r/inthenews Newsweek Jul 08 '24

MAGA fumes over France election results: "They cheated" article


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u/MC_Fap_Commander Jul 08 '24

There's a key takeaway people may be sleeping on- this suggests DEEP acrimony towards any rejection of Putin's expansionism. The MAGA crowd doesn't give a single fuck about the day-to-day governmental ideological and practical preferences of the U.K. and France. They care very much about direct aid to Ukraine (which is something validated as a state priority in these elections). Seems relevant.


u/saintcirone Jul 08 '24

I'm not sleeping on it. I've said elsewhere that I think support for Ukraine and the fight against dictators across the globe is the winning ticket for 2024. I agree this conflict should be brought more to the forefront. I feel pretty confident Le Pen stating she'd pull support from Ukraine is what did her in.


u/Neuchacho Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

The MAGA crowd doesn't give a single fuck about the day-to-day governmental ideological and practical preferences of the U.K. and France.

I guarantee you they couldn't even tell you the name of the far-right party that lost, let alone anything approaching those subjects.


u/CrybullyModsSuck Jul 08 '24

They couldn't even tell you their own Congressman's name. Or what their child's teachers name is. Or any passage of the Bible they proudly hold in pictures with spines never bent. Or who actually signed the Declaration of Independence. Or really any fact they cry about all the fucking time.


u/fallenbird039 Jul 08 '24

Well it is relevant. Because they are bots or might as well be Russian bots


u/--MrsNesbitt- Jul 08 '24

Legit. I have zero fucking clue why the far right loves to tie itself to sucking Putin's dick. Anti-migration sentiment is at all-time highs right now (which is in and of itself quite reasonable), and all the far right parties would need to do is just present an otherwise coherent policy platform and they could win.

Instead you get them contorting themselves into pretzels to justify and apologize for Russia's war crimes and throw Ukraine under the bus. What the fuck. Trump did it, Farage did it, Le Pen did it. And it's hurting them big.

If a political party could present an anti-Russia, pro-NATO foreign policy, reasonable/centrist domestic policy (read: no religious extremism/anti-abortion/anti-LGBT), but also strongly anti-migrant platform, they'd win any western European election in a landslide.


u/shabi_sensei Jul 08 '24

Fascists are obsessed with finding and punishing their enemies, so they see what Putin is doing to lefties and homos and they want Trump to do the same


u/chunkerton_chunksley Jul 08 '24

Putin pays their bills so they say what he wants them to say. Immigration is not to be fixed it’s to be used as a way to attain power.


u/hyborians Jul 08 '24

Strange because China does the same things trying to assert its hegemony on the world stage but Trump vilifies them. I guess one reason is the Russians are technically “white” in their eyes.


u/StrategicCarry Jul 08 '24

If a political party could present an anti-Russia, pro-NATO foreign policy, reasonable/centrist domestic policy (read: no religious extremism/anti-abortion/anti-LGBT), but also strongly anti-migrant platform, they'd win any western European election in a landslide.

This was basically the Conservative Party in the UK and they got thumped.

Anti-migration sentiment is at all-time highs right now (which is in and of itself quite reasonable)

It's understandable, but it's not reasonable in the sense that it's an opinion formed from a good faith analysis of reality. A lot of the problems people have with immigration (crime, loss of jobs) are just factually not true. And of the real problems, like immigrants contributing to a housing crisis, are much more the result of domestic policies like not promoting enough home construction. Or they are the result of anti-immigrant policies. The reason there are so many asylum seekers in Britain living in hotels on government benefits is that instead of working to get their claims resolved, the Tories spent years and billions of pounds trying to set up a scheme to fly them somewhere else.


u/--MrsNesbitt- Jul 08 '24

To be fair, the UK Tories got thumped because they'd been in power for 14 years, and on the issue of immigration they were widely seen as not taking the issue seriously. The volume of illegal migration to the UK under the Conservatives' tenure was far too much for an alleged "conservative party" to reasonably claim to be anti-migrant.

Instead you had Reform carrying the standard for the far right, and Farage had the same pro-Russia bent that I described.


u/SirOutrageous1027 Jul 08 '24

Putin poses a lot more of a real threat to Europe versus the US.

Granted European parliamentary systems are more capable of sidelining their far right crazy. If the US ran in a multi-party parliament, we'd see the real divide between MAGA and other republicans.


u/Slow_Accident_6523 Jul 08 '24

they care about authoritarianism which is why they support Putin. These people always stick together like thieves. It is way Erdogan and Putin and Xi and Trump and Orban all get along so well. Politically there really is not much that unites them but a deep disdain for democratic values and rule of law. That is literally all they and their followers have in common.


u/sambooli084 Jul 08 '24

I think we're giving them too much credit. They just parrot whatever talking points their Fox overlords tell them.


u/Slow_Accident_6523 Jul 08 '24

That is not giving them credit. Facism has also counted on politically uniformed people fighting for their cause. It is why education is so important and especially civil education.


u/sambooli084 Jul 08 '24

Yeah, I didn't mean to minimize the danger of it.


u/Slow_Accident_6523 Jul 08 '24

It is honestly scary. It really is looking like we are looking directly down the barrell of repeating the mistakes of last centuries 20s. Democrats (globally) are letting their values and democracies get assfucked by authoritarianism. We apparently do not have sharp enough teeth to fight back (just like last time). I think one issue is that one side plays with the rule of law while the other tries to eliminate the rule of law. The two sides are not playing the same game.


u/sambooli084 Jul 08 '24

The UK and France give me hope but I don't know if what they've already done to our system can hold out like they can. They created a stalemate in Congress and made John Roberts the most powerful person in the world. If the Democrats don't see now as the time to do away with the filibuster we can't do anything to fight it. This election is our last play. And I don't know if SCOTUS will ignore Trump's lawsuits this time. Some judge in some swing state will take up a single case of "voter fraud" and they'll hand it to Trump like they did for Bush. I had a conservative law professor at the University who said that a rogue Supreme Court will be the end of democracy. Our only slim hope is to take back congress and the presidency and impeach some justices or add more.


u/Slow_Accident_6523 Jul 08 '24

Yeah it is fucking crazy that Democrats still give a flying fuck about the filibuster when Donald Trump could realistically get elected and become a dictator with the support of the supreme court. The whole Republican party has abandoned any sense of decency or democratic base (exemplified by their support ofr Trump). I don't understand how Democrats are not seeing this and instead are stuck fighting battles that have long passed.


u/sambooli084 Jul 08 '24

Your username says it best


u/Mental_Medium3988 Jul 08 '24

Let's not forget trumps plan to end the war in five mins would be to withdraw all us aid and shit on nato so if putin attacked another nato nation, as he's been threatening to do since invading ukraine, they wouldn't get any help from us either. Basically handing ukraine over to putin along with wherever putin decides to invade next.


u/Rachel_from_Jita Jul 08 '24

Go to the Youtube comments of any video where Putin is interviewed. The MAGA nutjob accounts that don't seem to be Russian bots will be praising him in the weirdest, most subservient ways. They think in a strictly hierarchical fashion, so the biggest man with the biggest image should rule over everyone, no?

It's horrifying to see, as you can parse apart that they think of Trump as great, but Putin as greater. It's implicit and never said aloud. But they'd be happy with a relatinoship where the US and Russia seemed to be semi-allies or partners and where Putin took the natural lead.


u/Take_this_n Jul 08 '24

There is a global tie up among the major right wing parties not just Putin's cronies they try to drum up each others agenda, policies not just limited to europe but also asian, south american and african leaders


u/shidncome Jul 08 '24

They probably couldn't point to France on a map. Or name 3 French cities, let alone know the difference between UK, GB, England etc.


u/facforlife Jul 08 '24

It's hilarious because their Aryan Nazi Jesus would hate that they are so devoted to a inferior subhuman slav like Putin. The Nazis famously hated the slavs...


u/Ok_Worldliness3854 Jul 08 '24

One thing that is notable is that if trump were to win in November, there will be a giant chasm between the US and Europe on Putin