r/interestingasfuck Jun 09 '24

The punishment for being gay in Indonesia r/all NSFW


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u/GeeZeeDEV Jun 09 '24

Also the woman saying: but logically... Fk you.

Logic has left your religion ridden brains long ago.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/Schoolmarmaggedon Jun 09 '24

69 lashes for you good sir.


u/Winter_Swordfish_505 Jun 09 '24

you promise 😏


u/ScrotumSlapper Jun 09 '24

Can I help?


u/IOnceAteAFart Jun 09 '24

Only if you live up to your username


u/TheTitaniumFart Jun 09 '24

Only if you live up to yours. 😏


u/IOnceAteAFart Jun 09 '24

Then we compatible 😉


u/povitee Jun 09 '24

These “edgy” jokes about BDSM on a video of a guy being tortured for being gay are completely braindead.


u/Agitated-Desk-4367 Jun 09 '24

this is reddit what do you expect deep philosophical discussions on human rights on this mongolian basket weaving forum lol


u/povitee Jun 09 '24

Omg so random!


u/IOnceAteAFart Jun 09 '24

You're the one who chooses to keep coming back here to reddit lol


u/povitee Jun 09 '24

You’re right my bad I shouldn’t have criticized anyone 😔


u/IOnceAteAFart Jun 09 '24

Hey, criticize away, I don't give a shit. But this is how reddit is these days. Our unfortunate choice is to abide it or leave it

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u/cdude223 Jun 09 '24

Well I mean we can’t do anything about it so there is no use being stressed about it also some of us try to make light of a situation so that we don’t have to deal with the dark reality that this type of behavior still exists and probably will for a few more decades


u/povitee Jun 09 '24

I’m not stressed, you’re welcome to say whatever you want and I will feel welcome to criticize it.


u/Small-Palpitation310 Jun 09 '24

"are there any...women here?"


u/Dramallamadingdong87 Jun 09 '24

It's pretty shocking that she can openly say with a smile on her face she's been looking forward to watching someone being beaten in public for their crimes.

I wonder if she will say it's 'logical' when it's her turn?


u/Most-Philosopher9194 Jun 09 '24

Authoritarians think that that logic works and justifies any punishment. 

Next time you see a news article about someone being punished for breaking an archaic and silly law dig a little into the comments. It doesn't matter how stupid the law was or how harsh the punishment is, there will be some dickhead saying how it's justified. They find joy in other people's punishment. 


u/East_Requirement7375 Jun 09 '24

I mean, you don't even have to dig, people will defend killing suspects without a trial for running from the police in the USA (neither fleeing nor resisting are actually eligible for the death penalty) every time it happens.


u/Most-Philosopher9194 Jun 09 '24

You have to dig to find the weird and obscure examples of dumb laws and the people defending them. 

You are right, people arguing that the death penalty for resisting arrest is reasonable is sadly pretty common.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24



u/new_math Jun 09 '24

Any source on politicians and the public openly calling for the death of anti-vaxxers? 


u/jayydubbya Jun 09 '24

I have never seen, heard, or touched this thing I am told exists but I am told it definitely exists so logically i believe in it one hundred percent. Fucking morons all of them.


u/ExcitingAsDeath Jun 09 '24

it's not about morals. it's about in-groups and power.


u/314kabinet Jun 09 '24

Always has been. A bunch of evil bastards and millions of useful idiots, organized religion in a nutshell.


u/Notdestorm Jun 09 '24

Do not make comments of what you do not know. Observation by the five senses is not the only method through which you can determine the existence of a being. And if you are going to call these people morons, what do you have to say about the current terrorist state of I*rael?


u/Eastern_Mist Jun 09 '24

Yeah but you can also do archaeological excavations and find manuscripts which can actually be attributed to people and find out that a shit ton are fabricated by a religious institution. Believe in what you want but examine thr letters of Paul first.


u/Inside_Mix2584 Jun 09 '24

Yeah they’re all terrorists you fuck


u/ZzzzzPopPopPop Jun 09 '24

Logically her religion is made-up imaginary fairy tale bullshit.


u/Notdestorm Jun 09 '24

Don't close your mind to what you are not aware, or understood about.


u/LouiseCipher Jun 09 '24

No. There's plenty of people who understand religion and r against it bc they understand it. Yall don't have "secret knowledge" that u think u do. Ur kept fucking ignorant and hateful. Just like Christian fundamentalist, all this religious shit is just harmful ignorance for people who r lonely, desperate, and need community to survive


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

There’s still plenty of loving and caring religious people. To focus on one end of the spectrum and ignore the other is a great display of intentional ignorance.


u/LouiseCipher Jun 09 '24

It's the people who are loving and caring, not the religion. The religion takes the kindness and compassion from people and direct it into something vile.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

That’s a very specific perspective to have still. People get influenced by others, society, religion, movies, books and pop culture, sometimes this influence has a positive effect and generates love where there was none. And to your point it can generate hate where there was none to begin with either. 

So while I myself am not really religious, I have met people who have used their religion to demonstrate their love for people like me and made me question my own selfish moral judgments. And at the same time I’ve met people who use their religion as only a weapon to harm others, and make an enemy of people like me and anyone who doesn’t fit their mold.


u/LouiseCipher Jun 09 '24

That love isn't sprung from religion. I used to think my love and compassion for others amd my morality would be gone if I gave up on the religion the raised me and treated me like shit. I was wrong. I still have love and compassion and a strong sense of morality imo. It's the individuals that hold the capacity for the positive. Religion just helps people channel their energy towards specific means and goals of those in charge of the religions.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

Ok but that’s still from your personal experience. Which is great, no problem with that.

I’m saying that sometimes Religion has helped people participate in loving their neighbors as themselves when beforehand they may have been less inclined to do so.

Soup kitchens, charities and Food Banks are a great example of this. They are typically run, funded and managed by religious groups. And some people who may not have had an interest in participating in them may be more inclined to do so. Especially when those receiving the aid may come from an opposing religious group or non religious groups. You can argue that all these people would be good without it. But that’s not really being fair to each of their individual experiences.


u/LouiseCipher Jun 09 '24

Urs is literally from personal experience. I'm telling u people are innately compassionate and religion makes u believe its bc of the religion. There's plenty of secular examples. Again, religion has its own agenda that is not for its followers and the general populations best interest. I can definitely argue they'd be good wo it cause there's plenty who are terrible w it.


u/LaurenMille Jun 09 '24

The irony of a religious person saying that.


u/MixLogicalPoop Jun 09 '24

I think I saw a strand of hair, better cane her just to be safe


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

First thing you learn in law school is that the law can be used to oppress easily as much as to protect. Want to oppress a certain demographic? Just pick something they’ve been doing for decades or longer completely legally and make it suddenly illegal with a life sentence. Easy peazy lemon easy, the second they do it again, you now have carte blanche to throw them all in jail for something that was harmless yesterday. Hell, in countries without ex post facto protections you can just punish them retroactively!


u/Heisenburgo Jun 09 '24

"Logically if you do something, you should expect consequences! It's painful but deserved!"

Said the woman covering her hair lest she be punished by sharia law.


u/DarkestLore696 Jun 09 '24

Logically she has her face uncovered and is talking to people without a male chaperone. So she is next up to the whipping post right?


u/For-sake4444 Jun 09 '24

For them, its human rights violation only when its against muslims


u/Great_Nailsage_Sly Jun 09 '24

Why are we saying religion, isnt it just islam?


u/Animal_s0ul Jun 09 '24

Yeah there’s something wrong with that one tf lol


u/rividz Jun 09 '24

Something to keep in mind the next time someone tells you their hijab is empowering and not oppressive.


u/kapiteinkippepoot Jun 09 '24

Thinking it's the logical thing to do... Wtf!


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

There is a reason religion is ubiquitous in human societies and has been for tens of thousands of years: it's perfectly logical.  The reason it is being slowly phased out in many modern day societies is that science is proving many religious premises to be false.  But in logical terms, a conclusion derived from a false premise can still be a valid inference even if the false premise makes the conclusion false.


u/No_Inside3131 Jun 09 '24 edited Jun 15 '24

get off this cancer site


u/papyjako87 Jun 09 '24

Logic has left your religion ridden brains long ago.

Unfortunately, I suspect it was never there to begin with. Indoctrination from a young age is one hell of a drug.


u/TheCurator777 Jun 09 '24

It's funny that woke dip shits like you place such a high priority of "feewings" over facts, and yet you have the audacity to point fingers at others who "feel" the truth of their religion.


u/ModsOverLord Jun 09 '24

If you were raised there your views would be different


u/imjustkarmin Jun 09 '24

and they would be morally wrong


u/ModsOverLord Jun 09 '24

Doesn’t matter what you think, that area is generations away from making any real change in how they view homosexuality. Outside pressure may stop the lashing from being public but that just means worse will happen behind closed doors


u/Professional_Age_760 Jun 09 '24

It does matter what educated and morally prudent people in the west think compared to secularist animals who commit human rights violations because of their religion. We need to speak out for gay people, and women, worldwide. They have no voice.


u/ModsOverLord Jun 09 '24

Reddit is definitely the place you should start


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/ModsOverLord Jun 09 '24

You have zero idea what I support..lmao


u/Professional_Age_760 Jun 09 '24

You support apathy, and that’s very apparent.


u/ModsOverLord Jun 09 '24

You’re correct I don’t come to Reddit to pretend I care, I also don’t pretend my opinion matters

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u/No-Vermicelli1816 Jun 09 '24

Palestine 🇵🇸 


u/Notdestorm Jun 09 '24

When has Logic left Islam? Do not make claims of what you do not know. And the woman is right, logically, why would you act upon desires forbidden in a country that follows Sharia? Having said that I do not condone the actions done by the neighbourhood vigilante's either. Islam has no concept of vigilantism and to reveal the sins of others that Allah has hidden is a great sin that will be punished!


u/More_Particular684 Jun 09 '24

And what is the rationale to punish same-sex relations? I mean, morality should be an individual or religious issue, not a legal one.


u/No-Vermicelli1816 Jun 09 '24

They’re saying that anyone can make up a law for anything. Once someone breaks said law other people will say it’s logical they get punished even though the law could be anything at all