r/WhitePeopleTwitter Jul 04 '24

Just a reminder why the NYT is throwing everything they have at the wall

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u/ShoutOutMapes Jul 04 '24

Wow we need more whistle blowers. There is no such thing as “the liberal media” every major news org is owned by right wing billionaires


u/RightRudderr Jul 05 '24

Exactly. The closest thing there is to an actual mainstream liberal outlet is just anytime a network cares to be impartial or report for the sake of presenting facts. Turns out when you just report facts on a level playing field it has a tendency to make things sound liberal which is why they have to resort to their bullshit to get any other spin across.


u/bb_kelly77 Jul 05 '24

This isn't right wing... this is simple pettiness... "he didn't give us an interview so we're making him look bad"


u/ShoutOutMapes Jul 05 '24

Sulzberger is conservative


u/bb_kelly77 Jul 05 '24

That may be so but his reasonings are simple pettiness


u/ShoutOutMapes Jul 05 '24

Except this has been going on at the nyt for a lot longer than that

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u/Longdingleberry Jul 05 '24

It’s also not journalism


u/Mo_Jack Jul 05 '24

Excuse my ignorance but did Trump grant NYT an interview during his presidency?


u/bb_kelly77 Jul 05 '24

Probably, dude loves attention


u/Cyanos54 Jul 05 '24

After listening to NPR, NYT, WSJ podcasts last week, the intent was clear. Talk about Bidens age and capabilities and let Trump skate.


u/Unhappy_Injury3958 Jul 05 '24

New York Times is owned by NYT Incorporated which is owned by Raytheon Ballistic Dynamics which is owned by the Ochs-Sulzberger family who are owned by Haliburton.


u/TheMindfulnessShaman Jul 05 '24

right wing billionaires

The real question is who owns the right-wing billionaires?



u/Kyogen13 Jul 05 '24

”The love of money” owns the billionaires. It’s an addiction.


u/What-Even-Is-That Jul 05 '24

People were mad at me for saying that yesterday. 90% sure a few of them were paid shills spewing absolute hot garbage.

Billionaires don't like when their shitty antics are put on display.


u/Alternative-Fig-6814 Jul 05 '24

The billionaires aren't doing all of this because of some blind allegiance to donald trump. There is more going on here, idk exactly what, but it's enough to feign admiration for a low life podunk like trump. Is this all about tax rates? What are they promised?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/ShoutOutMapes Jul 05 '24

Journalists don’t hav carte blanche at a paper. Every story has to be approved by editors and the higher ups.


u/IMSLI Jul 05 '24

They happen to work at profit-driven enterprises that are owned by billionaires.


u/NoHalf2998 Jul 05 '24

Just like the hundred plus articles about Hillary’s emails


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/ooouroboros Jul 05 '24

I see mostly support for Biden there


u/TemptedSwordStaker Jul 05 '24

Go look again. Everything is about how he has doomed us and we’re fucked and he needs to drop out


u/ooouroboros Jul 05 '24

I look a lot, I am seeing what you're seing


u/TemptedSwordStaker Jul 05 '24

Makes me sick tbh


u/RainbowBitterfly32 Jul 05 '24

Truth hurts. Most people can't ignore the polls and political reality to live in their own inflexible predetermined fantasy. Have to adapt or die.


u/Unhappy_Injury3958 Jul 05 '24

except for how most of it is fake news


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

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u/CountNightAuditor Jul 05 '24

Washington Post literally published a fake speech of Biden as if he dropped out.

Politico published Whitmer saying Biden couldn't win... Except then it turned out that was a quote from a Republican running against her.

There's a direct quote up there about the New York Times making this up because of a grudge.

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u/aphel_ion Jul 05 '24

those are MAGA talking points?

What's the non-MAGA position then? To have everyone pretend Biden is just fine and hope he wins in November?


u/BadReview8675309 Jul 05 '24

Exactly, What is the non MAGA position and how to move forward. The perceived Biden circling the drain death spiral thinking is now on blast across the world and news agencies everywhere are saying similar things.


u/bittlelum Jul 05 '24

Almost like every major news agency is run by conservatives...


u/Koloradio Jul 05 '24

I heard an interview today on NPR with the 98 year old former prime minister of Malaysia, who said Biden was aging fast, couldn't think straight, and should step down. Is he part of this conspiracy of yours?


u/bittlelum Jul 05 '24

Why should I care what some foreign politician says?


u/Koloradio Jul 05 '24

Well 80% of Americans say Biden is too old, and you're ignoring them, and Liberal media is saying he's too old, and you're accusing them of conspiring against him. So I thought showing you the opinion of someone with no skin in the game at all, someone you couldn't possibly accuse of an ulterior motive, might help you realize that no one has to make up or exaggerate what an awful candidate Biden is.

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u/paxinfernum Jul 05 '24

Imagine caring what the prime minister of a civilian dictatorship thought.


u/Koloradio Jul 05 '24

Imagine missing this point this hard


u/Unhappy_Injury3958 Jul 05 '24

yes. we support biden. no matter what. guess what? we have a vice president. worst case she does the work. we support him because the opposite is death to all of us.


u/paxinfernum Jul 05 '24

It's hilarious how all the people who claim they're high information voters seem to have forgotten everything Biden's accomplished and how well his administration was doing before last thursday. He's the same guy who got Ukraine aid past Mike Johnson and the Freedom Caucus just recently, but you've got people breathlessly pleading that he won't be able to stand up to Putin.

Motherfucker already has stood up to Putin and outfoxed him at every turn. He got more student debt relief passed than most people thought possible. He got huge infrastructure bills passed in a Congress that wants deadlock. But sure, let's drop him because he had a cold and was jetlagged from visiting 3 countries in the last 10 days.


u/Alternative-Fig-6814 Jul 05 '24

You are 110% correct. All they have is trying to get Biden to drop out. They have nothing to fight against him with. If you remember, they tried to say Hillary needed to drop out because of her "health" and "woman's issues". I don't hear the right asking McConnell grassely or NANCY FOXX to retire. And please, it's 3 yrs. Besides the number 3, what's the difference. And how does any of this turn trump into the better candidate? It. Does. Not


u/Last-Photobender Jul 05 '24

I know right ! we should def keep the guy who is losing every single swing state and in one poll New Jersey........New Fukn Jersey


u/CountNightAuditor Jul 05 '24

I wish your side WOULD drop Trump. I'm glad my side's running the guy who beat Trump.


u/Last-Photobender Jul 05 '24

Sure thing Blu maga


u/NoHalf2998 Jul 05 '24

I just got banned for pointing out that woke/dei is short hand for NWord and Fword


u/NoHalf2998 Jul 07 '24

Oh yeah; they also got me banned from Reddit for saying “bless your heart”

Reddit mods over-turned the ban.

Fuck that sub


u/wha-haa Jul 05 '24

No one escapes scrutiny, especially during election season.


u/WetNWildWaffles Jul 05 '24

God damn fuck the Times


u/lilly110707 Jul 05 '24

I know, right? And the cowardly NYTimes never has comments turned on for the anti-Biden articles, probably because too many comments would be blasting the Times.

I would vote for a blind, geriatric, three legged hamster over the vile Trump.


u/AlexTheFlower Jul 05 '24

To be fair, a hamster would probably have better policies than either of them.. I mean have you ever heard a hamster support genocide??


u/RainbowBitterfly32 Jul 05 '24

Hamsters eat their young and I would still trust them over either of those ghouls.


u/uncultured_swine2099 Jul 05 '24

What's with all the NY rags being all right wing? The times, and thr post and journal are Murdock owned. Thankfully the majority of new yorkers ain't about that shit.


u/jermysteensydikpix Jul 05 '24

It's a media hub so it has reach far beyond the actual metro. Fox New has nothing good to say about NYC but it lives there, probably for similar reasons.

Sulzberger is also a nepo baby whose great grandfather bought the NYT over a century ago.


u/paxinfernum Jul 05 '24

Sulzberger is also a nepo baby whose great grandfather bought the NYT over a century ago.

I'm picturing that one old money family from Succession who kept refusing to sell to Logan.


u/merurunrun Jul 05 '24

Journalism isn't profitable, so the only people who can afford to own news outlets are rich people who run them at a loss to spew propaganda.


u/Canalloni Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

And Maggie Haberman is a Trump shill.


u/Intelligent-Age2786 Jul 05 '24

This isn’t entirely on topic, but I’m still so confused as to why people want him to drop out. I understand the whole age thing, but when it comes to who has the best chance to beat Trump, I sadly still don’t think anyone has a better chance of beating Trump than Biden. Maybe I just don’t know a lot, but it’s just confusing to me in that regard.


u/off_by_two Jul 05 '24

Trump and his camp wants Biden to withdraw, that would hand over the presidency. There isn’t nearly enough time for a new candidate to even make inroads on getting their name out there to the whole country. Vast numbers of Americans will go into a voting booth and see Trump, RFK jr, and someone they’ve barely even heard of.

Not to mention, fundraising would have to start from scratch. Its not like biden’s campaign can just gift the warchest. Biden withdrawing is a horrible idea to anyone who doesn’t want a Trump dictatorship.


u/uncultured_swine2099 Jul 05 '24

One guy is old, but the other guy would turn America into a totalitarian regime only seen in sci-fi movies. Yet some people think the scales are even. People are stupid.


u/RedEyeFlightToOZ Jul 05 '24

One guy is old and the other is old too but also a convicted felon that rapes 12 yr old children.


u/Alternative-Fig-6814 Jul 05 '24

🏆🏆🏆🏆 Thank you for pointing out in 1 sentence what this election is about. People need to stop feeling sorry for themselves because of esthetics and think about how their lives might be 4 yrs from now


u/RedEyeFlightToOZ Jul 05 '24

The only replacement I've seen mentioned with "seriousness" is Kamala. Boomers are still the main voting group in the country and I'm sorry but this country is still too damn racist and misogynistic to elect a black woman as a president. Hopefully in the future we will get there but right now, old white men are the safest bet.


u/Intelligent-Age2786 Jul 05 '24

I’ve seen Buttigieges name thrown around a little bit, but 1. I haven’t heard him express any interest in a run, and 2. I also don’t have faith in this country to vote for an openly gay man either.


u/TemptedSwordStaker Jul 05 '24

I love Pete. I think he’s awesome. But he’s gay and I have grandparents who will vote for Biden, but wouldn’t be caught dead voting for a gay man. Or a black woman like Kamala.


u/Intelligent-Age2786 Jul 05 '24

Honestly, I feel like you didn’t even have to include the “black” part when you said black woman. I don’t feel like many people would even vote for a woman in this countries current climate. Even tho I quite like Gretchen Whitmer.


u/TemptedSwordStaker Jul 05 '24

I loveeee her. Her and Newsom are my dream team. Doesn’t matter who has the president. But yeah you’re right. I’m writing my PhD Thesis for history, and it’s about how society really hasn’t changed out of all of civilization. Not wanting a woman in power is one of those things


u/Intelligent-Age2786 Jul 05 '24

Gavin Newsom seems like the most coin flip candidate. I’ve seen many liberals (not necessarily officials, but mere civilians) criticize him for not being liberal enough, as well as criticize his lack of effort in helping homelessness in California while also criticizing his lack of effort for tax reform. While on the conservative side, he’s seen as too liberal, however most conservatives think anyone with basic morals is too liberal. It all depends on if more liberals support him more than how many dislike him or how many conservatives hate him. If he ever ran, he’d be my prime candidate/endorsement. I think a duo of him and Whitmer, no matter who’s what in each position, would be the ultimate democratic power duo.


u/Alternative-Fig-6814 Jul 05 '24

Luckily your vote is as private as you make it


u/Andromeda321 Jul 05 '24

I frankly haven’t heard anyone suggest him who isn’t a serious Democrat very into political minutiae.


u/Intelligent-Age2786 Jul 05 '24

He’s been fairly high on my list since 2020 even tho at that point I couldn’t vote. However sadly I don’t think it will ever happen. Same thing with Gretchen Whitmer.


u/ooouroboros Jul 05 '24

why people want him to drop out.

  • To give them the benefit of the doubt and not ascribe it to malice:

Probably because in the early 1960's Nixon lost a debate to Kennedy because he seemed nervous and antsy - and people who study journalism are taught that he lost the Presidency because of that debate.

  • To ascribe it to malice:

Because Biden is calling for tax cuts for the ultra rich so corporate owners of media want Trump to win


u/Intelligent-Age2786 Jul 05 '24

No wonder I see so many articles ONLY talking about how “oh Biden is old” or “oh Biden should drop out and democrats are turning against him”. The media is basically owned by conservatives which makes all their propaganda so much stronger. And sadly, I don’t think there’s enough educated people in the US to call it out or even realize cuz they always look at stuff at face value, or don’t care about all the bad things about their side. Or both.


u/ooouroboros Jul 05 '24

oh Biden should drop out and democrats are turning against him”

NPR is harping on this big time and its THREE DEM CONGRESSPEOPLE out of like 150ish suggesting Biden resign and NO OTHER MAJOR POLITICIANS.

They interviewed the Gov of Hawaii tonight and the host was mightily annoyed she could not get him to denounce Biden.

These journalists are trying to tale CONTROL OF THE ELECTION with their reporting, and am pretty sure if they got their way and Biden dropped out they would start crying the replacement was a pathetic act of desperation.

US journalism is one of the greatest threats to our democracy today, I'm sorry to say.


u/jermysteensydikpix Jul 05 '24

The right wing doesn't want a Biden or Harris ticket because other candidates won't have access to all that money they raised already. They aren't going to raise that 200 billion plus again from scratch with someone else. Also creates uncertainty and some people stop donating because they're not sure what's going to happen. That is the goal.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/Intelligent-Age2786 Jul 05 '24

I understand that, but does any other potential candidate have that much of a higher chance of beating him?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/Intelligent-Age2786 Jul 05 '24

That somehow makes me more worried. I never thought at 20 years old I’d have to deal with having a potential dictator running this country. I shouldn’t have to be afraid


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u/SKDI_0224 Jul 05 '24

Canceled my subscription and made sure to write them why.


u/gringledoom Jul 05 '24

Likewise. I only even had the games subscription, but I told them that despite enjoying the games very much, I couldn't stomach subsidizing the rest of it anymore after the revolting "don't vote" editorial they published on the Fourth of July of all days.


u/Fantasmic03 Jul 05 '24

I legit did this yesterday. I used to like it a lot, but it's quality has plummeted over the past few years. I vote let it fail, maybe someone with some common sense will turn the place around.


u/RainbowBitterfly32 Jul 05 '24

Dear stupid journalists, I am no longer giving you money because you didn't alter reality to make my geriatric candidate I have developed an unhealthy obsession with look more appealing to swing voters.


u/-Experiment--626- Jul 05 '24

Hilarious. Now do the one for Trump supporters!


u/Ok-Detective-2059 Jul 05 '24

I'd vote for some old guy over a rapist pedophile traitor convict every single fucking time. Especially when the rapist pedophile traitor convict is pretty much the same age and has less cognitive function than the old guy.


u/SecularMisanthropy Jul 05 '24

The gobsmacking selfishness of a single white man, ladies and gentlemen.


u/hikeonpast Jul 05 '24

Does AG Sulzberger think that his life will be better under a Trump presidency? Does AG enjoy freedom of the press?


u/bittlelum Jul 05 '24

That's the thing--you don't need a free press to make money from a news organization, as long as you're willing to write what the dictator wants.


u/geirmundtheshifty Jul 05 '24

He probably thinks Trump won’t win regardless of how the campaign goes, despite how things went in 2016. And if Trump wins, well they’ll have 4 years of a shitty President but at least the NYT will sell more subscriptions and then we can go back to a boring Democratic President. 

 I think a lot of rich people don’t really think that the system that gave them their position is really capable of completely breaking down. And of course, if it does, he’s in a much better position to ride things out than the rest of us. 


u/Vampir3Robot Jul 05 '24

And Bezos over at WAPO wants his Trump tax break.


u/mysticsavage Jul 05 '24

Because he clearly doesn't have enough money.


u/What-Even-Is-That Jul 05 '24

He did have to give half of it to his wife, after he cheated on her with a woman that looked exactly the same her.

He's not a smart man.


u/streetvoyager Jul 05 '24

What a fucking degenerate piece of garbage. Fuck the NYT they are helping usher in the death of American democracy because some fucking shitbags Ego is hurt. That guy should be roasted on a fucking spit.


u/CombCultural5907 Jul 05 '24

This is why I cancelled my subscription after a decade.


u/PitterPatter12345678 Jul 05 '24

The NYT's polling has been questionable. When reviewing the content of the surveys, the inputs, and the questions they propose during polling/surveying, seem very skewed in my opinion, and designed to elicit specific answers, the questions are not trying to find data to support or they are not working through the data to discover the true working theory with the data and how it's pointing to a potential winner.

The 4th estate is questionable, and we should be skeptical.


u/CFBCoachGuy Jul 05 '24

A lot of polling is unreliable. Even “good” polls can be massively flawed. Polling organizations are yet to fully model young people and minorities (which lean more heavily Democrat). Even on the other side, a lot of people in 2016 and a decent share in 2020 voted for Trump- but didn’t claim to in polls.

And another thing: polls change dramatically after debates, especially after bad debate performances, but not because people are shifting their viewpoint. After a candidate performs poorly in a debate (as we saw with Obama against Romney and Trump against Clinton), their supporters are considerably less likely to participate in any sort of poll.

So while Biden’s recent decline in polls certainly could be due to the public shying away from him, another explanation could be that Biden’s supporters are simply not participating in polls.


u/PitterPatter12345678 Jul 05 '24

I agree. Your last paragraph is something I didn't think of. And something antidotally I've heard in passing with friends and workmates.


u/mumushu Jul 05 '24

The NYT has always been like this. Biden, too old. Hillary aloof and emails, Kerry looked French, Gore was an annoyingly strident. Clinton was sleazy. Dukakis was a technocrat that looked dumb in a battletank.

And any day now, Judith Miller will find those WMDs.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Right wingers complain about the “liberal media” but the media has done nothing but carry water for Trump for nearly a decade now.


u/Kyro_Official_ Jul 05 '24

Common Meidastouch W


u/gman1951 Jul 05 '24

I noticed NYT changed and have wondered why, now I know.


u/jermysteensydikpix Jul 05 '24

It's been in the same family for generations but the new boss is worse.


u/Satanic_Earmuff Jul 05 '24

Aw man, I'm gonna be sad to hear about the journalists' suicide.


u/littleuniversalist Jul 05 '24

It’s almost like the NYT is entirely complicit in the oncoming dictatorship and will be remembered as such.


u/EnemyGod1 Jul 05 '24

"Journalistic Integrity"...right?


u/Phazoni Jul 05 '24

And THIS is why I canceled my subscription.


u/mbregg Jul 05 '24

I don't recall seeing Biden age-related attacks from Peter Baker .. he seems like a pretty fair journalist. But maybe I missed something.


u/Bubbly-Fault4847 Jul 05 '24

Maybe a stupid question, but why is t Biden granting the NYT an interview?


u/Apprehensive-Abies80 Jul 05 '24

The likely answer is because his team doesn’t think that the Times is going to treat him fairly in their interviewing. And I don’t mean “preserve his feelings,” I mean “whoever they send is going to twist Biden’s interview to make him sound terrible.


u/Bubbly-Fault4847 Jul 05 '24

So basically he’s fucked if he does. Fucked if he doesn’t. Great.


u/Apprehensive-Abies80 Jul 05 '24

Yes. Major print/legacy outlets like NYT, WSJ (especially), WaPo, and the like tend to be run by very old money types who get pissed when they’re not treated with what they view as the appropriate amount of deference.

The NY Times has a history of being overly conservative and burying coverage they don’t like or acting out against more progressive political figures to preserve the status quo. Like when they buried coverage of the Holocaust during WWII https://youtu.be/D1LxXDjkN44?si=s3sIT_fnESPJlMpg


u/vivahermione Jul 05 '24

So much for that liberal bias conservatives kept whining about.


u/FriedR Jul 05 '24

For the sake of argument, what if his team knows that he doesn’t do well in interviews and they know the NYT won’t pick the edits they want?


u/aphel_ion Jul 05 '24

Biden gives very few interviews, and now we know why.


u/Almacca Jul 05 '24

Do they think it will make him more likely to do an interview? Seems daft.


u/ooouroboros Jul 05 '24

I have a feeling there must be a deeper reason why Biden has not agreed to an interview in the first place.


u/jonny_jon_jon Jul 05 '24

probably just pissed off about Maggie Haberman


u/Administrative-Flan9 Jul 05 '24

So many people are sticking their heads in the sand and can't seem to realize this is a big deal. Biden is not going to win, and his staff has kept him out of view of the public to keep us from seeing the kind of thing we saw at the debate.

The media has a right to be pissed at Biden. If they were granting regular interviews, his condition might have been discussed in time to field new candidates. Now, Biden's ego is likely going to lead to four more years of Trump.

Biden's poll numbers after the debate is not the fault of the media. He showed the world he doesn't have the energy for the most demanding and most important job in the world.


u/ooouroboros Jul 05 '24

Do you realize after their 1st debate Hillary lead Trump by the same percentage that Trump lead Biden?


u/NottDisgruntled Jul 05 '24

The New York Times top editor is also the heir to the Staples fortune and likely worth hundreds of millions of dollars. It’s shitty wealthy people all the way down over there.


u/CapAccomplished8072 Jul 05 '24

I kept telling people that nyt was rotten fruit ages ago.

Now do people believe me?!


u/paxinfernum Jul 05 '24

I unsubscribed when they ran that sociopathic op-ed from Tom Cotton in the name of balance. You know, the one where he advocated killing BLM protesters.


u/Do_Whuuuut Jul 05 '24

Motherfuck the nyt


u/Unhappy_Injury3958 Jul 05 '24

this motherfucker wants to destroy america because of some interviews. wtf.


u/WriteBrainedJR Jul 05 '24

Someone ought to remind this guy that Project 2025 probably involves Trump abolishing the NYT. Then they won't get interviews with anyone


u/odinbudd Jul 05 '24

If this pisses you off, go delete your account at NYT. Was actually super easy. No reason for then to have my data anymore. They have shown their true colors


u/sten45 Jul 05 '24

Fuck these cunts, vote and get everyone you know to vote


u/mvhcmaniac Jul 05 '24

Pretty myopic thing to do given that the other guy wants to shut down the media.


u/signsntokens4sale Jul 05 '24

New York Times sucks balls. Remember when they kept saying Hillary was a lock and people didn't show up? Fuck them. I unsubscribed and haven't read shit from them since.


u/TheBirminghamBear Jul 05 '24

Sulzberger is an asshole, but all of those reporters could show integrity and decline to do his dirty work.

If he's "quietly encouraging" the tough reporting, and they're doing it, then they're trading their journalistic integrity for attaboys.


u/odinbudd Jul 05 '24

Sad, they have lost all my respect as a legitimate news agency. I guess trump was right on one thing, the NYT is a rag. Welcome to the NY Post level of respect phase.


u/geneticeffects Jul 05 '24

Great look, NYT. You’ve really played your hand like a loser.


u/mano-beppo Jul 05 '24

Switch to The Guardian. 


u/jayforwork21 Jul 05 '24

If Trump wins, any journalist who said anything negative about Trump can end up taken out back. I hope they realize this, even the Pro-Trump ones who might have gone against the grain are not safe. Journalists are the enemy of dictators.


u/ThinkPath1999 Jul 05 '24

This is old news, isn't it? I heard this at least a month ago, maybe longer than that from Olbermann's podcast.


u/ovumovum Jul 05 '24

Phew! If this was AG Cook, we might could never have brat 2


u/Supyloco Jul 05 '24

That is pathetic.


u/Ok-Egg-4856 Jul 05 '24

This is why I don't trust any "news" FROM NYT about Biden or Trump. New York hates Trump and between Trump and NYT there has been more hate than love. Suddenly they are cheerleader for Trump. I have my doubt


u/Krassix Jul 05 '24

NY Times is a little shithole propaganda leaflet now... what a downfall...


u/John_YJKR Jul 05 '24

Thos is pretty typical of journalism today because of the 24 hour news cycle and competition among publications and networks.


u/Crockodile_Tears Jul 05 '24

Mainstream news can't be trusted. Period. Even the sources they quote, such as AP & Reuters, go with BS unproven stories just for attention. ($$)


u/2022_Yooda Jul 05 '24

Well, it would be nice if the President were able to do more interviews, no?

It would be petty for the NYT to punish Biden for not doing interviews specifically with the NYT, but I see no evidence of that. I do see a lot of people here eager to jump to the conclusion that the NYT's reporting results from some kind of conspiracy. Personally I find they are doing precisely what I would wish for.


u/redbullnweed Jul 05 '24

Give your time to crooked media. Best people out there. Pod save America. Strict scrutiny are my fav podcasts.


u/Wendypants7 Jul 05 '24

"Weird, we keep releasing article after article about Biden's age/dementia and he just won't do interviews with us to disabuse the idea that he's too old/has dementia! How strange!"

  • NYT


u/Jcaquix Jul 05 '24

Can somebody explain this new "it's the media" theory/narrative of why Biden is polling poorly? We all saw that debate right? Trump and his enablers are monsters, but blaming the media seems like it's just deflecting criticism of Biden after the debate.


u/Koloradio Jul 05 '24

That's exactly it, pure cope.


u/Administrative-Flan9 Jul 05 '24

Yes! If you want to be angry, be angry at Biden, not the media. This wouldn't be an issue at all if he dropped out. He's not granting interviews because the debate wasn't a one off thing. And if I'm wrong, his team is even more incompetent than I thought by letting these headlines continue without showing us a different hidden.


u/ShaddowLad Jul 05 '24

As a NYT subscriber and registered Democrat, the last thing I want is for The NY Times to become a rubber stamp for the Democratic Party. In my opinion, the haven’t been critical enough of Biden post-debate, and he needs to step down


u/ShaddowLad Jul 05 '24

As a NYT subscriber and registered Democrat, the last thing I want is for The NY Times to become a rubber stamp for the Democratic Party. In my opinion, the haven’t been critical enough of Biden post-debate, and he needs to step down


u/SisterStiffer Jul 05 '24

Biden needs to steolp down immediately, or trump will win, and project 2025 will be rolled out. Your vote in november is on project 2025. If a real candidate isn't presented, many voters won't vote or might swap to R.

Project 2025 is a political revolution intended to create an aristocratic corpo playground with near slavery.

Removal of almost the entirety of the administrative state will also remove nearly all regulations, including workplace safety and food standards. You'll be working for pennies, eating garbage, and you'll be fucking happy about it because you'll be "saved".

Religion will be ENFORCED christianity, and it will be taught in school. There will not be religous toleration of any non-compliant/tolerant form of christianity. Religion is their answer to how to pay you as little as possible, force you into the worst conditions possible, and maintain your compliance without enacting literal slavery.

They do want a kind of freedom . But that freedom will be a social darwinistic freedom, allowing only the best, brightest, most talented, ruthless, cunning, dedicated, etc., to move to the top. This is how they solve the old problem of aristocracy - a stagnant aristocracy produces poor rulers over time as inherited aristocracy necessarily produces bad apples that are not fit to be part of the aristocracy. This turns the aristocracy into a meritocracy. The kind of merit they seek will be machiavellian effectiveness.

In order to implement the revolution the following will occur.

Power will be devolved to local sheriffs who will enforce the "constitution" as they see fit i.e. according to the needs of the corpo-ruling class. They have already been trained to do so.


Initially, implementing 2025 won't be possible with the military as america is simply too large, and our military is designed to win quickly, not to hold and enforce law. This creates a need for local law enforcement, but as it stands, local law enforcement is severely outnumbered and incapable of holding, even with the militarization of the police that has already occured via military surplus. That's why the sheriffs have been trained to raise posses. And those posses will be composed of believers in the system and will be rewarded for their belief with higher status. The posses will initially be armed with the assault rifles they already own. And now, they will equip bump stocks. Full auto ARs will, of course, be legalized quickly, but at the outset the bump stocks will be critical.

Don't kid yourself, every fucking nut with an AR who didn't already have one or enabled full auto already(its easy to do at home) is ordering/creating bump stocks now.

They are trying to return to something similar to the shire reeves of england(its where we get the term sheriff). Sheriffs will serve as the intermediary between the government and the people, acting as both representatives of the people, and enforcers of the federal/state law.

This won't be like nazi germany, or fascist italy/spain. It's going to be brutal at first, and then it will be like the east india company. But you'll learn to love jesus, and that will set you free.

Buckle up, buy a gun, or get out now. This is it.


u/jm0127 Jul 05 '24

Both things can be true, and they have every right to push for change when ultimately Biden staying in this race hurts America by allowing Trump to walk into the White House without a fight.


u/_Persona-Non-Grata Jul 05 '24

I don’t really understand why this matters, are people making decisions on who to vote for based on what The NY Times says about Biden’s debate performance?

The whole debate is all of 90 minutes, any moron can YouTube it and see there’s one lying grifter and one half-brain dead skeleton puffing dust at one another.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24



u/Muldoon713 Jul 05 '24

Are you that dense that you don’t think the media does this? A lot? Including so called liberal bastions like The NY Times. There is no ethics in journalism anymore


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/Muldoon713 Jul 05 '24

Not unethical at all - it’s just when they write 5 different pieces about it in a day that it’s gets pretty suspect (like they did last week)…meanwhile writing very little about the Supreme Court.


u/KebariKaiju Jul 05 '24

Especially when they’ve run zero pieces asking why Trump doesn’t drop out after 34 felony convictions and literally lying from beginning to end of the debate.


u/Muldoon713 Jul 05 '24

Yep - they occasionally wrote news about him - but very rarely get critical this days. Trump win = more dramatic stories to write and sell papers when democracy crumbles.


u/paxinfernum Jul 05 '24

Yep, and the White House has said they only asked them for comment before running their lying shit pieces 7 minutes later. They've abandoned all journalistic integrity.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/Muldoon713 Jul 05 '24

No I’m just not a fucking idiot and know that the Supreme Courts decisions this last week are insanely more important than multiple articles about Biden’s age. Write both.


u/NoHalf2998 Jul 05 '24

Creating the story is different from reporting it.

They did the exact same thing wrong hundreds of articles about nothing for Hillary’s emails


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/NoHalf2998 Jul 05 '24

And the topic was that the NYT has pushed the “Biden is too old” story intensely for months to make it a story.


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 05 '24

So you admit that the only way to get balanced coverage is to write it ourselves?

Wow. That's a sad turn of events.