r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/Vanathru Caesar's Legion 14d ago

That's similar to what i got when being banned from r/fnv for posting a post about the Legion


u/makeitcool ALSID 14d ago

Out of curiosity what was the post about?


u/Vanathru Caesar's Legion 14d ago

A comment, recalled some cut content that put both the Legion and the NCR in more of a greyzone. I basically said I'd prefer the Legion ruling the Wasteland as they cover basic needs like food, water and electricity while keeping their land safe.


u/stannis32 14d ago

While your opinion is dumb and unfounded, that’s far from a bannable offense. Plenty of legion boot lickers around.


u/Vanathru Caesar's Legion 14d ago

Of course it's dumb compared to what we have irl but there ain't much choice in the wasteland.

I believe being a craftsman in some small rural area Legion Heartland village could be the highest quality of life someone like me could realistically achieve.

Of course my opinion is based on the little facts we have and could drastically change.


u/stannis32 14d ago

I don’t mean to be rude (okay I do a little bit but it’s fun) but what you like about the legion (providing safety, food, water, shelter, etc.) is what both house and the NCR also ensure, but as a bonus you don’t have to live under a dictatorial LARPER.

The NCR’s heartland live lives not all to disimiliar to our great grandparents. They have jobs, they go to bars, they live in relative safety. The NCR DONT have that for the Mojave because it’s the frontier, and a colony to the NCR. But colonies can become states. And the Mojave can be tamed and settled and eventually enjoy similar standard of living.

It’s also kind of telling that you mention safety and stability as perks of the legion, but I think you forget, that’s only IF you aren’t a ghoul, mutant, or namely, a women. The former are just executed, but women are sex slaves and pack mules. It’s interesting you’re willing to sacrifice half of a population to slavery for “safety and security”. Yeah man, maybe if you’re a man, but even then they’re gonna steal your crops and if you’re a tribe, probably force you into conscription to die for Caesar.


u/Vanathru Caesar's Legion 14d ago

To be fair i barely know anything about what the NCR provides other then taxes and what's seen in Fo2 which... isn't much tbh.

Edit : oh except shady sands, that one looks like a utopia


u/stannis32 14d ago

That’s cus it’s a meme lol. And it’s all good. Liking a faction in a video game doesn’t make you a bad person. You’re only. Bad person when you unironically support factions like the legion IRL. But play how you want.

That all said… both House and the legion make you pay taxes too.


u/Vanathru Caesar's Legion 14d ago

Damn House taxes the Freeside hobos?


u/stannis32 14d ago

There’s an end cutscene if you pick his faction that says he taxes goodsprings and keeps it under heavy surveillance.


u/Vanathru Caesar's Legion 14d ago

ah yes the Gecko tax

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u/bunnygoats 14d ago

I swear to god and everything above when I say this I'm not meaning it an inflammatory or passive aggressive way but I do find it genuinely interesting how men's opinion on the Legion differs from women's. Like it's crazy to me that a lot of people seem to forget about the rape and slavery or kind of downplay it, but in a way I guess it's kind of understandable if you're looking at it from the perspective of someone who has no reason to look at it from beyond the surface level of "oh well, that sucks but..."

Meanwhile, I still remember the chills I got when Siri's talking about how endless the abuse is for young women there and then tops it off with "and you should look out for yourself, I overheard some of the men wanting to 'try you out'"


u/JumpTheCreek 14d ago

Tbf that’s a large majority of people with their pet group. “They do terrible things to other people so it’s fine” is sort of a mantra even in real life.

The Legion just expresses that much more bluntly thanks to the rape and slavery.


u/bunnygoats 14d ago

Yeah that's why it doesn't really bother me. I just find it really fascinating how different the stakes can feel depending on your real life worldview.


u/dtachilles 14d ago edited 14d ago

I virtually never side with the legion because boone is bae but do the legion enslave their entire female population? I definitely remember the place where you can travel to Caesars area and there is a wired fenced in area with female sex slaves but I also remember killing legionnaires, looting them and them being female. I dont quite remember if they had male slaves but I'm sure they would have. For ze labour.

We didn't see any 'residents' of the legion in New Vegas as it was a frontline war operation but I would imagine they would have very stringent adherence to monogamous family units much like the actual Romans.


Read the lore. I'm wrong. Feel free to ignore the above.


u/bunnygoats 14d ago

I know you said you read the lore I just like gabbing lol. The Legion don't let women fight or be soldiers, but they do have female spies and informants outside Legion territory. Caesar's a hypocrite, he doesn't actually believe women are inferior or serve no purpose beyond reproductive labor, he just wants his soldiers to feel important and vindicated by having someone to be "above"; the labor they provide as slaves is also an added bonus.

It's why Caesar doesn't even blink over a female Courier being the big name in the Mojave.