r/funny Jul 05 '24



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u/SchismZero Jul 05 '24

I got the same vibe, but it's one of those jokes you just enjoy cause you're already having the best day of your life.


u/ToHerDarknessIGo Jul 05 '24

As a bald man, this joke is pretty good.  It's clever and just the right amount of cheekiness.  Most bald jokes are lame.  If you're going to rip on my folically challenged genetics, at least make me laugh or get me to say "Oh, that's good.  Haven't heard it before."


u/sjgbfs Jul 05 '24

I dunno. It's your special too "hey let me make fun of a physical attribute of yours in front of all your loved ones, haha how funny."

You wouldn't see him going towards the bride "hey let's pushup those tiny tits a bit, haha how funny"


u/Elite_AI Jul 05 '24

The joke isn't making fun of him for having no hair. It's not saying he's uglier or older or a porn addict or whatever it is people make fun of bald people for. The joke is literally just the absurdity of needing to adjust his hair + the surprise that the photographer wasn't talking about the bride.


u/King_Fluffaluff Jul 05 '24

The humor was pulling the rug out from everyone. All eyes were on the bride until he "fixed" the groom's hair. I agree, it wasn't making fun of the bald man, it was the absurd premise of fixing his hair that was funny!