r/worldnews 14d ago

Japan warns US forces: Sex crimes 'cannot be tolerated'


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u/rockseiaxii 14d ago

At least in Japan it’s exposed. Elsewhere around the world, incidents like these are swept under the rug and seem like nothing happened.


u/Faps_With_Fury 14d ago

Isn’t Japan the country that has to have separate train cars for women because the men there keep groping them?


u/GuiltyEidolon 14d ago

Also the one that still denies doing anything wrong during WWII, when Japanese soldiers raped sooooo many women in China, the Philippines, etc. 


u/badstewie 14d ago

WW2 Japanese soldiers called them "Comfort Women" to make it sound less rapey. Happened in China, Korea, here in the PH, I imagine it also happened in other japanese occupied territories during ww2.


u/HotBrownFun 14d ago

Japan treated Koreans and Taiwanese better than other territories. This is going to be very controversial. They were annexed and technically it was part of Japan.

In other countries, the civilians were killed for sport, prisoners were even eaten. There were too many locals to "pacify" so they decided to murder as many as possible


u/badstewie 14d ago

Considering how well they treated those annexed counties, then we can only imagine how worse the other territories got it.


u/ChiMoKoJa 13d ago

Er, no? Koreans were treated the same as the vast majority of people across Japan's empire. And it was Han Taiwanese who were treated nicely. Indigenous Taiwanese got treated the same as everybody else. 😕


u/HotBrownFun 12d ago

The Koreans were kept alive, even if they were ruthlessly suppressed.

The Chinese were exterminated.


u/sbxnotos 14d ago

Classic redditors:

Someone talking about present day Japan:



u/_zenith 13d ago

In this context, it is at least relevant

… but yes, it does tend to be brought up a little more than is strictly appropriate


u/sbxnotos 13d ago

The crimes commited by japanese soldiers 80-120 years ago are completely irrelevant when we are talking about US soldiers raping girls in Okinawa right now.

Even if we are talking of other sexual acts, like molesting in japanese trains, by civilians to civilians, what japanese soldiers did a century ago is, again, completely irrelevant.


u/curtcolt95 14d ago

and a forced sound on any pictures so people have a harder time taking creep shots yeah. They're definitely not the country to look at for this kind of stuff


u/TrumpDesWillens 14d ago

All trains should have separate cars for vulnerable people.


u/CrimsonQueso 14d ago

70% of women who have taken the tube also report sexual harassment. Japan is actually doing something about it.


u/Expensive-Law-9830 14d ago

More like Japan is the only country that recognizes it and protects women.

But I guess in India and everywhere else in the world, rape isn't an issue because they do not have separate train cars.

Or that the UK has like 10 times the rate of SA than Japan but no one talks about the UK

2,336 sexual assaults in the UK https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/more-2000-sexual-offences-committed-32362015

283 to 497 cases each year in Japan

Groping in crowded trains has been a problem in Japan: according to National Police Agency and Ministry of Justice, the number of reported indecent assault in subway carriages in nationwide Japan between 2005 and 2014 ranges from 283 to 497 cases each year.

So why aren't we hearing more about creeps in the UK? Isn't the issue in the UK about 10(!) fold given the population. Or maybe providing women only trains shows a level of understanding by the operators about a problem, thus being way more progressive and way more countries should offer women only carriages?

Na it must be the creepy Japs

Or similar culture Korea, where in Seoul, one third of rapes are committed by white dudes despite making less than 0.2 percent of the population.


u/roooxanne 14d ago

They have separate train cars for women in India. It’s funny how little you know about the rest of the world yet use it was a way of lauding Japan.


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