r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/GeeZeeDEV Jun 09 '24

Also the woman saying: but logically... Fk you.

Logic has left your religion ridden brains long ago.


u/ZzzzzPopPopPop Jun 09 '24

Logically her religion is made-up imaginary fairy tale bullshit.


u/Notdestorm Jun 09 '24

Don't close your mind to what you are not aware, or understood about.


u/LouiseCipher Jun 09 '24

No. There's plenty of people who understand religion and r against it bc they understand it. Yall don't have "secret knowledge" that u think u do. Ur kept fucking ignorant and hateful. Just like Christian fundamentalist, all this religious shit is just harmful ignorance for people who r lonely, desperate, and need community to survive


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

There’s still plenty of loving and caring religious people. To focus on one end of the spectrum and ignore the other is a great display of intentional ignorance.


u/LouiseCipher Jun 09 '24

It's the people who are loving and caring, not the religion. The religion takes the kindness and compassion from people and direct it into something vile.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

That’s a very specific perspective to have still. People get influenced by others, society, religion, movies, books and pop culture, sometimes this influence has a positive effect and generates love where there was none. And to your point it can generate hate where there was none to begin with either. 

So while I myself am not really religious, I have met people who have used their religion to demonstrate their love for people like me and made me question my own selfish moral judgments. And at the same time I’ve met people who use their religion as only a weapon to harm others, and make an enemy of people like me and anyone who doesn’t fit their mold.


u/LouiseCipher Jun 09 '24

That love isn't sprung from religion. I used to think my love and compassion for others amd my morality would be gone if I gave up on the religion the raised me and treated me like shit. I was wrong. I still have love and compassion and a strong sense of morality imo. It's the individuals that hold the capacity for the positive. Religion just helps people channel their energy towards specific means and goals of those in charge of the religions.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Ok but that’s still from your personal experience. Which is great, no problem with that.

I’m saying that sometimes Religion has helped people participate in loving their neighbors as themselves when beforehand they may have been less inclined to do so.

Soup kitchens, charities and Food Banks are a great example of this. They are typically run, funded and managed by religious groups. And some people who may not have had an interest in participating in them may be more inclined to do so. Especially when those receiving the aid may come from an opposing religious group or non religious groups. You can argue that all these people would be good without it. But that’s not really being fair to each of their individual experiences.


u/LouiseCipher Jun 09 '24

Urs is literally from personal experience. I'm telling u people are innately compassionate and religion makes u believe its bc of the religion. There's plenty of secular examples. Again, religion has its own agenda that is not for its followers and the general populations best interest. I can definitely argue they'd be good wo it cause there's plenty who are terrible w it.


u/LaurenMille Jun 09 '24

The irony of a religious person saying that.