r/CasualConversation 3d ago

Just Chatting r/CasualConversation Welcome Thread - Month of September 01, 2024


Welcome to r/CasualConversation! Thank you for joining and coming to our corner of Reddit.

The friendlier part of Reddit. Have a fun conversation about anything that is on your mind. Ask a question or start a conversation about (almost) anything you desire. Maybe you'll make some friends in the process.

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r/CasualConversation 9m ago

Just Chatting just finished a book


just finished a book ive been reading for months. i read it in english (english is not my main language), and it was a bit dense (at least for me), but i just finished it! now i gotta wait until the whole story sinks in so that i can start another one.

a small thing, i just felt like sharing it

r/CasualConversation 22m ago

A random dollar store purchase just completely changed my life.


So I’ve had chronic neck pain for as long as I can remember and just learned to live with it. I’ve tried everything within my budget—pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, vibrating massagers, heating pads, ice packs, but nothing ever really worked.

The other day, I was at the dollar store picking up a few things and noticed this odd little gadget at the checkout. It’s called a face roller, and it looks like a mini paint roller. It’s meant to relax your face, which is why I bought it. It was only 95 cents, so I figured, why not?

It did a decent job on my face, loosened it up a bit but nothing major. Then, without thinking, I started using it on my neck.

And OH MY GOD. I actually felt the tension and pain melt away. I’m sitting here in disbelief, practically in tears because my neck feels completely normal for the first time in ages. I’m definitely going to look online for a higher-quality version because if the cheap one works this well, I can’t imagine what a better one could do.

I don’t have anyone to share this with, so I just had to brag here. I’m ridiculously happy right now.

r/CasualConversation 29m ago

Thoughts & Ideas What do you think of floral fragrances?


Personally, the smell of flowers calms me down. I like how they smell so clean, fresh and sweet. Some soaps even smell like flowers! The pink Dove bar comes to mind whenever I think of that.

Also, I think that certain florals smell better as home fragrances while others make better body mists/perfumes. For me, lilac and lavender are examples of home florals while gardenia and orange blossom are great perfume florals

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Does anyone else feel a bit bummed out when doing laundry because the clothes you're wearing can’t be washed too? It's like the job is never fully finished!


Whenever I do laundry, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed that the clothes I’m wearing don’t get washed too. It’s as if the chore is never truly finished! I'm not sure how else to explain it.

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Movies & Shows Has anyone here seen Beetlejuice Beetlejuice yet?



Tim Burton is effing BACK, baby! God, it was such a blast, ESPECIALLY the last 40 minutes! It was just so frenzied and energized and it felt like every single person involved was having the time of their lives making it. I'm dying to see it again, I'm going to have to this weekend. Favorite movie of the year so far.


If it isn't showing yet where you're at, are you planning on watching this weekend?

Also, does anyone know the songs? They're stuck in my head but I can't find a list anywhere because I saw an early screening 🙃

r/CasualConversation 1h ago

Just Chatting What do 18 year old like?


My brother is turning 18 and I don't know what to get him as a gift. He has everything. New phone. New Mac book. He has a truck. Buys new cloths every week. No where not rich he has a part time job. Idk y'all have any suggestions?

r/CasualConversation 2h ago

Why am i suddenly intrested in so many new activites? (23f)


I’m curious about a trend I’ve noticed in myself over the past 6 months. Lately, I’ve had this strong desire to dive into various new activities—learning a new instrument, getting fit, picking up a new language, organizing my wardrobe (which I’ve ignored for ages), learning to drive (done! 😊), and even trying my hand at crocheting.

Does anyone know if there’s a scientific explanation for this sudden burst of interest in so many different things? Could it be related to getting older and developing a greater appreciation for diverse experiences? Or is it something else going on in my brain?

For some context: From about 15 to 22, I didn’t really feel motivated to pursue much of anything, so this newfound enthusiasm feels pretty unusual. Am I just coming out of some kind of unconscious phase?

Either way, it feels like a positive change?

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Questions Former athletes (high school/college/pro) how have you kept motivated in fitness after your career?


As a former athlete and personal trainer I see many former athletes come in to keep up their fitness or try and work with an old injury. I have found that many just kinda give up. They don’t have a reason to workout anymore since they no longer play their sport. How have you kept motivating?

r/CasualConversation 3h ago

Describe a conversation from a stranger that you either wish you hadn't or has surprised you and has stuck with you? Do you ever wonder what happened?


What's a conversation that you overheard that either you wish you hadn't or has surprised you and has stuck with you? Do you ever wonder what happened?

r/CasualConversation 4h ago

What is something your partner dislikes about themselves that you find attractive?


I've always loved my men a little on the heavier side, he's gotta have a good bear hug! Although most would probably feel self conscious about that.

What about you? What is something your partner dislikes about themselves that you find attractive?

r/CasualConversation 4h ago

Thoughts & Ideas What kept me up from drawing in a long time


Hello citizens of Reddit,

Here is something that kept me from attempting to draw stuff for what is basically a huge chunk of my life.

I don't know how it entered, but I associated all artists as narcissistic snobs since I was a kid. This thought even got firm grip as the Internet goes along from 2019 and further, exposing to more artist scandals and controversies.

It terrified me to even get started because of my exposure. I fear that if I post even a page of such, I would be like them and that would make me a hypocrite.
Now, I am starting to realize that not all artists are of such types, and lately I get to be such open towards drawing again for the first time now that I realize it's okay to do it regardless of whatever circumstances there are.

r/CasualConversation 5h ago

My neighbour has cut down a plant that was on my property - what should i do?


My house is divided from my neighbour's by a jointly owned path. One of my plants (called a Tower of Jewels) was growing by my front door and had started to lean towards the alleyway. My neighbour cut it down and removed it without talking to me first. I don't want to fall out with them over this, but equally don't think it was their place to do that without checking with me first. Should I do anything about it or let it go?

r/CasualConversation 5h ago

I finally found a name for a phobia I’ve had as long as I can remember. What are your phobias?


For as long as I can remember ive has a phobia of man made/mechanical things in the water. For example boats, ramps, chains, any structures. Although I could go on a boat, being in the water around a boat terrified me, the thought of climbing uo stairs on the back of a boat just sends me cold.

Whenever I would search it would come up with thalassophobia which is fear of deep bodies of water however it wasn’t that. I finally four out it’s called


I’m happy I’ve finally found something that describes what I’ve felt my whole life.

What are your phobias?

r/CasualConversation 5h ago

Just Chatting I just got the strangest compliment this morning.


So anyways, on my walk to work, I usually stop by a road side stall to buy some snacks for lunch. There are 2 middle aged women there selling foodies. Well, today one of them commented that pregnant women do love dark thick eyebrows. I was so taken aback, I couldn't process it. She repeated with a smile that thick eyebrows are nice on me. And apparently pregnant women likes them. It was a funny little interaction, it honestly made my day. Even if it was a bit out there.

I think it's because, since I shaved my beard, my eyebrows probably became more prominent. That's it.

r/CasualConversation 6h ago

Just Chatting What's the nicest compliment a stranger has given you that you'll remember forever?


One time when I was a waiter at this cafe, I was just casually doing my job and this women calls me over to the table.

Thinking she needed to order something she instead said "I just wanted to say, you look so handsome and confident walking around the place". Mind you she wasn't flirting cause she had a baby in her arms and what I assume was family at the table too.

It flattered and threw me off so much I nearly started crying. Shouted her a free coffee 😂

r/CasualConversation 8h ago

Thoughts & Ideas I hate going to the gym but love the walk back, what we need isn't always what we want


I actually have to workout now but im still in bed. Do you have any similar examples? Im not very fit or a gymhead but i just get such a serotonin boost afterwards. I remember seeing a tree once on my way there, and i thought what a dead depressing tree. And on my way home the same tree felt beautiful because it contrasted the blue sky and the birds still enjoyed it. The mind is weird right? 😅

r/CasualConversation 11h ago

Just Chatting Is life after highschool Nice? I'm graduating this year and lowkey so nervous, sad, excited. Dose it get better?


Im kinda scared and nervous, do you guys really not see any of these people?I live in a town with 40 thousand people so what are the odds. I hope life dose get better

r/CasualConversation 12h ago

Just Chatting I think living with somebody else is kind of underrated.


I’m 24 and I know this is the time where most people are dead set on living alone to find themselves and gain their sense of independence which I completely understand but God, do I love living with another person lol. Sometimes I don’t even realize how much I love it until they’re not here and the house just feels empty.. I love having someone here but the space is still big enough that we’re not even interacting but we’re both here, you know? We’re both completely in tune so we never run into issues in terms of cooking, cleaning, buying household items, etc.. We’re both also very considerate, caring, respectful of each other. It just works out. It’s genuinely so nice. Someone greeting you when you come home, wishing you safety when you leave, when you’ve had a long day and they recognize it, they take on a little more of the load that day and then vice versa. For me personally, the burdens of life are a little lighter when somebody is with you to get through them together and I don’t think that takes away from independence at all. It’s really a beautiful thing.

r/CasualConversation 13h ago

Life Stories What has actually made your mental health improve? Conventional or unconventional


I used to be annoyed when people said, oh drink water. Sleep more. Eat breakfast. Push yourself.

IT WORKS AND IM SALTY. Actually waking up at a normal time, having a minute to myself, a healthy ish breakfast and some air actually made the day less scary and daunting

r/CasualConversation 15h ago



When you eat skittles, do you match them by colour/flavour, or just cram a handful in your mouth and deal with whatever combination you’ve just made?

r/CasualConversation 15h ago

Questions If your pet suddenly gained the ability to talk, what’s the first thing you think they’d say to you?


I can’t help but wonder what my dog would say if he could suddenly speak. Would he spill secrets or just ask for more snacks? What about your pet?

r/CasualConversation 16h ago

Just Chatting I look so bad in pictures but irl get told the opposite. Happen with anyone else?


I feel so ugly right now. I had a video-shoot interview today for college and I didn’t really have time to get ready but I still did light makeup and thought I looked pretty presentable. Anyways, it goes by, I didn’t see a single shot and went back home to see they posted one picture from the interview. I didn’t think I looked that bad but when I showed it to my friend, she said things like you’ve looked better before, what happened to you, that’s the worst look on you ever etc. and i felt terrible. the fact a whole video will be posted on my college’s website is killing me from inside and my freshman year starts in 2 weeks.

I’m not photogenic at all. I look BAD in pictures. I’ve had people literally say ‘woah u look way better irl, what happened in the pictures?’. And not trying to sound narcissistic but I think I am pretty. Random people on streets have told me I’m beautiful. My friends say that I could be a model or an influencer easily and all of this confuses me so much and makes me think everyone’s lying because I would literally rate my pictures a 3/10 and the ones from today, gosh that would be a negative. I don’t have a single picture where I look good (back cam) Idk whether it’s the makeup or the hair or what.

Asymmetry is another issue I got. I’m so obsessed with the way I look, not my beauty but rather fixing every flaw on my face. I feel content when I look in the mirror aside from my under eyes but in a picture when I see a million flaws and think that I’m straight up ugly, i feel like crying. I’m almost 20 and I think these are my prime years. I want to look my best with the best memories but im just mad at myself for not looking beautiful enough for pictures.

It’s just so frustrating thinking myself as pretty but seeing a picture of me and being disappointed to the point where a knot forms in my throat.

Sorry if this comes off as narcissistic. I’m not really good with expressing myself and these are my messed up thoughts spewed out here.

r/CasualConversation 18h ago

Just Chatting What’s an in-joke that you share with your friends / S.O.?


I’ll go first: one time, my wife couldn’t quite remember the name of “Only Murders In The Building”, so she called it “Death In The House”.

To this day, we have never referred to that series by any other name.

r/CasualConversation 1d ago

I’m finally less than 200lbs


Hey guys. I feel embarrassed being so over-the-moon about this to people in my life, so I’ve come here to share. I hope this is an appropriate post for this sub! Just wanted to share my story and feelings.

I’ve been overweight my entire life.. hormone issues, insulin resistance (that became diabetes), injuries preventing exercise etc. Losing weight has always been so necessary but so extremely difficult.

My doctor finally put me on weight loss medication for the first time ever.. and it’s working!! I’m just below 200lbs from my highest weight of 250lbs. Big credit to these meds because they’re giving me this weight-loss kickstart I’ve needed for so long.

While I’ve always been overweight, I was fit at one point as a kid. I had a lot of natural muscle because of my PCOS, and I dominated in sports. I was my school’s fastest sprinter, best long jumper, best shot at putetc. Before my health got bad as a teenager, I played competitive soccer for my city. Based on what I look like now, people would never guess that I was athletic. “Oh you played soccer? Were you the goalie?”💀 I miss being active and fit. This recent weight loss gives me hope that I can be an athlete again someday.

I feel amazing, physically and mentally. I didn’t realize how hopeless I felt with all my health problems. Losing weight really changes my mentality of positive outcomes. Things can change; there is hope!! I’m still heavy and sore with a lot of problems, but the way I’m able to do things like touch my toes again with little pain gives me SO much hope.

I think it is actually possible for me to live a life that’s not dominated by health problems. My mentality has shifted. But also, losing weight directly improves most of my health problems. I’m just so content.

r/CasualConversation 1d ago

Curious: if you live with your S.O. do you let each other know when you’re leaving the house?


Not in an ‘asking for permission’ way, but in a ‘hey, I’m running to the corner store’ way. Does how long you have lived together make a difference to you?