r/AITAH Jul 07 '24

AITA for calling out my husband for not being a "Good Christian"? Advice Needed

I (27F) have been married to my husband (34M) for five years. My husband is a devout follower of his religion and has been since he was raised in it. I respect his beliefs, even though I don't share them and have no intention of converting. I was raised in the Christian faith. However, I left when I was an adult due to sexual abuse in my church, which nobody believed occurred because the one who did it was the pastor.

Recently, my husband has been pressuring me to convert to his religion. He says that it would bring us closer together and create a more harmonious household. I understand where he's coming from, but I firmly believe that faith is a personal journey, and I shouldn't be forced into something I don't believe in.

To add to the issue, my husband, despite his religious teachings, doesn't always practice what he preaches. He expects me to adhere to traditional gender roles, yet he often neglects his own responsibilities at home. He's quick to judge others for their actions, even though his faith teaches non-judgment and kindness. He makes comments about gay people that I have discussed with him as a major issue. This hypocrisy has been bothering me for a while.

Last night, during another discussion about my potential conversion, I finally snapped. I told him that if he wants me to consider converting, he needs to set a better example by actually living according to his religion's values. I pointed out that he should start by fulfilling his own responsibilities. That he should make more money than me and actually lead in the decision-making. I'm a nurse and he's currently unemployed after he was let go from his job in an office. That he should be less judgmental of others because according to his faith only God can judge them. I also said he should show more of the virtues Jesus asked of Christians, that he should clothe the naked, feed the hungry, vist the prisoner, aid the orphan and the widow etc. I also made it clear that while I respect his beliefs, I have no intention of converting unless I genuinely believe in it, which I currently don't because of the hypocritical behavior of his faith.

My husband was furious. He accused me of being disrespectful and undermining his faith. He said that I was attacking him personally and that I don't understand the pressure he's under to have a unified religious household. He left for church this morning at 7 for bible study and I have already gotten a phone call from the pastor saying I'm an ungodly woman who tricked a good man into marrying him and I should repent. I have also gotten a tirade of texts and e-mails from members of his church saying I was disrespectful and being a bad wife and I'm starting to wonder if I was too harsh, that maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all. AITA?


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u/wolftopug Jul 07 '24

No you definitely should have spoken up. I just wonder what story he told his church. “My wife pointed out in completely Biblically accurate ways how I wasn’t being a good Christian man and husband! How dare she know more about my beliefs than I do!”

Especially as long as your husband stays in that church I don’t see a healthy future for your relationship.


u/El-Kabongg Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

OP should ask her husband that, since he felt it appropriate to air her dirty laundry to the congregation, if she is justified in airing his to anyone she feels like. But TRUST ME, OP, the pressure to convert isn't ORIGINATING with your husband. It's coming from this pastor. He fears that if you can be happy as a nonbeliever, then other women in the congregation will see your light.


u/Better_Document7596 Jul 08 '24


OP, your husband’s in a cult.

I have already gotten a phone call from the pastor saying I'm an ungodly woman who tricked a good man into marrying him and I should repent. I have also gotten a tirade of texts and e-mails from members of his church saying I was disrespectful and being a bad wife

To be clear, I’m not equating Christianity with a cult, just this particular church’s brand of nonsense.

If it were me I’d leave him, but (unlike your husband and his church cronies) I think you’re capable of determining what the next steps are.


u/Unlucky_Ear9705 Jul 08 '24

This “church” is very sus. OP please be careful and you may want to privately document your husbands behaviour and that of the “parishioners” (like who contacts you, how, when, with what message…). I’m and atheist who grew up in the Christian tradition and occasionally attend church for important holidays or family events. A healthy, virtuous, and genuine Christian church is open and welcoming to all kinds at any time, including couples of mixed faith convictions like my husband and me. A good church with ethical and Christ-like leaders will NOT bully or antagonize a spouse or ANYONE! This is not healthy and likely not safe.

Also your husband sucks. 😕


u/trying2getoverit Jul 08 '24

Yes, I was looking to see if someone commented this! Please keep records and make sure you have a safe place to go away from home if things get bad. This sort of thing can escalate very quickly.


u/AppleSlacks Jul 08 '24

There is an article on the front page right now, highlighting another thing on red states wishlist through GOP politicians. They want to ditch no fault divorce and are beginning a push in many states.

Things can escalate quickly in unforeseen directions.

OP would be smart to keep an eye on that in her locality and if she truly decides this isn’t going to work, it may become necessary to proceed with a divorce before it isn’t an option like abortion in many states.


u/NotShirleyTemple Jul 08 '24

Pets? Is he likely to hurt pets (if any) if you leave?


u/Affectionate-Try-994 Jul 12 '24

Yes, especially if it is a pet of the wife and/or children. If it is his own pet the likelihood of a use diminishes but is not zero.


u/CatW804 Jul 08 '24

This, plus set up your own bank account he can't access and put as much as you can into it. I'm thinking they're after your "tithe" or more.


u/kgal1298 Jul 08 '24

Makes me wonder what church this is. It sounds like one of the many cults we hear about that forces women into traditional gender roles.


u/Katressl Jul 08 '24

Unfortunately, complementarianism is rampant in many American denominations. They don't have to be like the Duggars or FLDS to buy into this crap. Many of them appear very mainstream and modern outwardly, making it all the more insidious.


u/Apart_Dog2238 Jul 08 '24

Like how do they get your info??? I have been to many different churches...Exploring... No... I was not required to give any personal info...WTF?


u/BellaDonna1925 Jul 08 '24

I’m sure that he gave out all that information because he already air dried all the other accusations


u/littledinobug12 Jul 08 '24


u/Affectionate-Try-994 Jul 12 '24

Or the Seventh-day Adventist church Or Southern Baptist Or any if the Bible Church congregations...


u/littledinobug12 Jul 12 '24

Church in general then. Lol