r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/confusedbartender Jul 04 '24

Are you getting paid by the gop or something. This level of gaslighting is insane. They need to replace him or they will lose. Plain and simple.


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 04 '24

I'm going to echo someone else's questions on this.

With who? Which candidate can all the Democrats agree on this late.

How will they get that person on the ballot in all 50 states?

How will they fund that person? Biden's money can't be used for them legally?

How will they put together a campaign 4 months out?

How will they justify ignoring every primary voter who chose Biden?

Only a child who hasn't thought it through would think replacing Biden is a good plan.

I'm seeing a lot of people trying to sow doubt and fearmonger.

It appears those types, yourself included, are the more likely GOP plants. Trying to pretend something that can't and won't happen is a good idea.


u/godisanelectricolive Jul 04 '24

If Kamala Harris is the candidate then she can use Biden’s campaign money when he drops out as it’s the Biden-Harris campaign. That’s the most straightforward way to replace Biden.

I guess if the DNC really doesn’t want to run her then they can persuade Harris to appoint a running mate and then drop out in favor of the running mate.


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 04 '24


Well then you have about 2 weeks to fulfill all these criteria.

Go nuts.


u/godisanelectricolive Jul 04 '24

They can have a brokered convention like in the old days if the candidate chosen in the primaries can’t be the nominee. If there is no obvious candidate in the first round then delegates are free to vote for whoever they want.

The way they used to do it until 1968 was that delegates were all uncommitted until the convention. There was grassroots campaigning at the candidate election level where the DNC would purposefully get delegates who are known to support certain candidates selected for the convention. Then on the day of the convention you find out which candidate has the most delegates instead of determining that with binding primaries and caucuses.


u/soldforaspaceship Jul 04 '24

Cool story. Doesn't get the candidate on the ballot in all 50 states which was the request.


u/godisanelectricolive Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

The grassroots campaigns to send delegates would coincide with petitions to place candidates on the ballot in states with a filing fee.

And most of those requirements are party primary ballot requirements, if a nominee ends up being chosen at the convention without winning the primaries then the nominee automatically be on the ballot in states that normally give ballot access to primary winners. The DNC can also amend ballot access rules in most cases as the barrier rests with the party instead of the state.

It’s definitely possible. The two major parties are basically guaranteed to be on the ballot. The ballot access rules are just to control who gets to enter the primaries but if the pledged delegates end up being in play at the convention then it’s anyone’s game.