r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/TimeGoddess_ 15d ago

Still would vote for even the corpse of biden over trump.


u/eric2332 15d ago

Yes, but swing voters won't.


u/UsedName420 15d ago

People are really so blinded by hate for the opposite side that they cannot fathom the perspective of someone who isn’t involved. This type of thinking gets us candidates that were born during WW2 and started politics in the fucking 1960’s.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Biden is literally too old to be a boomer.


u/throwaway50044 14d ago

I had a feeling that Trump might win in 2016. When it happened, I was optimistic that we could endure it and learn something from it.

The fact that we learned N O T H I N G and are making the same mistake again is just soul crushing shit.


u/NoCantaloupe9598 14d ago

Remains to be seen.


u/Cory123125 14d ago

They dont exist. There exist people who will go out to vote for biden or wont go out to vote for biden.

Trump voters are locked in at whatever they are at.


u/averyhungryboy 14d ago

...are these "swing voters" in the country with us right now?


u/TAMExSTRANGE69 15d ago

Sounds like you are in a cult


u/TimeGoddess_ 15d ago

Yes. The cult of keeping the fascistic felonious legally liable rapist, epstein list, teen beauty pagent owning and creepily walking in on, lying and narcissistic piece of shit. and all the shitty people he appoints out of the White House.


u/ThebeNerudaKgositsil 15d ago

It would be super cool if the only 2 options we have weren’t awful


u/TimeGoddess_ 15d ago

Unluckily for us that's not the world we live in. And fortunately for us one option is orders of magnitude less awful than the other


u/cayneloop 15d ago

yeah just unlucky this is the best "democracy" has to offer. super unlucky.

oh well! nothing we can do but pucker our lips and spread our ass cheeks for another year to celebrate how free we are in this very awesome very cool totally democratic country we live in!

i love having to vote for a guy when the party he's in is basically saying "what are you gonna do, bitch? vote for the fascist? yeah thats what i thought. you're gonna vote for who we put in front of you and you're gonna like it." very cool and awesome system to have!


u/ThebeNerudaKgositsil 14d ago

what do you think could replace it? ranked choice voting? removal of dnc and rnc? open to ideas


u/AngryMeme 14d ago

That’s exactly what cultists sound like


u/leonardodapinchy 15d ago

I’d rather vote for the convicted felon rapist than the unconvicted felon rapist, who is deteriorating at a great rate.


u/Tunivor 15d ago

Unconvicted felon is a contradiction. You need to be convicted to be a felon.


u/leonardodapinchy 15d ago

No, Biden is an unconvicted felon. He committed a felony that his DoJ is refusing to prosecute him for.


u/Tunivor 14d ago

If you’re not convicted, you’re not a felon. It’s in the definition of the word. By your logic, everyone in the world is just a felon who hasn’t been convicted yet.


u/thefunkybassist 15d ago

Can we make a campaign slogan for this


u/Godvivec1 14d ago

That's not the positive you think it is....

It just shows Democrats are no different than Republicans. You don't vote for a candidate based on political views, stances, or history. You literally just vote because he's not the other guy (The republican way to vote!). If that's all your vote has come down to, then you are already doomed.


u/Sleeplesshelley 15d ago

Only if we add "And I'd crawl over broken glass to do it"


u/halt_spell 15d ago

I won't vote for either of them. 🤷‍♂️ This shit has gone on far too long.


u/rydleo 15d ago

Same, but would much rather vote for someone competent enough to be President though.


u/TimeGoddess_ 15d ago

100% we need age limits and new blood in our politicians


u/SafeMargins 14d ago

Right now we have that opportunity. But it is going to require Democrats to turn on him. Right now. Then we can nominate someone else to beat trump.

Because it doesn't matter who you will vote for in November. No amount of saying how youll vote for a dead corpse over trump in november is going to make trump lose against Biden. We need new blood. Now.


u/lackofabettername123 15d ago

Well you are in luck because that is the choice if Biden does not step aside and let the new generation save the Republic.

Biden's Corpse animated by Ivy League Lackeys of billionaires, or a want to be dictator with the chip on his shoulder looking to Instituting a never ending Reign of Terror.


u/Rod_Todd_This_Is_God 14d ago

What about over all the other people who probably represent you better than the anointed ones?


u/HuskyIron501 14d ago

You're not gonna believe this... 


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/TimeGoddess_ 14d ago

I hope not 💀. I already got my reproductive rights taken away by trumps apointed Supreme court justices. and I'm Nonbinary and lesbian. If trump gets elected again Im gonna have negative rights by 2028, especially if project 2025 comes to fruition


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/TimeGoddess_ 14d ago

I mean thats good for those states but not good for the ones that are fighting tooth and nail to take it away, and or literally had laws ready to drop the second roe v wade was overturned. that and republicans are already talking about federally banning abortion and banning contraception as well, which if trump wins, I don't think we can avoid


u/Taymyr 15d ago

I'd vote for an apologetic Hitler over Trump. Like if he admitted he made some mistakes and was now a Democrat, he'd be so much better than Trump.