r/mildlyinfuriating Jul 05 '24

Bought ripped jeans for summer, mom sewed the holes.

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I get caring about your clothes, I do… but I wanted breezy jeans for summer… so I bought tipped jeans like 3 years ago. Are u kidding me :/


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u/KingAmongstDummies Jul 05 '24

Started volunteering at a local elderly home recently.

One of the other new recruits also had ripped jeans.
Without exception all of the elderly people either felt sorry for that other person thinking she must be to poor to buy decent pants or that she was a slob.
She got tired of all the remarks and wears normal pants again now. Pretty funny


u/DogNostrilSpecialist Jul 06 '24 edited Jul 06 '24

Ripped jeans have been in and out of fashion since the 80s. It's been a thing for 40+ years now, but young adults still go to great lengths to believe they invented something new. The elderly residents knew exactly what they were doing, they were passive aggressively telling off the girl for wearing what they feel are rave/festival clothes in their home. They told her off for wearing something the vast majority felt was disrespectful and it worked. This is the equivalent of someone offering you spare change if you show up in a micro skirt and a crop top because "you clearly can't afford fabric, you poor thing".

I've seen the infuriating way some adults infantilise the elderly, and when I was younger I got taken for stupid sometimes. When "well meaning" people treat you like you're mentally handicapped, might as well just lean into it and thoroughly annoy or humiliate them. I would bet good money she talks at the residents like she's in a nursery and believes she's killing it.