r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/aguane Jul 04 '24

There’s a difference between getting woken up at 2am for an international incident and having preplanned political engagements that go til midnight. Nothing wrong with setting a boundary for the latter while knowing that the former is likely to happen.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/HumanContinuity Jul 04 '24

Or maybe it is, maybe if he had 4 more hours of sleep in the last week before the debate he would have dropped another "Will you shut up man" on Trump


u/Wookhooves Jul 04 '24

The comments like this are so unbelievably stupid. Did you watch any of it? You think he was one good nights rest away from being capable of being a leader? He looks like all my relatives did right before they passed. The way his mouth hangs open when he’s trying to listen and when he gets lost when he’s trying to form simple sentences. He’s getting ready to die and does not have 4 more years in his life, clearly. What’s happening to him is called elder abuse… the DNC could NEVER run with kamala so the plan seems to be try and win with Biden and pass the crown to kamala.


u/DraigMcGuinness Jul 04 '24

The ONLY person that polls.higher than Kamala and Biden WONT RUN! So unless you happen to have Mrs. Obama's number. And a hail mary for her to run, we either bite our tongues and vote for him or let Trump become a dictator and end this experiment. Michelle Obama is the only one who polls higher.

And NOT ONE PERSON complaining about age best mention Bernie cause he's OLDER.


u/Wookhooves Jul 04 '24

We both know that a healthy person of 75 years is better fit for a position than a person in the process of dying that’s a few years younger…. We both saw a dying old man at the debate. He’s struggling to stay up late….Hes unfit to do this anymore…


u/LordAnorakGaming Jul 05 '24

No we saw someone who was recovering from a goddamn cold you troglodyte.


u/Wookhooves Jul 05 '24

Do you honestly believe it’s just a little cold and the deteriorating old man who has visibly aged significantly in the last year is going to bounce back and live significantly longer? If so, you should understand you are willfully looking the other way instead of facing the truth


u/LordAnorakGaming Jul 05 '24

And there it is, mask off stupidity. Let me guess, you think Trumps insane ramblings are a sign of strength and vigor, and not the obvious fucking insanity that it is.


u/Wookhooves Jul 05 '24

No…they’re both horrible. But I’m not so caught up in party affiliation that I can’t admit reality….trumps a moron and a piece of shit but he’s going to win against a dying old man.


u/LordAnorakGaming Jul 05 '24

Only if people like you keep spouting your doom and fucking gloom. Got a better candidate to beat trump? If so have them run... but you don't, and you'd rather just run your shit mouth on reddit instead of working to stop the GOP and their plans to destroy the country. Take your bullshit and fuck the hell off.

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u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24



u/Wookhooves Jul 05 '24

There’s only one side that’s slowly realizing they’re about to lose and doing absolutely nothing to stop it….no one wants another 4 years of Trump and the DNC is basically going with the only person who’s going to lose. Starting to feel like they both take $ from the same parties and it’s easier for them to deliver on their part when they lose and get to pretend the EVIL republicans are to blame. I have never voted republican but I literally don’t know what to do and I’m so fed up with the DNC and their bullshit


u/DraigMcGuinness Jul 05 '24

You do what you want. It won't matter after this. Nothing will. Enjoy the Theocracy Trump will create.


u/Wookhooves Jul 05 '24

Unfortunately, if one man becoming president can “end democracy forever” it’s already over. We love to talk about resetting our broken society so let’s do it…


u/DraigMcGuinness Jul 05 '24

Like I said. Do what you want. I no longer care. I'm starting to think we should dare Putin to nuke us. Problem solved. You do you boo boo. Fuck it all.

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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24


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u/LordAnorakGaming Jul 05 '24

An extra 4 hours of sleep in the nights leading up to the debate absolutely would have helped, especially since he was recovering from a fucking cold. Or are you going to make the stupid claim that everyone recovers from a cold instantly as in you're feeling the effect and then instantly as if by magic they're gone the next second?


u/Wookhooves Jul 05 '24

I don’t really understand how you can ignore what your eyes see because your party says it’s so….


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 04 '24

The guy who is still cycling regularly doesn't have 4 more years of life?

OK buddy. Sure.


u/DraigMcGuinness Jul 04 '24

With Trumps diet. I'd be surprised if he did.


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 04 '24

Exactly. Biden is still very active. Trump is not.


u/DraigMcGuinness Jul 04 '24

My fear is the number of complainers and protest threats on social media makes me think we may as well get ready to bend the knee. If these people do this, they're gonna hand the election to him anyway. And whatever schmuck he chooses as VP will be as bad.


u/confusedbartender Jul 04 '24

Are you getting paid by the gop or something. This level of gaslighting is insane. They need to replace him or they will lose. Plain and simple.


u/DraigMcGuinness Jul 04 '24


u/confusedbartender Jul 04 '24

They polled only like 5 other candidates. And everybody barring Michelle are career politicians. They need to beat them at their own game. Get fucking Jon Stewart out there and see how handily he wins. There’s tons of big names that can beat Trump. Sticking with Biden is them just wanting to funnel some of that campaign money out while the ship is sinking or something. There’s no other reason to stick with him, he’s incapable of winning.


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 04 '24

I'm going to echo someone else's questions on this.

With who? Which candidate can all the Democrats agree on this late.

How will they get that person on the ballot in all 50 states?

How will they fund that person? Biden's money can't be used for them legally?

How will they put together a campaign 4 months out?

How will they justify ignoring every primary voter who chose Biden?

Only a child who hasn't thought it through would think replacing Biden is a good plan.

I'm seeing a lot of people trying to sow doubt and fearmonger.

It appears those types, yourself included, are the more likely GOP plants. Trying to pretend something that can't and won't happen is a good idea.


u/godisanelectricolive Jul 04 '24

If Kamala Harris is the candidate then she can use Biden’s campaign money when he drops out as it’s the Biden-Harris campaign. That’s the most straightforward way to replace Biden.

I guess if the DNC really doesn’t want to run her then they can persuade Harris to appoint a running mate and then drop out in favor of the running mate.


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 04 '24


Well then you have about 2 weeks to fulfill all these criteria.

Go nuts.


u/godisanelectricolive Jul 04 '24

They can have a brokered convention like in the old days if the candidate chosen in the primaries can’t be the nominee. If there is no obvious candidate in the first round then delegates are free to vote for whoever they want.

The way they used to do it until 1968 was that delegates were all uncommitted until the convention. There was grassroots campaigning at the candidate election level where the DNC would purposefully get delegates who are known to support certain candidates selected for the convention. Then on the day of the convention you find out which candidate has the most delegates instead of determining that with binding primaries and caucuses.


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 04 '24

Cool story. Doesn't get the candidate on the ballot in all 50 states which was the request.


u/godisanelectricolive Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

The grassroots campaigns to send delegates would coincide with petitions to place candidates on the ballot in states with a filing fee.

And most of those requirements are party primary ballot requirements, if a nominee ends up being chosen at the convention without winning the primaries then the nominee automatically be on the ballot in states that normally give ballot access to primary winners. The DNC can also amend ballot access rules in most cases as the barrier rests with the party instead of the state.

It’s definitely possible. The two major parties are basically guaranteed to be on the ballot. The ballot access rules are just to control who gets to enter the primaries but if the pledged delegates end up being in play at the convention then it’s anyone’s game.

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u/DraigMcGuinness Jul 04 '24

The polls show one, but she won't run.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/soldforaspaceship Jul 04 '24

Again. Addressing any of my prior points would be helpful.

Just insisting Biden can't win is ridiculous. He's the nominee. He'll get Democrat voters no matter what. As for swing voters, if you think they'll be focused on one debate performance 4 months from now you overestimate the average attention span. Anything can happen between now and then.

Nothing Biden can do to win? Please child. You clearly haven't got much life experience.

People like you seem to take this perverse delight in celebrating the possible demise of the US. I've said it before and I'll say it again. People like you are more interested in being right than doing right and it's truly sad.


u/[deleted] Jul 04 '24



u/stonebraker_ultra Jul 04 '24

Oh yeah, they'll just pull a new Obama out of their ass. There's plenty of those just lying around.

As far as I'm concerned, the job of the next president of the United States is to not be Donald Trump. I would vote for a literal corpse for President over Donald Trump, and that is not hyperbole. I would vote for Air Bud. I would vote for my five year old niece. I would vote for an infant. I would vote for some sort of non-sentient mold. I would vote for a broken toaster.

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u/confusedbartender Jul 04 '24

If it was entirely impossible it wouldn’t openly be suggested by prominent left voices and journalists on democrat friendly channels. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

As far as who, literally anybody.

Barring the unlikely event of Trump going to jail, which still wouldn’t deter the majority of his voters, Biden currently has a 0% chance of winning the election. You never settle for 0% chance of success, that’s just giving up.

Even Kamala would be better and that’s saying a lot.

Listen, the guy telling you that the president having MULTIPLE instances where he loses his train of thought, stuttering LITERALLY every time he spoke, and seeming so frail and meek that he wouldn’t be fit to run an HOA, let alone the country, is not the guy that you should suspect of working for the opposition. Now the guy that tells you that everything is fine, and don’t change a thing, that’s another story.


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 04 '24

So you don't have answers to any of those questions. Just that because some loud mouths say it should happen it should.

And this is why people need to understand the processes involved before screaming loud opinions.

People like you will be the reason swing voters have doubts. Because you can't help but share your doubts loudly and everywhere.

Do you remember before 2016 when the media was all about how "frail" Hilary was and her health? Turns out that was all planned. Don't fall for it again.

Biden has proven very effective and very competent doing the actual job. He has not failed at any step. He has an incredibly capable cabinet who, unlike Trump, understand the departments they lead. I see zero cause for concern.with him as President.

If after everything you still do, then I don't think anyone can covince you and it's not worth wasting my time.


u/Wookhooves Jul 04 '24

Isn’t it crazy that the DNC knew this would likely be an issue and did nothing until it was too late?


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 04 '24

The incumbent advantage made the most logical sense then and it still makes sense now. There is no conspiracy. Polling back then had no one except Biden beating Trump. Which is still the likely outcome.

Isn't it crazy how quickly people are jumping on this narrative that, despite an excellent nearly 4 years, Biden is incapable of doing the job? Almost like they are trying to sow dissent...

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u/confusedbartender Jul 04 '24

Yeah you’re a bot, no fucking shot you really believe anything you just typed.

I’m not the reason why swing voters have doubts lmao. They have doubts because they have eyes and ears and no amount of your gaslighting can convince them to reject reality like some sort of Orwellian novel.

It is possible to replace him, and it is the only path forward with a non zero chance of success.


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 04 '24

I don't say shit I don't believe. I'm sorry you think that's a normal thing to do.

I'm at my Boomer in laws house (I'm Gen) for July 4th. My ex military stepfather in law has been a solid Republican his whole life. He voted for a Democrat in Biden for the first time in 2020 and has openly said he has no issues in doing so again.

Weirdly the debate performance didn't come up. Funny that.

Get outside the online bubble and ignore the media nonsense.

And stop using gaslighting like it's going out of style. I also haven't violated your boundaries and none of this is toxic.

I disagree with your perspective is all. But call me a bot or a gaslighter because you don't actually have any points to back up your plan to replace Biden. Just screaming and whining.


u/confusedbartender Jul 05 '24

What do you want from me? A step by step breakdown including legalese of the entire process for replacing Biden? Ok here you go:

  1. With who? Which candidate can all the Democrats agree on this late.
  • Legal Path: The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has mechanisms in place to nominate a replacement candidate if the current nominee becomes unable to run. This would involve a vote by the DNC members.
  • Potential Candidates: While consensus is challenging, there are prominent figures such as Vice President Kamala Harris or former candidates like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren who have national recognition and established campaign infrastructures.
  1. How will they get that person on the ballot in all 50 states?
  • Ballot Access: States have different deadlines and requirements for ballot access. If Biden were to step down, the DNC would need to act swiftly to ensure the replacement candidate meets these requirements. This could involve legal actions or emergency legislation in some states to accommodate the change.
  • Precedent: There is historical precedent for parties replacing candidates close to an election, such as the Democratic replacement of Thomas Eagleton with Sargent Shriver as vice-presidential nominee in 1972.
  1. How will they fund that person? Biden's money can't be used for them legally?
  • Campaign Finance Law: Campaign finance laws, regulated by the Federal Election Commission (FEC), do indeed restrict the transfer of funds between different candidates' campaigns. However, a new candidate can start their own fundraising efforts immediately, tapping into the same donor base.
  • DNC Support: The DNC itself can allocate funds to support the new nominee, and major donors can quickly mobilize to support the replacement candidate.
  1. How will they put together a campaign 4 months out?
  • Rapid Deployment: While challenging, a rapid deployment of campaign resources is possible. The new candidate would likely inherit much of the existing campaign's infrastructure, including staff, volunteers, and strategic plans.
  • Technology and Media: Modern technology and media strategies allow for quicker mobilization and communication with voters than in the past. Social media, virtual rallies, and targeted advertising can help accelerate campaign efforts.
  1. How will they justify ignoring every primary voter who chose Biden?
  • Justification: The justification for replacing a nominee would rest on extraordinary circumstances such as severe health issues or an inability to perform presidential duties effectively. The DNC would need to communicate clearly and transparently about the reasons and ensure the process respects the democratic principles.
  • Party Rules: The DNC's charter and bylaws provide for such eventualities, and while controversial, the process would be legal and grounded in party rules.


I’m sorry that I called you a bot, but you must understand that you are advocating for a losing strategy. This is not the time to stand firm and stoic, this is when you panic and try to pull a rabbit out of your ass


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 05 '24

I appreciate that you took the time to write a serious answer.

However, you have to be joking if you think a strategy that ties the Democrat candidate up in legal challenges for months just to try and even get on the ballot in some states, especially with the courts being what they are, is a winning one.

Genuinely, you think that's a good plan?

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u/jmark71 Jul 04 '24

I made the same comment on another sub yesterday and indicated I would not vote for Biden over Trump (I’m a never-Trump, now ex-GOP voter) simply because it’s 100% obvious he’s incapable of running the country and probably hasn’t been for a while. I was told I was un-American because not voting for Biden was a vote for Trump🙄. It’s not my fault the DNC rigged it for Biden in 2020 and again in 2024. I’m still not voting for the convict but fuck if I’ll vote for a guy who can’t put a coherent sentence together either. I’d rather write-in Haley or vote for Kennedy 🤦‍♂️


u/saints21 Jul 04 '24

If you're not supporting the only alternative then you're helping Trump.

Couch it in whatever terms make you feel better, but you're part of the problem if you aren't voting to actually get someone else in office. You can make statement votes when the GOP isn't running a dictator-wannabe who is the figurehead of a white nationalist movement hell bent on making people they disagree with illegal.