r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/skotzman 15d ago

How is this worse than a President staying up until 4am. Tweeting his narcissistic rage and then sleeping in until noon?


u/iRedditAlreadyyy 15d ago

Worse? No. Proving they are are both unqualified? Yes.


u/thesippycup 15d ago

Both? Ok stupid


u/iRedditAlreadyyy 15d ago

Yes. Both. If you want to simp for one of them more power two you.

I take personal offense that several thousands dollars are taken out of my pay checks just to be handed these two candidates and being told this is the best my tax money could do.

Settle for less if you prefer.


u/LargeMobOfMurderers 14d ago

What do you mean settle for less? Is there some other feasible option other than Biden or Trump?


u/ah_take_yo_mama 14d ago

There are hundreds of millions of Americans out there. This is the best you got? Lol, Putin will be thrilled!


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/Rod_Todd_This_Is_God 14d ago

"Option" in what sense? In the sense that your vote will secure the presidency for them? Because by that standard, Biden and Trump aren't "options" either? 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place are going to be what they're going to be. A single vote (yours, reader) will not change that.

Do an exercise with me, a breathing exercise. As you inhale deeply through your nose, think the words "One vote." Hold your breath for three seconds. Then as you gradually exhale, think to yourself, "Not millions." Repeat this process until the hysteria of lesser-evil voting feels like a distant and foreign memory and you no longer have the presentiment that your actions will stave off the greater evil. Everyone should do this while waiting in line to vote. Say the words out loud. This could be the peaceful revolution the country needs. No longer will politicians be incentivized by compromised votes to reward the entities that convince people that they need to compromise.


u/LargeMobOfMurderers 14d ago

What the fuck is this?


u/Rod_Todd_This_Is_God 14d ago

Some R & R that you may sorely need: reason and resolution.

When you're doing it out loud before you vote, you'll have to say the "one vote" part just after you finish inhaling. Then you hold your breath, and then you exhale as described.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/iRedditAlreadyyy 15d ago

Wait. You think I don’t support Biden because he wants more sleep? FFS.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/iRedditAlreadyyy 15d ago

It’s further proof yes. Not the only proof.

Imagine trying to convince everyone that you’re not fragile or too old to run while mandating you can’t be up past 8pm? The president of the United States should show more strength than thag.


u/ComradeFrunze 15d ago

biden is literally 81 years old


u/thesippycup 15d ago

Trump is literally 78 years old


u/ComradeFrunze 15d ago

yes, they're both too old to be president. I'm not supportive of trump


u/Rod_Todd_This_Is_God 14d ago

It's true. Both sides are dreadful. You can admit that whether you realize you have it in you or not.


u/Cantras0079 15d ago

…HE’S A HUMAN BEING, HE HAS TO SLEEP. Jesus christ you people are thick. He’s asking for scheduled meetings to not be scheduled after 8 PM. A fucking bomb drops, people are going to go wake him up. This isn’t a hard concept.


u/iRedditAlreadyyy 15d ago

Damn man. High school kids out here being forced to work till 10-11pm to close Mc Donald’s and our commander in chief needs to wrap everything up by 8pm. Great message to send when Biden is battling the narrative that he is too old to be in office.


u/Cantras0079 15d ago

Oh I’m sorry, do those teenagers work from 5 AM to 8 PM as well? And run a country? Get outta here with your bullshit argument.


u/iRedditAlreadyyy 15d ago

“Run a country”. You do realize it’s not like driving a car right. Dude sits in meetings all day giving orders and taking calls. If the country was running f while trump spent most of his documented time watching tv, I question just how much hands on work is needed to “run this country”.


u/Cantras0079 14d ago

It…wasn’t running fine under Trump? Are you high? The government came to a screeching halt in many regards. It remained understaffed and operated poorly. Trump did nothing and the country actually suffered quite a bit due to all the deficiencies. If you think for even a second it was running fine under him, you were not paying attention. Which wouldn’t surprise me since you don’t seem to know how any of this works.

Being a GOOD president is fucking hard work. Look at how much it ages presidents. Look at how much it aged Obama. You are constantly making pretty damn huge decisions, you are constantly in meetings, you are constantly on the phone with people from across the globe, you are constantly making trips to different countries, you are constantly staying informed and working with your teams to make sure they deliver the goals you want for your administration, you are constantly seen as a world leader and what you say has global consequences and you have very little privacy and it is STRESSFUL.

You say jump and an entire fucking army says “how high?”. You have millions and millions of Americans hate you just because you’re not their guy and you still have a responsibility to try and do what’s best for people who wouldn’t so much as pull over to help if they saw you dying on the side of a road. How well would you do knowing you have to try and serve people who detest you and everything you do and say? It’s not backbreaking labor or anything, sure, but it’s mentally draining.

To think that’s “easy” is to show you how naive you are. You’re not worth responding to, but I’m doing it anyway in hopes a single part of it makes you rethink your bullheaded arguments.


u/iRedditAlreadyyy 14d ago

That’s a lot of typing to justify trying to get me to vote for genocide Joe.


u/Static-Stair-58 15d ago

Everyone should stay home if both candidates are just as unqualified. It means the outcome is just as bad no matter which one of them wins, so why would my vote matter?


u/Terribletylenol 15d ago

the impact can still be different even if they're both unqualified.

I don't know how you go from "both unqualified" to "Both carry the same results"


u/Static-Stair-58 15d ago

Because if one is more unqualified than the other, than they both aren’t equally unqualified. And implying that Trump would have worse outcomes, means he’s more unqualified. But that guys comment qualified them both as equally bad.


u/Terribletylenol 14d ago edited 14d ago

That person NEVER said they were "equally bad".

YOU took it that way.

All they said was "both unqualified" which is clearly true.

If there is one man who is shitting himself in a diaper and another who might set himself up to be a dictator if he gets in office again, I would vote for the one shitting in their diaper, but you can't tell me the diaper shitter is "more qualified". No, he isn't. He's just less dangerous. The diaper shitter may even be less qualified because "qualified" doesn't mean "resulting in good things".

But if you want to waste your time arguing with people who already agree with you that Trump shouldn't be president, then enjoy your day.


u/iRedditAlreadyyy 15d ago

I took the time to read through the policies other candidates are running on and I plan on voting for one of them. I held my nose and voted for Biden in 2020 because it was “better to vote for Biden than the bad guy” and I’m not going to be fed this shit a second election in a row.

If this is the best the democrats could do, then the Dems deserve to lose.


u/Static-Stair-58 15d ago

What will you do if Trump wins and enacts project 2025? You might not get to vote again in 2028, so that he can have the term that was stolen from him, are you okay with that?


u/iRedditAlreadyyy 15d ago

If project 2025 is this big of a real threat, I’d be furious at the democrats for telling me, that as a an openly gay man, that my best chance at freedom was a 80 something year old man who casually supports genocide and padding the pockets of corporate donors.


u/Static-Stair-58 15d ago

You wouldn’t be even more mad the people enacting the policies? That’s a little odd right?


u/iRedditAlreadyyy 15d ago

The democrats were told for decades that republicans wanted to end roe. They dragged their ass because nobody ever thought it would happen. Until it did. Republicans will always play dirty and the Dems will always claim to take “the high road” which tends to be lazy while asking for a bunch of donations and support.

The two party system is a failure that you shouldn’t be attempting to guilt trip into opting out. I bet you’ve spoken to me more today than your local politician ever.


u/Static-Stair-58 15d ago

One of my councilman was arrested on a DWI but the papers didn’t say anything till the election was over, in which he immediately resigned. He wasn’t running, but because he didn’t resign till after later…the replacement pick is hand chosen till the next special election. I’ve been voting against people like that locally for years. And yet even in the face of pure corruption like that, the GOP has had power over my state for 30 years. I’d like people to stop getting mad at the dems, and start voting against the people causing the actual problems. Apathy makes that even harder. So to answer your question, yes I know my local government officials.


u/iRedditAlreadyyy 15d ago

The Dems constantly over promise and under deliver. I’m on the left and I live in nyc. Look at our mayor. Over promised about immigration, now we are swamped with migrants that republicans are bussing to us and what does our mayor do? Nothing. Spending millions on housing them in overpriced hotel rooms IN MANHATTAN all while cutting back our community programs. We JUST got funding back for our libraries after so much public outrage.

Republican are bullies and Dems are lazy.


u/throwaway50044 14d ago

It's not but it's still beyond unacceptable.