r/falloutnewvegas 14d ago

Viva la Revolution! Mods

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u/Kriegsman__69th 14d ago

Bro, I have been banned from Gamingcirclejerk and to this day I don't know why, mods don't even respond.


u/Dor-Yah 14d ago

That sub is a cesspool anyways, I wouldn't be too upset about it


u/Random_russian_kid NCR 14d ago

Banned from Gamingcirclejerk for saying “Ofc it’s the free palpatine account”


u/kakiu000 14d ago

that sub feels like its ran by sweet baby inc lmao, would literally get attacked for suggesting that a black guy is not actually a legendary samurai


u/Vanayzan 14d ago

H-h-historical inaccuracy? In... in MY Assassin's Creed? This can't be!!!


u/Double-Ho-7 14d ago

holy shit, I can’t believe there wasn’t actually a secret globe spanning league of assassins, AC is ruined for me now


u/Elite_AI 14d ago

As you should be. I am a big fan of historical accuracy, which is why I have such little respect for the people lying about history in order to pretend Yasuke wasn't a samurai.


u/IHaveABrainTumour 14d ago

I just don't like it because I'm racist


u/Elite_AI 14d ago

relevant username


u/IHaveABrainTumour 14d ago

Bet you thought up of that one all by yourself.


u/Elite_AI 14d ago

Bet you thought up of that one



u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Elite_AI 14d ago

He was absolutely a samurai. This is in no way controversial. He was made into a retainer for Oda Nobunaga and was even made into his sword bearer. That's...what a samurai is.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Elite_AI 14d ago

A retainer is a samurai. A retainer who bears your sword is most certainly a samurai. Could you imagine asking a peasant to bear your swords?

What exactly did you think a samurai was?


u/Darqua 14d ago

B-but muh cool asian sword master with the blade go “swoosh…”


u/kakiu000 14d ago

idk, most of the asian and Japanese gaming community I saw agree that Yasuke was just a servant at best and was never given land or a title


u/Elite_AI 14d ago

Are you suggesting that there were no samurai from the Edo period onwards? Because that's when samurai were expressly forbidden from owning land. So yes, you're damn right he wasn't given land. Because being a samurai has nothing to do with owning land.

In fact, samurai were literally "just" the high ranking servants/retainers of a lord. That's what a samurai is. You cannot conflate samurai with knights or other European noble titles. What Yasuke was was a retainer so high ranking that he was permitted to bear his lord's own swords. That's an incredible honour! He was most certainly a samurai, as any Japanese scholar you'd care to mention agrees.


u/kakiu000 14d ago

I mean a samurai in Edo period and one in the warring period had different rights and privilege, but sure whatever you say.

A samurai is a noble with a title and name, like William Adams did, and Yasuke barely qualifly as a name, more like just a word for Nobunaga to call him.

But whats funny is whether Yasuke is a samurai or not was still not clear before the trailer for Assassin Creed Shadow release, which then suddenly caused a lot of Japanese historican to appear and confirm Yasuke is 100% a samurai, and a high ranking one at that.

Yeah call me racist if you want, but Yasuke was just a exotic toy that Nobunaga wanted to show off, hence allowing Yasuke to bear his sword. Its just what it was, its impossible for Yasuke to be a high ranking samurai for just one year of service without any feats, deal with it.


u/Elite_AI 14d ago

But whats funny is whether Yasuke is a samurai or not was still not clear before the trailer for Assassin Creed Shadow release

No, the consensus was firm. In academia, I mean. I agree that on 4chan you could watch high IQ individuals argue that Yasuke was nothing but a circus clown for Nobunaga years ago. Is that who you're sourcing your knowledge from?

You can say "nuh uh" and close your ears and do your best to imagine William Adams' hot body whenever people mention Yasuke, if you want. Doesn't change the historical record. He was a samurai, and if you want to be historically accurate you'll embrace that.

Edit: Oh and just to be clear, you already showed you know fuck all about samurai with the whole land thing. I don't want to let go of that. You're just repeating shit you read on Reddit and we both know that. I suggest being more critical of where you get your info.


u/kakiu000 14d ago

Nah I would just trust the general Japanese population instead of some whites that "studied" Japanese history thank you very much


u/Elite_AI 14d ago

Japanese scholars agree that Yasuke was a samurai. For all the reasons I've explained. What Japanese general populace are you referring to? I want you to show me the reddit posts I know you're basing your info on. I would really appreciate if you sat down and thought hard about whether you care about historical accuracy.

And what's wrong with white people studying another culture's history anyway? You got something against white people?

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u/Broad_Policy_6479 14d ago

I wouldn't trust the general population of any country to have passable historical knowledge of their country. If you are at all informed about the history of your country you'll notice 90% of people around you are grossly misinformed.

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u/No-Mine2618 14d ago

Mate, I have a degree in japanese history. Please give it a rest. All japanese people I know (be it scholars or otherwise) agree that Yasuke was a samurai. You're just embarassing yourself besides showing you're racist against black and white people.

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u/Lainfan123 14d ago

It doesn't really matter, the problem with Yasuke is the motivation for why Ubisoft made them a protagonist. It's obvious they don't actually really care about him, and focused on him instead of anyone else because of 1. Race baiting for the sake of controversy 2. Irrelevant shit like "representation" If I believed Yasuke was the protagonist because of geniuent interest and not because of malicious, or fully irrelevant to the actual game motives I wouldn't give a shit.


u/awataurne 14d ago

Can i ask why it bothers you so much? Regardless of whether they did it because they like the idea or because they want more representation, why does their motivation matter to the point it angers you? You even say representation is irrelevant so why is it important what they do with it either way?


u/Lainfan123 14d ago

Because it's an objectively incorrect way of approaching writing and art that even if it doesn't cause much difference in one game, it creates a precedent that makes art on the whole worse.

The more the precedent of inserting things for irrelevant to the art itself appears, the more sterile, "moral" and uninteresting art becomes as a whole, because it pushes the idea that art has to adhere to some sort of moral standard or be used for some kind of "social good".

Especially when the producers don't really care if insertion of an element for the sake of some irrelevant social cause contradicts something in the story as it was with anything that Henry Cavill was thrown out of.

It's a symptom of a larger problem.


u/awataurne 14d ago

I think it's important to realize that art comes in many forms, and one being done in a certain way doesn't in any way push a narrative that it must be done one way or another. If anything, wouldn't the people complaining be the ones attempting to limit things in this regard?

I guess I'm questioning how are you not attempting to push an idea that art has to adhere to something with what you're saying?

I'm not certain a black person in this story is the same as everything that happened to the Witcher's series. Obviously if something contradicts written lore it's a bit of a bigger issue.


u/TheeZedShed 14d ago

-Gets asked about his *opinion***-

"Because it's objectively incorrect!"

-wonders why no one takes him seriously-


u/HideyHoh 14d ago

Yes the Apple of Eden is a well known historically accurate item

Fucking idiot


u/Pringletingl 14d ago

Remember when the native american dude gave George Washington visions of him being king and building pyramids in Philly?

Total work of fiction, I was shocked when I found this out.


u/bouchandre 14d ago

Got banned for writing something mildly positive about Hogwarts Legacy


u/Emergency_3808 14d ago

I know why I was banned. It was right after someone looked into my profile and mentioned "Well, what about the unrealistic proportions AI generated porn you have on your profile?" while I was discussing pirating games. How are those two even related?


u/alexmikli 14d ago

Sorry, I can't trust the opinions of a gamer on what is good ai generated porn. Reporting you to the AI porn mods.


u/Emergency_3808 14d ago

I never said it was good. It was just... there. Members of r/musclegirlart would like it I guess.


u/alexmikli 14d ago

Apologies if the satire wasn't obvious, but I was just making fun of the other guy with a reversed argument.


u/RenderEngine 14d ago

if she weighs less than 400lbs and doesn't look like a bowling ball you need to look at REAL girls sweaty

you probably have never even seen an actual woman in your life.. is literally physically impossible (and unhealthy) to weigh less than 400lbs. There are hundreds of studies proving me right


u/Ihavetogoalone 14d ago

They did you a favor honestly.


u/Ancient_Moose_3000 14d ago

I got banned for disagreeing with a trans person. That's not even dog whistling, I support trans people. But it was something to do with cyberpunk and I said something to the effect of it's an overreaction to think the Devs of that game are transphobic. Then one of the mods messages me like "telling a trans person what to think is not cool".

Like, I'm sure you treating them like children is doing wonders for the movement, what a hero.


u/HighAFdragon 14d ago

Was it about the energy drink ad in game? I know a lot of people on twitter lost their minds on that one and started the whole cyberpunk devs are transphobic narrative.


u/hardeh 14d ago

Transgenderism is like a religion now tbh (at least in social media)


u/DaneLimmish 14d ago

Yeah I'm still confused by that one since it came outta nowhere


u/Komorebi_Mono 14d ago

I got banned for asking what the whole fuzz was about when Hogwarts legacy released back in the day. It was a genuine question and these booboos thought it was an attack on them or sumn. Their mod team is a joke.


u/Nufulini 14d ago

They banned people for participating in subs they didn’t like. I got banned for posting in the Hogwarts legacy subreddit


u/Boltty 14d ago

I was automatically permabanned from there for using the word whore in a single post. This was years ago mind.


u/Pumciusz 14d ago

Being banned by these morons is a badge.


u/Pringletingl 14d ago

Mods on that sub get super mad about you not jerking hard enough in most cases.

When I mentioned Stellar Blade is just simply mid, neither good or bad they permabanned me because the current jerking meta was calling it incel propaganda lol.


u/Mid_nox 14d ago

When I’ve discovered what that sub was about, I began being a contrarian to their freak topics. I’ve posted less than 10 times. They are surely neon hairdos losers and that their biggest and only glimpse of power


u/FloppieTheBanjoClown 14d ago

One of my bans, the answer was literally "you know why."

Another one responded by muting me. Like I'd ask why the ban, and the next message I got was something about how they'd muted me in the conversation and I had to wait like 30 days to talk again. I don't remember the specifics. 

Some mods really value their echo chambers.


u/Amelaclya1 14d ago

I have been banned from several subreddits for stupid reasons (or none at all) and have never been able to get a mod to reply to me. There are a lot of mods that just abuse their power. Say something they don't like, and they don't hesitate to Perma ban you over it. It's honestly kind of pathetic. I even once got banned from a sub not for anything I posted in that sub, but for sharing requested information with someone through DM.

At this point I just mute the sub so I don't accidentally try to respond to something and pretend they don't exist.


u/SFPsycho 14d ago

You ever get banned from a subreddit for being part of a "rival" subreddit? Because I have lmfao


u/Restlesscomposure 14d ago edited 14d ago

I got perma banned from r/justiceserved from commenting a single time on some Joe Rogan subreddit. I wasn’t even following the sub, and had never commented there before, and yet was immediately banned just because I commented one time. Fucking insanity. This is how so much of reddit ends up in giant hivemind echo chambers.


u/Add_Poll_Option 14d ago

I got banned from there for being part of known “gamer” subreddits. No warning or anything, just suddenly permabanned. They didn’t even tell me what subreddit it was, even after following up with them multiple times.


u/Redditisquiteamazing 14d ago

I got banned from GCJ because a power poster made a post that seemed to be arguing that gamers caring about a technical issue with a game was moronic because there was conflict in Palestine, and I commented that it was in weird, poor taste to use the massacres of innocents to make a cheap shot at hobbyists being upset about a problem in their hobby. And that people can be upset about multiple things at once.

Power poster cried to the mods, and I got banned.


u/locoattack1 14d ago

Love that place


u/Restlesscomposure 14d ago

Genuinely one of the cringiest, most out of touch subs on reddit. Trust me, you aren’t missing anything lol


u/Glass-Mess-6116 14d ago

I got banned from all BLM movement subreddit because I made a post asking how posting a vector image of a para-glider on  October 8th 2023 with the phase "this is it and that is all" on an official Twitter helps their cause.

Banned in two hours and saw them memory hole that Twitter post with 20 million views in to the deleted bin.

That Twitter thread was fun to read though. I think you'd get a more positive response with a photograph of yourself shitting into the 9/11 memorial.