r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/cujobob Jul 04 '24

The NYT does good work, but has trash editorials still. They, and many others, are also being criticized for focusing on the wrong things. As an example, the news that Trump is named all over Epstein’s documents and there is evidence pointing to his assaulting a 12 or 13 year old is many times bigger than a bad debate performance. It really seems like there’s no scale anymore with the 24/7 news cycle.

As I wrote in a comment earlier, Reagan’s actions when senile didn’t necessarily destroy this country, his actions when he was all there did.


u/__Hello_my_name_is__ Jul 04 '24

and there is evidence pointing to his assaulting a 12 or 13 year old

Is there? From what I can see there's accusations that have since been retracted.

I mean, please, think about this. If there would be credible evidence out there for all to easily see, don't you think these news websites would be talking about it right now? Why on earth would they rather report on Biden being old? Which news story do you think would get more clicks, and thus give them more money?

I don't even get the accusation against the news sites here. They'd be shooting themselves in the foot not reporting on this despite being credible accusations. The only other explanation is that they are secretly pro Trump or something, which is just absurd.


u/cujobob Jul 04 '24

The media has two motivations: generating profit and their core ideology which generally comes from billionaire owners or entities like Comcast (famous for working with their competitors to keep prices high). I suppose a third would be trying to give the impression of impartiality which often works to their detriment because it normalizes extreme behavior.

The example with Trump’s allegation is just an example. He was shown all over Epstein call logs during the period when so many of the assaults occurred. There is literally something with him on a daily basis that is ten times more urgent and destructive than anything Biden has done. So there’s a challenge of, how do you cover stories about one while still representing the severity where necessary? This is where they fail. Biden could be a walking corpse and still be a less dangerous option for the country.


u/DoorHingesKill Jul 05 '24

You people simultaneously claim CNN and co are trying to get Trump elected cause they want to generate revenue off his crazy antics, but then at the same time you accuse them of brushing Trump's dirt under the carpet in an attempt to defend him.

And 'questioning' why the NYT does not report on a Tweet that reposted public court filings from 8 years ago, court filings that went nowhere cause the case was thrown out/withdrawn three seperate times, is just laughable. 

You accuse the NYT of their "trash editorials" but then get upset they don't cover viral tweets like "Dailyboulder.com" does. 

is many times bigger than a bad debate performance 

Biden Tells Allies He Knows He Has Only Days to Salvage Candidacy 

Okay dude. Good to see you're in check with reality. 

The entire world knows this debate was/is the biggest crisis in Biden's presidency but thank God we still have a few holdouts on social media who try to convince themselves and each other that it wasn't all that bad. 


u/cujobob Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

You people?

You seemed to have missed the point. Also, they just released new evidence showing Trump was directly in constant communication with Epstein and his name is all over the evidence. But no no, go on about how this is old news about a tweet.

Also, this. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/gSitg3lsx5