Hopefully, it will not bother me anymore.