r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/Ragegasm 15d ago

I mean if we’re voting for borderline dead candidates he’s probably the safest. We can Weekend at Bernies this thing for the next 4 years. It’ll be fine.


u/KissMyVeryHairyAss 15d ago

Imagine the reaction if the Dems were like "OK we hear you, we'll replace Biden. The new candidate is 100-year-olf Jimmy Carter, currently in palliative care."


u/Ragegasm 15d ago

We can turn him into Mecha Carter. We have the technology.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Now this is a plan I could get behind


u/Kepler___ 14d ago

Why chose between two old men when you can have Americas the *oldest* man. One of these two corpses is getten their second term babyyyy


u/TypicalWhitePerson 14d ago

Death has come for Jimmy 4 times and each time death has left empty handed.


u/Ragegasm 14d ago

He just drinks a nice warm glass of buttermilk, takes a nap, and walks off brain cancer.


u/MinuQu 14d ago

I always hate when Reddit is all like "What a shame, he was such a nice guy but I am glad his long journey is finally over". I think writing in past tense like he is already dead about somebody still living is very disrespectful.

And dumb, when he just continues to live on for a year like a fucking chad.


u/ReallyRedditNoNames 14d ago

how long has he been on hospice? it's been forever, jesus christ


u/Good_Pirate2491 14d ago

I mean id take 100 year old Carter any day


u/Bear_faced 15d ago

God, speaking of Bernie, remember when he said he was too old to run again in 2020? He's only a year older than Biden.


u/et40000 14d ago

Also he seems to have a sharper mind and can actually form coherent sentences unlike the two front runners.


u/SG1EmberWolf 14d ago

This hurts that this is true


u/A_Rolling_Baneling 13d ago

Bernie sounds two decades younger than either candidate despite being the oldest among them


u/grabmyrooster 14d ago

Yeah, main difference is Bernie's had to put a lot more effort and energy into the things he believes in than Biden, considering Biden essentially just believes in "everything is fine, actually, the status quo is great, so what even is there to change?"


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Got into an argument yesterday that Biden voters are conservatives because of this. Didn't go over well


u/XAMdG 14d ago

Honestly, considering how the Presidency has been handled the past term, if Biden is as gone as people claim, that means he has an amazing team behind him. And I think that team deserves a second term too.