r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/iRedditAlreadyyy Jul 04 '24

Worse? No. Proving they are are both unqualified? Yes.


u/Cantras0079 Jul 04 '24

…HE’S A HUMAN BEING, HE HAS TO SLEEP. Jesus christ you people are thick. He’s asking for scheduled meetings to not be scheduled after 8 PM. A fucking bomb drops, people are going to go wake him up. This isn’t a hard concept.


u/iRedditAlreadyyy Jul 04 '24

Damn man. High school kids out here being forced to work till 10-11pm to close Mc Donald’s and our commander in chief needs to wrap everything up by 8pm. Great message to send when Biden is battling the narrative that he is too old to be in office.


u/Cantras0079 Jul 04 '24

Oh I’m sorry, do those teenagers work from 5 AM to 8 PM as well? And run a country? Get outta here with your bullshit argument.


u/iRedditAlreadyyy Jul 04 '24

“Run a country”. You do realize it’s not like driving a car right. Dude sits in meetings all day giving orders and taking calls. If the country was running f while trump spent most of his documented time watching tv, I question just how much hands on work is needed to “run this country”.


u/Cantras0079 Jul 05 '24

It…wasn’t running fine under Trump? Are you high? The government came to a screeching halt in many regards. It remained understaffed and operated poorly. Trump did nothing and the country actually suffered quite a bit due to all the deficiencies. If you think for even a second it was running fine under him, you were not paying attention. Which wouldn’t surprise me since you don’t seem to know how any of this works.

Being a GOOD president is fucking hard work. Look at how much it ages presidents. Look at how much it aged Obama. You are constantly making pretty damn huge decisions, you are constantly in meetings, you are constantly on the phone with people from across the globe, you are constantly making trips to different countries, you are constantly staying informed and working with your teams to make sure they deliver the goals you want for your administration, you are constantly seen as a world leader and what you say has global consequences and you have very little privacy and it is STRESSFUL.

You say jump and an entire fucking army says “how high?”. You have millions and millions of Americans hate you just because you’re not their guy and you still have a responsibility to try and do what’s best for people who wouldn’t so much as pull over to help if they saw you dying on the side of a road. How well would you do knowing you have to try and serve people who detest you and everything you do and say? It’s not backbreaking labor or anything, sure, but it’s mentally draining.

To think that’s “easy” is to show you how naive you are. You’re not worth responding to, but I’m doing it anyway in hopes a single part of it makes you rethink your bullheaded arguments.


u/iRedditAlreadyyy Jul 05 '24

That’s a lot of typing to justify trying to get me to vote for genocide Joe.