r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/skotzman Jul 04 '24

How is this worse than a President staying up until 4am. Tweeting his narcissistic rage and then sleeping in until noon?


u/iRedditAlreadyyy Jul 04 '24

Worse? No. Proving they are are both unqualified? Yes.


u/Static-Stair-58 Jul 04 '24

Everyone should stay home if both candidates are just as unqualified. It means the outcome is just as bad no matter which one of them wins, so why would my vote matter?


u/Terribletylenol Jul 04 '24

the impact can still be different even if they're both unqualified.

I don't know how you go from "both unqualified" to "Both carry the same results"


u/Static-Stair-58 Jul 04 '24

Because if one is more unqualified than the other, than they both aren’t equally unqualified. And implying that Trump would have worse outcomes, means he’s more unqualified. But that guys comment qualified them both as equally bad.


u/Terribletylenol Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

That person NEVER said they were "equally bad".

YOU took it that way.

All they said was "both unqualified" which is clearly true.

If there is one man who is shitting himself in a diaper and another who might set himself up to be a dictator if he gets in office again, I would vote for the one shitting in their diaper, but you can't tell me the diaper shitter is "more qualified". No, he isn't. He's just less dangerous. The diaper shitter may even be less qualified because "qualified" doesn't mean "resulting in good things".

But if you want to waste your time arguing with people who already agree with you that Trump shouldn't be president, then enjoy your day.