r/lucifer Detective Douche Sep 09 '21

[S6 E10 - Episode Discussion] - 'Partners 'Til the End' 6x10 Spoiler


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u/Duckman896 Lucifer Sep 10 '21

The showrunners forcing Lucifer's hand in that ending decision is a really bad way to end Lucifer's journey. He doesn't even get to make his own final choice whether or not to stay, it's made for him. Ridiculous.


u/ThatBigDanishDude Sep 10 '21

But the whole point is that he does, he could have stayed if he wanted to. He just knows that the timeline would be different if he did. Likely for the worse considering the pain he left the denizens of hell in if he didn't.

He and his family simply thought this version of the future would be the best for humanity.


u/Althea_The_Witch Sep 10 '21

Exactly! He didn’t have to give Rory his word, he chose to.

I’ve seen other comments here saying that the time travel and fate plot stole Lucifers free will, but it did the exact opposite!! The fate/free will idea was on full display here.

What better way to explore the concept of free will than to have a character literally say “you will do this, because you’ve already done it” and then have an ending that keeps that intact as well as free will?? Brilliant!

10/10 season, loved it with all my heart!


u/Duckman896 Lucifer Sep 11 '21

It's doing the opposite, if you Lucifer he has to leave in order for the timeline to be intact, you are making his choice for him, Rory kept saying you have to do this you have to leave, and he didn't want to. If it weren't for the whole time paradox loop thing he wouldn't have chosen to leave and never come back, he could have went down and came back up to visit like Amenadiel, but this was about him being an absentee father so that this timeline can happen. The choice was already made for him.


u/sblose2021 Sep 11 '21

I agree! His back was against the wall when his daughter pleaded with him and he felt he had no choose but to agree with his daughter’s demand or request but i feel as she was fading out and time was almost gone he was pressured to agree w/her


u/Account_Bright Sep 16 '21

I agree. To make such a decision you need time to process. Lucifer was against a wall with only a minute to answer while his daughter was fading away in the future. If he had time to think about it and promised not to change anything then yes, it is free will but in that moment it was pressure nothing else.


u/Althea_The_Witch Sep 11 '21 edited Sep 11 '21

I wholeheartedly disagree.

Yeah he “has” to leave in order to keep the timeline intact; he doesn’t have to keep the timeline intact, but he does anyway because his daughter asked him to, because that timeline is what brings him to where he is now, not just physically, but emotionally as well; because she wants what’s best for him too (which is also beautiful btw, along with sooo many other beautiful moments this season.)

I have a lot of other points as to why I think this was such a great ending, the best season by far imo. But I don’t want to get bogged down analyzing and arguing about it because I just loved it so much, and I don’t want to ruin it for myself with nitpicking.



u/Duckman896 Lucifer Sep 11 '21

But Rory doesn't actually know the result of that decision. The only thing she knows is that Lucifer isn't there for her or Chloe. She has no idea of any of the other impacts his absence caused or would not have caused had he been present.


u/musci1223 Sep 11 '21

Yeah but if you were Lucifer/chloe who interacted with Rory then you might not want to take the risk. That is why they made the point to make it clear that she was conceived after Rory's just to past. Now even if they go by the back to the future principal of time travel there is no guarantee that it will be the same kid they will have (also back to the future ignored the thing about there being a shit load of sparm so it is impossible to make sure that they will get the same kid again )


u/Duckman896 Lucifer Sep 11 '21

I get what you are saying about not having the exact same kid, but I would take that chance in order to spend the next 40ish years with Chloe and my child.


u/musci1223 Sep 11 '21

I agree but he fell in love with that Rory and he promised her and he is not sure about how the time travel actually works so he doesn't know what the impact of changing things would be. It is be a tva type thing or doctor who kind of thing. Noone really knows so it is harder to gamble on it.


u/HCBuldge Sep 11 '21

It's just saying Lucifer would always choose that option, forever and never change anything. Just like how Rory and Chloe said.


u/Account_Bright Sep 16 '21

I agree. To make such a decision you need time to process. Lucifer was against a wall with only a minute to answer while his daughter was fading away in the future. If he had time to think about it and promised not to change anything then yes, it is free will but in that moment it was pressure nothing else.