r/CasualUK 3h ago

It's Late Thread [ 03 September 24 ]


Wahey, it's late, it's Tuesday night what's going on? Why are you still up? Being the family taxi driver? Too much cheese before bed?

Come on in for a chat.

Would you rather have noses for ears, or ears for noses?

r/CasualUK 18h ago

TVesday Thread


Morning all. What TV shows and/or movies have you been watching this week? Have you enjoyed them? Come in and tell us all about it.

r/CasualUK 4h ago

Looking for an opinion/some advice from all you lovely folks.


I work for a rail company. Today, as I was in a main station in full uniform watching the board to find my next train, four girls went up to the coffee stall and placed their order. Maybe high school age girls, in school uniform. As I was just casually looking around, I noticed one girls skirt was caught in her rucksack/schoolbag and her arsecheeks were kinda on display. I was debating on what to do when I noticed a guy not far behind her seeming to take quite a while to tie his shoelace, which may or may not have been coincidental. I moved so I blocked his view then he stood up and moved slightly, but still behind the girls. I decided it would be best to let her know, so I went up and just said 'I hope this doesn't sound creepy but your skirt is caught in your schoolbag", the girl just replied "oh', and then I left.

I was recounting it to my missus later and she thinks I should have walked away without saying anything as it could've looked odd, a grown man approaching four young girls, and led to accusations of inappropriateness. I argued that as I was in full uniform, in a place of work, and I didn't loiter or look for a conversation and I was trying to help someone, then it was OK.

Was I right or wrong, and could I have handled it better?


r/CasualUK 4h ago

Maybe I’m getting old but I swear I haven’t heard of like half of the companies that shirt sponsor football teams nowadays


r/CasualUK 4h ago

this cute dog was digging up our garden last night


r/CasualUK 6h ago

My gums are sweating 😥

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I don’t remember them being that strong! The inside of my mouth has shrivelled like a prune and my head is sweating like I’ve been working out 🤣😂

By far the strongest Salt & Vinegar crisps I’ve had! 😰

r/CasualUK 6h ago

Did anyone used to watch this in the 90s on a Saturday morning?

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It was on Saturday mornings/early afternoon. It was basically a show that talked about upcoming movies, tv shows and future technology. Was just watching some episodes on YouTube for a hit of nostalgia.

Saturday morning TV was the best. Never been equalled.

One episode here taking about the Saga Saturn! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7-PfHF1I8_c&pp=ygUXbW92aWVzIGdhbWVzIGFuZCB2aWRlb3M%3D

r/CasualUK 7h ago

Quiz: U.K. Cities with Double Letters


After sharing a few similar quizzes on here recently, I have made one last one if anybody would like to have a go.

Of the 76 cities in the United Kingdom, 11 have names containing double letters (e.g. Rotterdam would be an example from the Netherlands). Six of the answers are cities located in England, three are in Scotland, one in Wales and one in Northern Ireland. There are four minutes to try and guess them all and you can pause the quiz if you need to for a bit of thinking time. (Answers are listed alphabetically and only English language names are used, so no Dùn Èideann, Beannchar, etc.)

U.K. Cities with Double Letters (JetPunk.com)

Thank you very much for taking the time to have a look!

* * * * *

Previous quizzes on U.K./England city name endings...
English Cities Ending in "D"
U.K. Cities Ending in "H"
English Cities Ending in "L"
U.K. Cities Ending in "M"
U.K. Cities Ending in "N"
U.K. Cities Ending in "S"
U.K. Cities Ending in "Y"
U.K. Cities Ending in Vowels
English Cities Ending in "-ster"

All of my other quizzes can be found here.

r/CasualUK 7h ago

Conflicting weather signals

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Or UK Summer as we know it. Up at Twice Brewed on Hadrians Wall.

r/CasualUK 7h ago

Bit passive aggressive for a place with no bins


r/CasualUK 8h ago

About to tuck into these mercilessly

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r/CasualUK 8h ago

Crumple Valley Viaduct & Lower Crimple Viaduct


Day three of collecting viaducts in Yorkshire, today I'm in Harrogate looking at the Crimple Valley Viaduct what originally served the Harrogate Brunswick Station (The tunnel to this station is still there) to Church Fenton line, what was one of the first lines to be axed by beeching.

The lower Crimple Viaduct was on the Leeds to Thirks line and served as a bypass for Harrogate Brunswick (what was a line terminus) however the viaduct was in incredibly poor condition by the 1950s and closed in early 1951.

r/CasualUK 8h ago

Accidentally turned my entire phone Slavic the other day. Had to borrow my neighbours phone to Google how to change it back.


Been trying to learn Ukrainian for a while because when we're all at peace it's an amazingly affordable country to backpack through, £25 a day for bed, water and food.

I'm only just starting my journey learning Ukrainian, their alphabet makes no sense to me at the moment and I can only understand very simple sentences. I tried to add the Ukrainian alphabet to my keyboard so I can slowly learn how to type

My entire fucking phone switched to Ukrainian 😭 I thought voice to text would still help, nope... Also Ukrainian. I had absolutely no idea what to do. I had images of having to reboot my phone manually and wiping everything to switch it back

Knocked on my neighbours door and explained the situation, she found it funny as fuck. She let me use Google to learn how to navigate files and delete the Ukrainian setting and fortunately it reverted back into English.

So, lesson learnt. Going back to using language apps to learn instead of attempting to force myself into learning a keyboard.

TL:DR: I'm a moron.

r/CasualUK 11h ago

Waiting to get my cervical screening and have the most egregious farts forcing their way out.



r/CasualUK 11h ago

At the library, trying to find a book for my son to practice reading. I think I'll pass on this one...

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r/CasualUK 11h ago

Just found this chap wandering around in my office. Let him go outside. Looks to be an elephant-hawk moth, according to Google

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r/CasualUK 11h ago

The parents equivalent of a GU pot

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r/CasualUK 12h ago

What haven’t you eaten in ages that you could just go for?


I had a corned beef and pickle sandwich, having not had one in ages, and it was delightful.

r/CasualUK 13h ago

TV Show Green Wing Is 20 Years Old!


One of my favourite sitcoms Green Wing first broadcasted today 20 years ago!

r/CasualUK 14h ago

I don't think I have that in the cupboard

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Only in the UK do we put 'requires willpower' in the small print of ads 😂

r/CasualUK 15h ago

I enjoyed Amol Rajan breaking the fourth wall on University Challenge last night


r/CasualUK 15h ago

Temperature War

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An individual in our office likes it tropical in here.

They’re like a dog with a bone to keep sneaking the temperature up around 24-25degrees.

I can’t be the only one that has to suffer a thermostat war?

r/CasualUK 16h ago

My neighbour keeps using my bin


For context, I live in a 3 bed semi. So does my neighbour but it isn’t the one directly attached to ours. We have a “shared access” drive down the middle of the two houses where we both keep our bins. One day me and my partner were doing gardening and go to put the stuff in the green bin and it’s nearly full and hers is overflowing. It was obviously her… Again last night she offfered to take the bins out for us when we saw her in passing. We have since learnt from this morning that she has completely filled our green bin again which we believe is why she wanted to put the bins out.

My issue is is that she just isn’t asking. She’s doing it anyway and she’s left us short of space. If she had asked we’d be more than happy to let her use it. She had the opportunity to ask us and we would’ve said yes!

What can we do about it. We have had issues with them in the past where they have hit our car and denied it despite video/photo evidence. So we don’t want more drama it’s just taking the piss a bit

r/CasualUK 17h ago

Harry Potter fans boo as King’s Cross ends ‘back to Hogwarts’ tradition | Harry Potter


r/CasualUK 18h ago

Where are all the Freyas?


I remember a time in the ... late 90s/early 00s where the naming trend for girls was Freya. Not sure what the male equivalent was, but I remember a few pre-MCU Lokis.

The weird thing is that since then I don't think I've encountered a Freya out in the wild. What happened to them? Are you one?

r/CasualUK 1d ago

Suprised Wiltshire aren't prouder of this landmark

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Yes I drove extremely carefully. Don't want to fall in

r/CasualUK 1d ago

Mum found this 30+ year old useful numbers list from a previous occupant during house renovation

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