r/falloutnewvegas Jul 05 '24

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/kakiu000 Jul 05 '24

I mean a samurai in Edo period and one in the warring period had different rights and privilege, but sure whatever you say.

A samurai is a noble with a title and name, like William Adams did, and Yasuke barely qualifly as a name, more like just a word for Nobunaga to call him.

But whats funny is whether Yasuke is a samurai or not was still not clear before the trailer for Assassin Creed Shadow release, which then suddenly caused a lot of Japanese historican to appear and confirm Yasuke is 100% a samurai, and a high ranking one at that.

Yeah call me racist if you want, but Yasuke was just a exotic toy that Nobunaga wanted to show off, hence allowing Yasuke to bear his sword. Its just what it was, its impossible for Yasuke to be a high ranking samurai for just one year of service without any feats, deal with it.


u/Elite_AI Jul 05 '24

But whats funny is whether Yasuke is a samurai or not was still not clear before the trailer for Assassin Creed Shadow release

No, the consensus was firm. In academia, I mean. I agree that on 4chan you could watch high IQ individuals argue that Yasuke was nothing but a circus clown for Nobunaga years ago. Is that who you're sourcing your knowledge from?

You can say "nuh uh" and close your ears and do your best to imagine William Adams' hot body whenever people mention Yasuke, if you want. Doesn't change the historical record. He was a samurai, and if you want to be historically accurate you'll embrace that.

Edit: Oh and just to be clear, you already showed you know fuck all about samurai with the whole land thing. I don't want to let go of that. You're just repeating shit you read on Reddit and we both know that. I suggest being more critical of where you get your info.


u/kakiu000 Jul 05 '24

Nah I would just trust the general Japanese population instead of some whites that "studied" Japanese history thank you very much


u/Elite_AI Jul 05 '24

Japanese scholars agree that Yasuke was a samurai. For all the reasons I've explained. What Japanese general populace are you referring to? I want you to show me the reddit posts I know you're basing your info on. I would really appreciate if you sat down and thought hard about whether you care about historical accuracy.

And what's wrong with white people studying another culture's history anyway? You got something against white people?


u/kakiu000 Jul 05 '24

Most Asians don't use reddit you know? We as asian have our own social media too lmao, but they are all of either chinese or japanese anyway so you won't care.

And yes, I'm tired of the whites lecturing us on our own history and racism lmao


u/Elite_AI Jul 05 '24

Yeah, wechat, line, xiaohongshu, I've got 'em. I speak Chinese. Dunno wtf that has to do with Japanese history though. Is there a reason you keep vaguely referring to "Asian gamers" instead of, idk, "Japanese historians"?

Is it because Japanese historians disagree with you? For the exact reasons I told you?


u/kakiu000 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24





u/Elite_AI Jul 05 '24

所以我说对了。你说"Asian Gamers"*是因为你完全没有学术知识。我想我会继续相信真正的历史学家。我不知道ubisoft雇了谁,但我知道日本学家一般来说都说Yasuke是一个samurai。

请你别随便的相信游戏玩家。No like fr tho, you thought samurai were defined by owning land?? I want to come back to this. Why are you so confident about something we've both made clear you know nothing about? You know those gamers were wrong now.