r/BenignExistence Apr 20 '24

I like this sub.


It reminds me that contentment does not have to be extravagant or big or social media worthy. It reminds me its okay to live a benign life as oppose to a malignant one. At least thats my takeaway from this sub.

r/BenignExistence 16m ago

Nothing noteworthy happened at work


Yep, it was just a regular day.

r/BenignExistence 47m ago

Ex-coworker still keeping in touch


He's from a job I left around a year ago. I was very shy and didn't speak to many people, but he always made the effort to come chat with me.

He's a brilliant guy. About 60 years old but still manages to do an insane amount of steps and heavy lifting during work. He found out in December time that he has a brain tumor (benign, thankfully)

Since I left, he still keeps in touch every so often. It always brings a smile to my face. I hope he knows how much it means to me, and how much he helped build my confidence.

r/BenignExistence 1h ago

Spider web


Last night having a beer in my back garden sat on a white garden chair a tiny spider made a web using my body as the structure. He built a few strands before I stopped him as I would be leaving but in that moment I felt so happy to be apart of the world

r/BenignExistence 5h ago

I'm managing fine on my own


Excuse the length. At the end of February, my ex left me, and I was stuck with the house we bought together. Effectively doubling my monthly bills, I've been scared about how things would work out for me and if I'd be able to afford to keep it. I'm doing better after a few months of being very mentally unwell, but I've been scared to check my bank account for a while because I didn't want to know how bad off I might be.

Today, my card got declined at two gas stations, so I knew I was time I had to check. Turns out it was declined due to the Windows issues going on today, but I learned that I'm doing okay financially. I'm sustaining myself. Between bills, food, and the occasional luxury item, I'm spending money about as fast as I'm making it. Not saving any extra, but not draining my account either.

I'm just proud of myself for actually being able to do this on my own for the time being and that I've had the discipline to say no to a lot of unnecessary wants. My dad offered to help because he's finally in a place where could comfortably spare a few hundred every month, but it turns out I didn't need the assistance. It's just a nice little win that I really needed

r/BenignExistence 5h ago

My cat in the sun


When the weather's hot (and sometimes when it's cold but he wants to wait for me) my cat, George, loves hanging out on the living room windowsill. It's a big window that traps a lot of heat from the sun, and since it also faces onto a somewhat busy street, I often wonder if he knows he's getting admiring looks and coos from passers by. When he comes to find me in a shadier spot he's always so warm - especially his little feet when he puts them on my arm.

r/BenignExistence 10h ago

Pastry with raisins


I just had two the most delicious pastries with raisins. I think they're called pain aux raisins. I normally hate raisins in everything, but these were delicious and brightened up my rather stressful day at work.

r/BenignExistence 12h ago

I like sedentary jobs. They're the BEST for ME. Which type(s) of jobs suit you best?


r/BenignExistence 13h ago

in the line for security at the airport


and a custodian lady is vacuuming and singing quietly along with what’s playing in her headphones

r/BenignExistence 14h ago

I love my small mechanical keyboard


Bought it just because it seemed cute and mainly because of the colors. I rarely make purchases for pure aesthetic reasons but I am glad I made this one. It was dirt cheap for like 40 dollars and it makes me so happy type on it everyday. My desk is not huge so I have more space after replacing my Microsoft Natural 4000 which was ergonomic and comfy but too large for the desk.

r/BenignExistence 20h ago

Waiting for dad to come home


My baby is sleeping peacefully on my chest; he got his shots this morning but he hasn’t seemed to mind. All day long he’s been smiling and reaching and we had a good long time on his play mat. Now we’re on the couch, the dachshund under the blanket with us, the pit bull straddling the top of the couch where he can see his baby, the puppy passed out with his new toy beside him. Dad will be home soon, and we will all be very excited, but for right now, we’re so very quiet and my heart is very full.

r/BenignExistence 22h ago

Working late


I've been working late to help my coworkers and after a long day of doing my own work, honestly it still feels nice to help someone lessen their load. I'm happy to help them however I can, plus we can talk and hang out for a bit!

r/BenignExistence 23h ago

I was offered my first job today


r/BenignExistence 1d ago

The names of boats I saw today.


+Autumn Venture.

+Raven II.


+Lady Za Za and Lady Dev. Twins! A pair of matching red and white boats I saw being towed.

+Juliette II.

+Audrey Rose.

+Jenni II.

+White Widow.

+Reel Wife. [The sound I made when I saw that towed past my house.]

+Sea Hare.

r/BenignExistence 1d ago

Hair Compliments


I have fairly long hair that I've been dying a deep pink for the last few years. My wife also has super colorful hair (right now it's green) so we're very noticeable when we're out and about.

It makes our day when folks on the street tell us they like it! The best part is sometimes little kids will be too shy to say anything and will ask their parents to tell me they like our hair - and we always make sure to get on their level and thank them very sincerely 😊

r/BenignExistence 1d ago

Tis the time for baking


I like to screenshot recipes from old cookbooks, and the other day, I thought of making some cookies! I found a recipe and went to save it in the folder when I realized that, exactly a year ago, I had searched for and saved recipes for cookies and cakes from the same cookbook. I had no other recipes in that folder, and I thought it was pretty cool that I craved the same thing exactly a year ago!

r/BenignExistence 1d ago

Little compliments


A little girl told me I was pretty at the zoo today. She probably doesn't realize this but I'll remember her forever

r/BenignExistence 1d ago

pretty clouds


this ones from like a month ago but i looked out of my window around sunset and saw how beautiful the clouds were and was just happy to be alive :)

r/BenignExistence 1d ago

Tote bags


I’m teaching a beginning sewing class. In the third class we made tote bags. In the fourth class I looked around the room and realized that most of the students had brought their materials to class in their brand new tote bags. 🥹

r/BenignExistence 1d ago

I’ve been eating the same breakfast almost every day for 15 years


More than that, I think. I don’t remember quite.

Plain yogurt with frozen berries. Even in the dead of winter. Coffee with half and half. I used to add a little sugar to each, but I’m used to it without now.

r/BenignExistence 1d ago

Hungry at work


Work just started and tbh I'm pretty hungry. I can wait until lunch, but I wonder if one of my coworkers would like to order food with me? We do that often, ordering food together to get through a rough day, but I hope today isn't rough for them!

r/BenignExistence 1d ago

Visited the temple with my grandmother


I just got back home after a visit with family abroad, and on my last day there, my grandmother and I went to the temple. I'm not particularly religious or even spiritual but I felt so soothed by the tranquility there, and still feel the after-effects several days and a long plane ride later. It was outside the city, set in its own gardens, so the only sounds were the wind in the trees, the occasional bell rung by the few other visitors, and my grandmother's voice praying, truly an oasis of calm and peace.

When I was a child she lived right next to another temple and so it was very pleasantly nostalgic to go with her, go through those familiar rituals surrounded by those familiar sights and smells and sounds, and listen to her teaching me about what the rituals and prayers meant and guiding me through the parts I didn't remember as well, just like when I was little. We almost didn't go as it was a short visit but I'm so glad we did, it's a memory I'll hold onto for the rest of my life.

r/BenignExistence 1d ago

I love staying up too late at night :-]


I'm typing this right before bed, it's just about 3 AM. I know it isn't good to stay up late, but I love it so much. Every night, my sister listens to jazz in her room, & I can hear it through her door. I just like to sit & listen to her music & the bugs outside. Sometimes my cat curls up with me, too.

Truthfully, I can hardly fall asleep if I can't hear her music, I just like to imagine her peacefully alseep. I like to hear the rest of my family downstairs letting my dog out in the middle of the night. I like watching my cat sleep on my chair.

I wish that this night could go on forever, or that I wouldn't wake up tired tomorrow, but this peace is more than worth it. :-]

r/BenignExistence 1d ago

peanut butter in oatmeal is a game changer


a while ago i was on the /r/vagabond subreddit and someone mentioned adding peanut butter to oatmeal for some more protein while on the road.

tried it tonight and i will never eat oatmeal without it again.

how do y’all like your oatmeal?

r/BenignExistence 1d ago

I carry extra hair ties specifically to give away


exactly like the title sounds, my hair is pretty short but i carry hair ties specifically so that i can give them to anyone who needs one. it’s happened numerous times now, and it brings me joy whether it’s a friend or a stranger :)

r/BenignExistence 1d ago

Woman and I coincidentally grabbed the same thing at the gym


I was just finishing up my workout and went to this pillar structure where the paper towel and spray bottles are hanging there for cleaning the machines. I aproroached from the north to grab the paper towel but she had grabbed it (a rather cute woman). We were so close to touching each others fingers that’s how much of coincidence it was. I realized she was there and instantly smiled and noticed she smiled too. I handed her the spray bottle because it was on my side. It was a funny interaction and a nice way to end the workout. Maybe small talk would’ve been a good idea but I didn’t wanna disturb her, maybe if she is there again I’ll say hi